Event class: patent, company, first, design, new, system, built, used, developed

18001820184018601880190019201940196019802000Distribution of this event class over time. Normalize to adjust counts by total yearly volume.05101520253035Count/Ratio

Events with high posterior probability

William Henry PreeceIn 1885, Preece and Arthur West Heaviside (Oliver Heaviside's brother) experimented with parallel telegraph lines and an unwired telephone receiver, discovering radio induction (later identified with the effects of crosstalk).
William Friese-GreeneOn 21 June 1889, Friese-Greene was issued patent no. 10131 for his' chronophotographic' camera.
Alexander Graham BellAfter March 1876, Bell focused on improving the electromagnetic telephone and never used Gray's liquid transmitter in public demonstrations or commercial use.
Tony GazeHe also helped establish the Goodwood motor racing circuit in 1948 by suggesting it as a potential replacement for Brooklands to the then Duke of Richmond.
Albert H. TaylorBy 1937, his team had developed a practical shipboard radar that became known as CXAM radar - a technology very similar to that of Britain's Chain Home radar system.
Freddie DixonIn 1948 he was contacted by the Douglas motorcycle company to help in the development of their T35 motorcycle which was one of the first real new British post war designs, he redesigned the top half of the engine and these modifications resulted in the new mark 3 Douglas machine.
Maxwell HunterIn 1984, Hunter proposed a vehicle he called the X-rocket, based on those earlier SSTO designs.
Mary Anderson (inventor)In November 1903 Anderson was granted her first patent for an automatic car window cleaning device controlled inside the car, called the windshield wiper.
John Roaf BarberIn 1888, he upgraded the original paper mill on the Credit River to use hydroelectric power, believed to be the first industrial application of this technology in Canada.
William Watson (motoring pioneer) In 1901 he set up a Chester-to-Farndon public hire service, after successfully applying for a Hackney Carriage licence for a motor vehicle, the first in Chester and one of the earliest in the country.
Eric Tigerstedt Tigerstedt was awarded a German patent (number 309,536) on July 28, 1914 for his sound-on-film process.
Eli Lilly (industrialist)He devoted hours to developing a straight-line production system for the company's new Building 22, which was completed in 1926 and improved the company's manufacturing processes.
Leo MorandiIn 1954, after selling an innovative patent to Ceramiche Marazzi (biscuit selection unit), he was able to initiate startup of his own equipment supply business.
Edward TurnerThe original 27 bhp parallel-twin was capable of exceeding 90 mph (145 km/h) Turner's'' sprung hub'' was supposed to go into production in 1941, adding 17 lb to the weight of a bike.
Pierre Lallement Lallement left France in July 1865 for the United States, settling in Ansonia, Connecticut, where he built and demonstrated an improved version of his bicycle.
Henry C. MustinHe and fellow naval aviator Kenneth Whiting worked together on seaplane designs and filed a patent application for the design of a'' hydroaeroplane'' on 27 October 1916.
Eli H. JanneyOn April 1, 1873, Janney filed for a patent titled'' Improvement in Car-Couplings'' describing the knuckle style couplers that are in use on railroads today.
Christopher WernerAnother patent was filed posthumously in 1877 by his wife as No. 194,278 on improvements of Werner's previous patent.
Freddie LakerLaker's long-running Skytrain application was finally granted in 1977 upon designating the airline as the second UK flag carrier between London and New York under the then just-concluded Bermuda II UK-US air agreement.
John Baptist SmithIn 1862 he invented and helped build a lantern system of naval signaling.
Colin SeeleyColin Seeley sold the frame privately, which Blanchard later bought, and using a Fath/URS engine was able to create a successful Grand Prix machine campaigned by German Karl Hoppe In 1968 Seeley developed road-race frames for the 250 cc QUB two-stroke twin-cylinder, followed by the 500 cc QUB two-stroke single-cylinder engines, both conceived by Dr. Gordon Blair at Queen's University Belfast.
Amos Dolbearhtm June 18, 1881 edition of Scientific American reported : :'' had -LSB- Dolbear -RSB- been observant of patent office formalities, it is possible that the speaking telephone, now so widely credited to Mr. Bell would be garnered among his own laurels.''
Erich E. KunhardtIn 1999, Kunhardt helped create the PlasmaSol Corporation, based upon the Atmospheric Pressure Capillary Discharge Plasma technology he developed at Stevens with Dr. Kurt Becker.
Andrew Jackson BeardIn 1892, he filed a patent for an improvement to the rotary steam engine.
William PageHe wrote A New Geometrical Method of Measuring the Human Figure (1860), and invented and patented various improvements in boats and guns.
Kenneth WhitingHe and fellow naval aviator Henry C. Mustin worked together on seaplane designs and filed a patent application for the design of a'' hydroaeroplane'' on 27 October 1916.
George Forbes (scientist)He experimented with using carbon for the brushes in electric motors, rather than wire or gauze and in 1885 took out a patent for the Improved Means for Establishing Electric Connection between Surfaces in Relative Motion Applicable to the Collectors of Dynamo Machines.
Rowland BrotherhoodAfter Kittoe's retirement in 1871 this firm mainly produced machines of Brotherhood's own invention, in particular the Brotherhood engine which could be powered by steam, water or compressed air.
Friedrich ZanderIn 1911, he published plans for a spacecraft built using combustible alloys of aluminum in its structure that would take off like a conventional aircraft and then burn its wings for fuel as it reached the upper atmosphere and no longer needed them.
George Devol In 1939, Devol applied for a patent for proximity controls for use in laundry press machines, based on a radio frequency field.
Edward Giles StoneIn 1909 Stone applied for a patent for' improvements relating to storage chambers' such as silos, using precast concrete plates with integral edge beams, these edges being formed with flanges and gussets to assist in their assembly.
Dick Moore (GC)When Georgi Malenkov, the Russian energy minister, was shown round the Calder Hall plant in 1956, it was Moore, by then chief design engineer, who assured the press that care had been taken not to tell him either the station's output or commercial value.
Thaddeus S. C. Lowe In 1873, Lowe developed and patented the Lowe's water gas process which is a modification of the water gas process by which large amounts of hydrogen enriched gas could be generated for residential and commercial use in heating and lighting.
John Logie BairdOn 16 August 1944, he gave the world's first demonstration of a fully electronic colour television display.
James HuntDespite having no licence to ride a motorcycle, he accepted, instead of his usual fee, the then-new 1980 electric start Triumph Bonneville he had contracted to advertise on behalf of the struggling Triumph motorcycle workers' co-operative.
Powel Crosley, Jr.The mass production techniques employed by Henry Ford also caught his attention and would be implemented by his brother, Lewis, when the two began manufacturing radios in 1921.
Octave ChanuteThese experiments convinced Chanute that the best way to achieve extra lift without a prohibitive increase in weight was to stack several wings one above the other, an idea proposed by the British engineer Francis Wenham in 1866 and realized in flight by Lilienthal in the 1890s.
Thomas EdisonAlthough Edison obtained a patent for the phonograph in 1878, he did little to develop it until Alexander Graham Bell, Chichester Bell, and Charles Tainter produced a phonograph-like device in the 1880s that used wax-coated cardboard cylinders.
Elwood HaynesHe began to formulate plans for a motorized vehicle in the early 1890s ; he successfully road tested his first car, the Pioneer, on July 4, 1894 -- eight years after the first automobile was patented in Germany.
Charles PlimptonIn 1934, he established Plimpton Engineering Company Limited in Liverpool to manufacture his product, and by the end of 1934,'' Bayko Light Construction Sets'' were in full production.
Olav Johan SoppThe product'' Viking Milk'' was patented and introduced by him in 1891.
Nerio AlessandriIn 1988 he patented the CPR system, a scientific algorithm for constant pulse/heart rate training that became the hallmark of Technogym products.
Alexander Graham BellIn 1898, Bell experimented with tetrahedral box kite s and wings constructed of multiple compound tetrahedral kite s covered in maroon silk.
Charles Algernon ParsonsHe developed a turbine engine there in 1884 and immediately utilized the new engine to drive an electrical generator, which he also designed.
Elisha GrayWhen Bell demonstrated his telephone at the Centennial Exhibition in June 1876, he used his improved electromagnetic transmitter, not Gray's water transmitter.
Russell ColleyAlso, after fellow engineer William Geer came up with the idea for the first aircraft de-icer in 1932, Colley was asked to make the device operational.
Karl BenzDuring the following year, 1924, Karl Benz built two additional 8/25 hp units of the automobile manufactured by this company, tailored for his personal use, which he never sold ; they are still preserved.
Bob Lutz (businessman)Other cars such as the Cadillac Sixteen Concept ; Saturn Sky and Pontiac Solstice ; Pontiac G8 ; Chevrolet Malibu ; Cadillac CTS ; Buick Enclave ; Cadillac Converj Concept ; Cadillac CTS Coupe Concept ; Chevrolet Camaro ; Chevy Beat, Groove and Trax Concept Studies ; and 2010 Buick Lacrosse, Chevrolet Equinox, and Cadillac SRX are said to be Lutz initiatives.
Lee Hunter (engineer)In 1962, Hunter's' Tune-Align' became the first mechanical alignment system capable of compensating for lateral wheel runout, a major factor affecting wheel alignment precision.
George William BeattyAfter World War I, in the early 1920s, Beatty started a business manufacturing engines for motorcycle s. By 1923, he constructed a racing motorcycle that won the Tour de France.
Lee de ForestAlso in 1940, De Forest and early TV engineer Ulises Armand Sanabria presented the concept of a primitive unmanned combat air vehicle using a television camera and a jam resistant radio control in a Popular Mechanics issue.
William Howard Livensand in mid-June 1919, Livens and his father jointly wrote a patent for an improved projectile -- the principal enhancement being the construction of strong but light-weight casing by using drawn manufacturing techniques.
Martha CostonOn April 5, 1859, she was granted U. S. Patent number 23,536 for a pyrotechnic night signal and code system.
Emil SavundraIn 1963, he had formed the Fire, Auto & Marine Insurance Company (FAM), which exploited the thriving motor insurance industry - at a time when car ownership in the UK was increasing and road networks were being further developed - by offering very attractive insurance rates and by a revolutionary but by modern standards rather crude computerisation by a collaboration with IBM.
Tommy FlowersHe and his group pioneered work on all-electronic telephone exchange s, completing a basic design by about 1950, which led on to the Highgate Wood Telephone Exchange.
Charles Campbell WorthingtonThe British company James Simpson & Co. learned of the Worthington company because of this order, and on 13 December 1885 signed an agreement with the Worthington Pumping Engine Company under which they gained exclusive manufacturing rights for Worthington pumps in Britain.
Daniel DrawbaughDaniel Drawbaugh was a purported inventor of the telephone for which he sought a patent in 1880.
Henry Rossiter WorthingtonTo overcome this deficiency he invented an independent feeding pump which was automatic in its action and was controlled by the water level within the steam boiler (patent, September 7, 1840).
Charles F. BrushAfter comparing it to the Gramme dynamo and other European entrants, the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia judged Brush's dynamo superior due to its simpler design and maintainability after completing tests in 1878.
August Horch The first Horch automobile was built in 1901.
Lee de Forest In 1919, De Forest filed the first patent on his sound-on-film process, which improved on the work of Finnish inventor Eric Tigerstedt and the German partnership Tri-Ergon, and called it the De Forest Phonofilm process.
William Kelly (inventor)Other laborious and expensive methods made small amounts of steel from special ore s. Kelly started experimenting with his'' air-boiling process,'' a process of blowing air up through molten iron to reduce the carbon content, in 1847.
Avery FisherIn 1957, the Fisher Radio Company produced their first FM/AM receiver that that would be considered high fidelity, the Fisher 500 (TA500).
Daniel LeavittOn February 25, 1836, Samuel Colt had been granted a U. S. patent (later renumbered X9430) for his patent for a' revolving gun.'
John Leng (politician)In 1851 the single machine in use could only produce 350 copies per hour ; fifty years afterwards Leng had four elaborate machines in operation, each capable of throwing off 20,000 copies per hour.
Hiram CoddIn 1872, he patented a bottle filled under gas pressure which pushed a marble against a rubber washer in the neck, creating a perfect seal.
Heinrich ZoellyHe developed steam turbine s and turbine-driven locomotive s and patented the geothermal heat pump in 1912.
Peter Cooper HewittIn 1901 he invented and patented a mercury vapor lamp ; a gas discharge lamp that used mercury vapor produced by passing current through liquid mercury.
Charles F. BrushIn 1876 he secured the backing of the Wetting Supply Company in Cleveland to design his'' dynamo'' (an electrical generator) for powering arc lights.
Tom WrigglesworthIn 2012 he co-hosted another three part series for BBC 2, ` Engineering Giants' which oversaw the dismantling and maintenance of massive machines, namely an oil platform, a passenger ferry and a Boing 747 Jumbo Jet.
Arthur PitneyPitney filed a patent application, in Stamford, Connecticut for the world's first postage meter on Dec. 9, 1901.
J. Robert OppenheimerHe concentrated the development efforts on the gun-type device, a simpler design that only had to work with uranium-235, in a single group, and this device became Little Boy in February 1945.
Winnett BoydIn 1956, Boyd began designing the Daniels-Boyd Nuclear Steam Generator (D-BNSG), a nuclear powerplant based on Farrington Daniels' pebble bed reactor design.
Henry Ford IIAs a team, the'' whiz kids'' are probably best remembered as the design team for the 1949 Ford, which they took from concept to production in nineteen months, and which re-established Ford as a formidable automotive company.
Albert Kahn (architect)Kahn designed Ford Motor Company's Highland Park plant, begun in 1909, where Ford consolidated production of the Ford Model T and perfected the assembly line.
Franz GebauerIn 1926 Gebauer's latest improved model was approved by the Hungarian military, and manufacturing began.
Gerald BullDuring construction, Bull used the wind tunnel as the basis for his September 15, 1949 Master's thesis, on the design and construction of advanced wind tunnels.
Jean-Pierre BrissetIn 1871 he published La natation ou l’art de nager appris seul en moins d’une heure (Learning the art of swimming alone in less than an hour) before resigning from the Army and moving to Marseilles, where he filed the patent for the'' airlift swimming trunks and belt with a double compensatory reservoir''.
Desmond Paul HenryDuring this period, Henry constructed a succession of three drawing machines from modified bombsight analogue computer s which were employed in World War II bombers to calculate the accurate release of bombs onto their target (O’Hanrahan 2005).
William P. BettendorfIt was during this time that he invented the first power lift sulky plow in 1878.
Tullio CampagnoloIn 1930, he patented the quick-release skewer that became the standard for the industry, a design still used today.
Karl KordeschIn 1967 he built a fuel cell / NiCad battery hybrid electric motorcycle.
John Henry Knight left | 230px | thumb | John Henry Knight Steam vehicle, circa 1868 Although best remembered for his car and his driving, he had, for many years, been an inventor and a designer of steam-powered machines, which he used for agricultural work and early road transport.
Alois Langer By 1976, Langer and the team had finished designing the device and started the rigorous and extensive testing process.
Alexander Graham BellIn addition, Gray abandoned his caveat, and because Gray did not contest Bell's priority, the Examiner approved Bell's patent on March 3, 1876.
?tienne LenoirLenoir was an engineer at petiene et Cie, who formed companies (Société des Moteurs Lenoir + more) in Paris in 1859, with a capitalization of two million'' franc'' s and a factory in the Rue de la Roquette, to develop the engine, and a three-wheeled carriage constructed using it.
Henry FordEncouraged by Edison, Ford designed and built a second vehicle, completing it in 1898.
Simcha BlassLater, he invented, patented and developed an operative wheat planting machine, which was tested in Europe (and even sold there) and in Palestine (1927), but proved uneconomical.
Tinius Olsen In 1880, he submitted a patent application for an improved testing machine and the patent was granted the same year, on June 1, 1880.
Edmund SkellingsHe was awarded a United States patent for his color system in 1981, and later received similar patents from the United Kingdom and Canada.
Hugo JunkersIn order to measure heating value, Junkers patented a calorimeter and founded a manufacturing company in 1892.
George du MaurierAnother of du Maurier's notable cartoons was of a videophone conversation in 1879, using a device he called'' Edison's telephonoscope''.
Alexander WeygersHe received a patent from the U. S. Patent Office for his discopter in 1944 and his design has served as the prototype for other similar disk and hovering aircraft that have been developed up to the present day.
Kevin CostnerIn 1995, Costner began developing oil separation machines based on a patent he purchased from the US government.
Thomas EdisonEdison began his career as an inventor in Newark, New Jersey, with the automatic repeater and his other improved telegraphic devices, but the invention that first gained him notice was the phonograph in 1877.
Edward Butler (inventor)Due to general lack of interest, Butler broke up his machine for scrap in 1896, and sold the patent rights to Harry J. Lawson who continued manufacture of the engine for use in motorboats.
Innocenzo ManzettiThe United Kingdom did not see its first telephone demonstrations until A. G. Bell demonstrated one of his early devices to Queen Victoria and others in 1877.
Isaac Singer In 1839, Singer obtained his first patent, for a machine to drill rock, selling it for $ 2,000 to the I&M Canal Building Company.
Abdus Suttar KhanEP1411148 (April 21, 2004) 9) Khan, Abdus S., Bossmann, Hans-Peter, Duda, Thomas, Schnell, Alexander, Stefansson, Karl-Johan, Toennes, Christoph T, ` Method of depositing an oxidation and fatigue resistant MCrAlY coating', US patent No. 20040079648 (April 29, 2004) 10) Khan, Abdus S., Duda, Thomas, ` Method of depositing a local coating', US patent No. 20040159552 (August 19, 2004) 11) Khan, Abdus S, Duda, Thomas, Hoebel, Mathias, Schnell, Alexander,' A method of depositing a local coating', US patent No. 20040163583 (August 24, 2004) 12) Khan, Abdus S, Boston, Ian W and Hearley, James.
Anton StraussAnton Strauss patented the technology on 18 May 1909 in the US, patent # 922,207.