Event class: committee, house, senate, president, congress, republican, vote, u. s., senator, speech
Events with high posterior probability
Lowell Barron | Barron made national and international news in June 2007 when fellow Senator Charles Bishop, a Republican Senator and former Democratic Senate Rules Chairman in the 1980s, hit Barron while on the Senate floor. |
Dennis M. Lynch | In February 2013, Lynch announced he would not seek theater distribution for They Come to America II : The Cost of Amnesty, and he was accelerating the release of the film because he felt it could help kill the non-partisan immigration reform bill crafted by eight U. S. Senators led by Sen. Charles Schumer (D) and Marco Rubio (R). |
Beth Nolan | White House Counsel Nolan testified (March 2000) before the committee and a skeptical chairman Dan Burton that it would take Northrop Grumman contract personal 6 months to restore the data. |
James Wechsler | Senator Joseph McCarthy questioned his conversion to anti-communism, and Wechsler testified before McCarthy's committee in 1953 on his past adherence to Communism, naming other party members. |
Michael Gerhardt | He has testified several times before the House Judiciary Committee, including as the only joint witness in the 1998 hearing on the history of U. S. impeachment during the consideration of the impeachment of President Bill Clinton. |
Jim Sensenbrenner | On June 17, 2005, Sensenbrenner, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, abruptly ended a meeting where Republicans and Democrats were supposed to be debating the renewal of the USA PATRIOT Act and walked out in response to Democratic members raising issues regarding human rights violations at the Guantanamo Bay detainment camp and the ongoing Iraq war. |
Leon Trotsky | Towards the end of 1939 Trotsky agreed to go to the United States to appear as a witness before the Dies Committee of the House of Representatives, a forerunner of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. |
Doloris Bridges | Late in the 1960 presidential campaign, she accused Senator John F. Kennedy of softness toward communism and of absenting himself from the Senate when anticommunist legislation reached the Senate floor. |
Enrico Fermi | Fermi was among the scientists who testified on Oppenheimer's behalf at the Oppenheimer security hearing in 1954 that resulted in denial of Oppenheimer's security clearance. |
John McCain | McCain took the lead in opposing the defense spending sequestrations brought on by the Budget Control Act of 2011 and gained attention for defending State Department aide Huma Abedin against charges brought by a few House Republicans that she had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. |
Fred Moosally | In December 1989 in testimony before the United States Senate Armed Services Committee, Moosally declined to fully support the Navy's conclusion that the explosion had been intentionally caused by Clayton Hartwig, one of the turret's crewmen. |
Sanford Bishop | On October 10, 2002, Sanford Bishop was one of only four of 36 Congressional Black Caucus members who voted for the joint resolution authorizing the Iraq War. |
Jorge Rangel | Rangel's nomination ran into trouble, because as a member of an American Bar Association screening board in the 1980s and early 1990s, Rangel had been critical of some Republicans, including of President Reagan's 1986 ultimately unsuccessful nomination to the federal bench of Jeff Sessions, who later became a senator and member of the very U. S. Senate Judiciary Committee reviewing Rangel's nomination. |
Hiram Monserrate | On January 21, 2010 ; State Senator Brian Foley (D-Long Island) introduced a resolution to the Senate calling for his expulsion for behavior'' not compatible with his oath of office.'' |
William E. Dannemeyer | In 1994, in a letter to congressional leaders, Dannemeyer listed 24 people with some connection to then - President Clinton who had died'' under other than natural circumstances'' and called for hearings on the matter. |
William C. Cramer | With the environment a national concern by 1970, Chiles announced his opposition to the Cross Florida Barge Canal, which had originally been supported by every member of the Florida congressional delegation. |
A. Mitchell Palmer | Officials at the Department of Labor, especially Louis Freeland Post, asserted the rule of law in opposition to Palmer's campaign, and Congressional attempts to impeach or censure Louis Post were short-lived, though Palmer was allowed to defend himself in two days of testimony before the House Rules Committee in June 1919. |
Alfred Lewis Levitt | In 1951 he was called before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) for his communist involvements, and was entered on the Hollywood blacklist. |
Gerald McRaney | In 2013, he appeared in the Netflix series House of Cards, playing a potential vice presidential candidate and the billionaire CEO of an energy corporation specializing in nuclear power. |
Al Franken | In August 2010, Franken made faces and hand gestures and rolled his eyes while Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered a speech in opposition to the confirmation of Elena Kagan to the U. S. Supreme Court. |
Eustace Mullins | Mullins was a researcher at the Library of Congress in 1950 and worked with Senator Joseph McCarthy investigating Communist Party funding sources. |
Harry Dexter White | In August 1948, White testified and defended his record to the House Un-American Activities Committee. |
Amy Klobuchar | In March 2007, Klobuchar went on an official trip to Iraq with Senate colleagues Sheldon Whitehouse, John E. Sununu, and Lisa Murkowski. |
Ray Ginger | When it seemed probable that both Ginger and his wife might be subpoenaed by the Massachusetts equivalent of the U. S. House Committee on Unamerican Activities, on June 16, 1954, Harvard University officials threatened him with immediate dismissal despite his three-year contract if he did not sign an oath declaring that he was not a member of the Communist Party. |
Eric Holder | In October 2011, 7,600 pages of documents were released that Issa claimed may have indicated Holder was sent memos in regard to Operation Fast and Furious earlier than he at first claimed, contradicting Holder's sworn testimony before the House Judiciary Committee in which he said he only recently became aware of Operation Fast and Furious in the first half of 2011. |
John A. Durkin | As a member of the senate Veteran's Affairs Committee, Durkin authored an amendment to the 1976 Veterans Affairs Authorization, which extended GI Bill benefits to the veterans of the recently concluded Vietnam War. |
Sue Myrick | On October 14, 2009, Myrick joined three fellow Representatives -- Trent Franks (R-AZ), John Shadegg (R-AZ), and Paul Broun (R-GA) -- in calling for the investigation of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) over allegations that CAIR was trying to plant'' spies,'' based on a CAIR memo indicating that it'' will develop national initiatives such as... placing Muslim interns in Congressional offices.'' |
Tom Daschle | A second Senate committee, the Finance Committee, also traditionally reviews HHS Secretary nominees ; the committee discussed his nomination behind closed doors on February 2, 2009. |
Joe Biden | thumb | right | Biden shook hands with President Obama immediately after a call to House Speaker John Boehner concluded the debt ceiling deal that led to the -LSB- -LSB- Budget Control Act of 2011. |
Robert Byrd | Michael Vick on federal dog fighting charges Congressional Gold Medal in 2007. |
Peter Boynton | During his tenure, Boynton testified before the U. S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs regarding ongoing planning to prepare for a possible Fall 2009 H1N1 outbreak in the State of Connecticut. |
Styles Bridges | Bridges was a staunch defender of Senator Joseph McCarthy, and was one of only 22 senators, all Republicans, who voted against the censure of McCarthy for his'' red scare'' communist witch hunts, and for his so-called'' lavender scare'' tactics aimed at homosexuals in 1954. |
Charlie Chaplin | Calls were made for him to be deported ; Representative John E. Rankin of Mississippi told Congress in June 1947 :'' His very life in Hollywood is detrimental to the moral fabric of America. |
Danny Bubp | On November 18, 2005, during a U. S. House debate about a resolution calling for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq prompted by strong public comments from U. S. Representative John Murtha (D - PA), Schmidt commented : A few minutes ago I received a call from Colonel Danny Bubp, Ohio Representative from the 88th district in the House of Representatives. |
Conrad Burns | In May 2003, Burns and his counterpart, Charles Taylor, the chairman of the House Interior Subcommittee, sent a letter to the Interior Department, arguing the Saginaw Chippewa's case. |
Norm Coleman | On February 10, 2006, in a meeting of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of which Coleman was a member, during testimony of former Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) director Michael D. Brown, Coleman attacked Brown for poor leadership during Hurricane Katrina disaster relief efforts,'' you did n't provide the leadership, even with structural infirmities.'' |
Tom DeLay | On September 30, 2004, the House Ethics Committee unanimously admonished DeLay because he'' offered to endorse Representative -LSB- Nick -RSB- Smith's son in exchange for Representative Smith's vote in favor of the Medicare bill.'' |
Beth Nolan | Nolan argued in March 2007 that the Bush administration's assertions of executive privilege were excessive in the matter of the Dismissal of U. S. attorneys controversy, both in a Washington Post op-ed piece and before Linda Sánchez and the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law during their Hearing on `` Ensuring Executive Branch Accountability''. |
Robert M. Anderson (mathematician) | In 1991, he spoke at the Stanford University Faculty Senate, countering the claims of committee chair Professor Alain Enthoven that granting the same benefits to domestic partners of gay faculty members as to the spouses of heterosexual faculty would cost the university millions of dollars and thus be untenable. |
Jeff Duncan (politician) | On November 19, 2012, Duncan led a group of 97 Republican U. S. Representatives in writing a letter to President Obama, expressing opposition to the possible nomination of U. S. Ambassador to the U. N. Susan Rice to U. S. Secretary of State. |
Waldo Salt | Salt's career in Hollywood was interrupted when he was blacklisted after refusing to testify before the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1951. |
Ali Soufan | On May 14, 2009 Soufan testified in front the Senate Judicial Committee for their hearing on torture. |
Joseph McCarthy | McCarthy subpoenaed Peress to appear before his subcommittee on January 30, 1954. |
Bill Nelson | In 2007, Nelson was the lone Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee to vote against an amendment to withhold funds for CIA use of harsh interrogation techniques on terrorism suspects. |
Arthur Powell Davies | He advocated the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 and, while generally against Communism, decried the methods and hearings of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). |
Gregory M. Herek | In 1993, he testified on behalf of the APA, the American Psychiatric Association, and four other national professional associations for the House Armed Services Committee's hearings on gays and the U. S. military. |
Scott Rigell | ; Eric Holder Contempt of Congress On June 28, 2012, Rigell was one of only two Republicans (along with Steven LaTourette of Ohio) who voted against a motion to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for his handling of the ATF gunwalking scandal. |
Phil Angelides | On May 23, 2006, Angelides wrote Barbara Boxer, a member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, urging her to support net neutrality. |
Joe Torsella | He had a second hearing before the U. S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on March 16, 2011 (with Sen. Robert Casey, Jr. acting as chairman) and was confirmed by the U. S. Senate on April 19, 2011. |
Sherrod Brown | In March 2011, Brown came under scrutiny for a senate floor speech in which he cited the names of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin while he criticized Republican efforts in Ohio and Wisconsin to mitigate the power of public employee unions to negotiate with taxpayers. |
James R. Clapper | On December 19, 2013 seven Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee called on attorney general Eric Holder to investigate Clapper, saying that'' witnesses can not be allowed to lie to Congress.'' |
Clarence Cannon | In 1962 he bitterly denounced the first'' $ 100-billion Congress'' in a much-publicized speech on the House floor, angering House Speaker John W. McCormack and other fellow Democrats. |
Charles Van Doren | But on November 2, 1959, he admitted to the House Subcommittee on Legislative Oversight, a United States Congress subcommittee, chaired by Arkansas Democrat Oren Harris, that he had been given questions and answers in advance of the show. |
John J. McCloy | On March 17, 1949, he and General Alvan Cullom Gillem, Jr. testified before the President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services. |
Harry Belafonte | In January 2006, in a speech to the annual meeting of the Arts Presenters Members Conference, Belafonte referred to'' the new Gestapo of Homeland Security'' saying,'' You can be arrested and have no right to counsel !'' |
Charles Harris Garrigues | In March 1953 Garrigues testified under subpoena in Los Angeles before Congressman Harold H. Velde of the House Committee on Un-American Activities about his interest in the labor movement and his membership in the Communist Party. |
O. John Rogge | In 1949, in contentious testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Rogge sharply attacked the nomination of Attorney General Clark to a seat on the Supreme Court. |
Ramsey Clark | In June, 2006, Clark wrote an article criticizing US foreign policy in general, containing a list of 17 US'' major aggressions'' introduced by'' Both branches of our One Party system, Democrat and Republican, favor the use of force to have their way.'' |
Hugh S. Gibson | In January 1924, Gibson was in Washington to testify on the merits of the Rogers Bill before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. |
Chip Berlet | In 1991, Berlet wrote a report entitled'' Right Woos Left,'' which was critical of a number of critics of U. S. intelligence policy including Prouty, Mark Lane, Dick Gregory, Craig B. Hulet, and Victor Marchetti for being willing to work with groups on the right such as the John Birch Society and Liberty Lobby. |
Mark B. Cohen | Cohen introduced House Resolution 313 on June 11, 1986, which established the Select Committee to Study the Feasibility of a Harrisburg Law School. |
Matthew Barzun | In his testimony to the Senate during his confirmation vetting, Barzun noted that he had served as a summer intern to Massachusetts Senator John Kerry in 1989. |
Bartley Crum | Crum was the attorney for some of the so-called'' Hollywood Ten'' who were subpoenaed to appear before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1949. |
Peter T. King | King formerly served as the Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, where he drew attention in early 2011 for holding hearings on the extent of radicalization of Muslim Americans. |
Vicky Pryce | In early July 2013 Vicky Pryce appeared as an expert witness before the House of Lords cross-party subcommittee on economic and financial affairs, saying she saw no quick end to the eurozone crisis since structural reform will take a long time. |
Dan Burton | In an October 25, 2000, letter to the Department of Health and Human Services, acting in his role as chairman of the House Committee on Government Reform, Burton asked the agency's director to get the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to recall all vaccines containing the preservative Thimerosal.'' |
Grover Cleveland | Hill used all of his influence to block Peckham's confirmation, and on February 16, 1894, the Senate rejected the nomination by a vote of 32 to 41. |
Mike Oliverio | Oliverio was also thanked in a 2006 speech by President George W. Bush for his assistance in securing the confirmation of Samuel Alito to the United States Supreme Court. |
William Dodd (ambassador) | Roosevelt told Dodd he was'' frankly delighted'' with the letter, President Roosevelt, reacting to complaints about Dodd's effectiveness as well as his health, notified the State Department in April 1937 that he was prepared to see Dodd's tenure end September 1. |
LaVena Johnson | A spokesman from the House Armed Services Committee said in June 2008 that the committee was looking into Johnson's death, but they were not yet committing to a formal investigation. |
Patrick Killen | According to the Albuquerque Journal, Killen served as one of Dendahl's appointees on the state GOP rules committee, where he joined other committee members in calling for the resignation of Dendahl's successor in 2004. |
Roland Burris | On May 28, 2009, Democratic Illinois Rep. Jack Franks and Republican Rep. Jim Durkin, the ranking Republican on the impeachment panel who had questioned Burris during his January 8 testimony, claimed that Burris committed perjury and called for him to be removed from office. |
Percy Daines | Daines was a witness in a 1948 libel action brought by Bessie Braddock over a story in the Bolton Evening News claiming she had'' danced a jig on the floor of the House'' in'' a sorry degradation of democratic government'' ; he said that Braddock appeared to cross the floor of the House reluctantly (Braddock lost the case). |
David Petraeus | Bush (center), SecDef Gates, and SecState Rice (right) at -LSB- -LSB- Al Asad Airbase Raymond Odierno | Odierno (left), President Bush (center), SecDef Gates, and SecState Rice (right) at -LSB- -LSB- Al Asad Airbase in September 2007 -RSB- -RSB- In his September Congressional testimony, Petraeus stated that'' As a bottom line up front, the military objectives of the surge are, in large measure, being met.'' |
Chuck Hagel | Hagel, who became, upon confirmation, the first former enlisted combat soldier to hold the office of Secretary of Defense, was interviewed by the Senate Armed Services Committee during a seven and a half hour hearing on January 31, 2013. |
Barbara Boxer | In 1991, during the Anita Hill Senate hearings, where Hill accused U. S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment, Boxer led a group of women House members to the Senate Judiciary Committee -- demanding that the all-white, all-male Committee of Senators take Hill's charges seriously. |
Monica Goodling | On March 26, 2007, Goodling cancelled her upcoming appearance at a Congressional hearing, citing her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. |
James E. McDonald | McDonald spoke before the United States Congress for a UFO hearing in 1968. |
George W. English | He was impeached by the U. S. House of Representatives in 1926 for abusive treatment of lawyers and litigants appearing before him. |
Lester C. Hunt | During his tenure in the Senate, Hunt became a bitter enemy of Wisconsin senator Joseph R. McCarthy, and his criticism of McCarthy's tactics marked him as a prime target in the 1954 election. |
Chuck Hobbs | shtml In October 2008, amid complaints of potential minority vote suppression, Hobbs drafted a letter on behalf of the NAACP to Florida Governor Charlie Crist requesting that early voting hours be extended during the historic presidential race between then Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain. |
Robert E. Murray | In June 2007, he told the United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works that'' the science of global warming is suspect.'' |
Ken Cuccinelli | In 2006, Cuccinelli sent out a fundraising letter that criticized the Virginia Senate's Republican majority for passing a gasoline tax increase. |
Edward Condon | Congressman J. Parnell Thomas, head of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), furnished information to the Washington Times-Herald that denigrated his loyalty in two articles published in March 1947. |
Michael Mukasey | On October 2, 2007 Mukasey's written response to a pre-hearing Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire was received by the committee, and published. |
Derrick Henry Lehmer | In 1950, Lehmer was one of 31 University of California faculty fired after refusing to sign a loyalty oath, a policy initiated by the Board of Regents of the State of California in 1950 during the Communist scare personified by Senator Joseph McCarthy. |
Tom Rice | Rice has pushed changes to port funding, offered victims help to replace Social Security cards, and other federal documents after massive fire destroys 26 condo buildings, made statements on President Obama's press conferences, made a statement on the passage of the Require a PLAN Act, statement on the Presidents State of The Union Address, among other things In early December 2012, Rice was appointed by the United States House of Representatives to the United States House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, United States House Committee on the Budget and United States House Committee on Small Business of the 113th Congress. |
Philippe Sands | In 2008, he testified before the United States House Judiciary Committee Hearing : From the Department of Justice to Guantanamo Bay : Administration Lawyers and Administration Interrogation Rules and United States Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing : Coercive Interrogation Techniques : Do They Work, Are They Reliable, and What Did the FBI Know About Them ? |
Clyde Summers | As the United States Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in Labor and Management began holding hearings in early 1957 on organized crime's influence in labor unions, Governor of New York Averell Harriman believed a similar commission should be created to address problems in his state. |
Terry Everett | In an October 2006 New York Times Op-ed piece, Congressional Quarterly journalist Jeff Stein revealed that despite Everett's being vice-chairperson of the House intelligence subcommittee on technical and tactical intelligence, Everett did not know the ideological and religious differences between Sunni and Shia Muslims. |
Ben Bernanke | House Financial Services Committee responding to a question from -LSB- -LSB- John E. Sweeney on February 10, 2009. -RSB- -RSB- |
Renato Corona | On September 25, 2013 privilege speech of Jinggoy Estrada, one of the Senators who voted to oust Corona as Chief Justice said that all Senators except Bong Bong Marcos, Joker Arroyo and Mirriam Defensor-Santiago received P50 million each to remove Corona from his position. |
Jason Russell | In 2006 after the Washington D. C. screening of the rough cut by Russell and Poole, the'' plight of the Acholi'' was brought to the attention of the U. S. Congress and was approved to be discussed before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus. |
Tareq Salahi | Following the event Salahi was requested by the U. S. House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee to appear at a hearing on December 3, 2009, but he refused to attend. |
J. Scott Jennings | At a Congressional hearing in March 2007, witnesses testified that on January 26, 2007, Jennings was present at a meeting where GSA Administrator Lurita Doan'' joined in a videoconference earlier this year with top GSA political appointees, who discussed ways to help Republican candidates.'' |
Charles W. Pickering | The Senate Congressional Record from October 30, 2003 confirms that Pickering worked with the FBI. |
Kabiru Ibrahim Gaya | In May 2008, as chairman of the Senate committee on works, Kabiru Gaya lamented that some projects were going very slowly, but said the Senate would never subscribe to the idea of privatising Nigerian roads. |
Francis Gary Powers | After being debriefed extensively by the CIA, Lockheed, and the Air Force, on March 6, 1962, Powers appeared before a Senate Armed Services Select Committee hearing chaired by Senator Richard Russell and including Senators Prescott Bush and Barry Goldwater Sr. |
James Ford Seale | On January 14, 1966, Seale was called to appear in Washington before a subcommittee of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, which was investigating Klan activities. |
David Schweikert | For the 113th United States Congress, Schweikert is now serving on the following committees : In December 2012, Schweikert learned from news reports that he was going to lose his seat on the Committee on Financial Services for the 113th United States Congress ; he joined Justin Amash of Michigan and Tim Huelskamp of Kansas in a letter to Speaker of the House John Boehner, demanding to know why they had lost their'' plum'' committee posts. |