Event class: theory, published, work, paper, first, research, known, new, physics, book
Events with high posterior probability
Simon Donaldson | Even more strikingly, he then completely solved the Kähler-Einstein case of the problem in 2012, in collaboration with Chen and Sun. |
Alfred Tarski | In his 1953 Undecidable theories, Tarski et al. showed that many mathematical systems, including lattice theory, abstract projective geometry, and closure algebra s, are all undecidable. |
Samar Mubarakmand | In September 1973, Mubarakmand then began the work on simultaneity, key calculations involving to investigate detonation of the weapon from several points at the same time, but the calculations were distributed among the Mathematics group under Asghar Qadir, and the Theoretical Physics Group (TPG) under Abdus Salam and Riazuddin as it felt that the calculations would be better off, as it involved complex mathematical and physics applications of Einstein's Special and General relativity. |
Gilbert N. Lewis | In 1908 he published the first of several papers on relativity, in which he derived the mass - energy relationship in a different way from Albert Einstein's derivation. |
James Cronin | Cronin received the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award in 1976 for major experimental contributions to particle physics including fundamental work on weak interactions culminating in the discovery of asymmetry under time reversal. |
Felix Klein | In 1879, he looked at the action of PSL (2,7), thought of as an image of the modular group, and obtained an explicit representation of a Riemann surface today called the Klein quartic. |
Hao Wang (academic) | In 1959, Wang wrote on an IBM704 computer a program that in only 9 minutes mechanically proved several hundred mathematical logic theorems in Whitehead and Russell's Principia Mathematica. |
Igor Kurchatov | Kurchatov and his apprentice Georgy Flyorov discovered the basic ideas of the uranium chain reaction and the nuclear reactor concept in the 1939. |
Gottlob Frege | Already in the 1879 Begriffsschrift important preliminary theorems, for example a generalized form of law of trichotomy, were derived within what Frege understood to be pure logic. |
Per Enflo | This theorem,'' found by Enflo -LSB- 1969 -RSB-, is probably the first result showing an unbounded distortion for embedding s into Euclidean space s. Enflo considered the problem of uniform embeddability among Banach space s, and the distortion was an auxiliary device in his proof.'' |
Thomas Henry Huxley | In 1845, under Wharton Jones' guidance, Huxley published his first scientific paper demonstrating the existence of a hitherto unrecognized layer in the inner sheath of hairs, a layer that has been known since as Huxley's layer. |
Karlheinz Stockhausen | The title of Licht owes something to Aurobindo's theory of'' Agni'' (the Hindu and Vedic fire deity), developed from two basic premises of nuclear physics ; Stockhausen's definition of a formula and, especially, his conception of the Licht superformula, also owes a great deal to Sri Aurobindo's category of the'' supramental'' (Peters 2003, 227). |
Andrei Linde | The first version of the theory of reheating, which is essentially the theory of creation of matter in the universe, was developed in 1982 by Dolgov and Linde, and also by Abbott, Farhi and Wise. |
A. David Buckingham | In 1960, he developed theories of solvent effects on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra and vibrational spectra of molecules. |
Uffe Ravnskov | His major research interest concerns the association between hydrocarbon exposure and glomerulonephritis ; this interest was sparked by a 1975 paper in The Lancet by Stephen W. Zimmerman, K. Groehler, and G. J. Beirne, who found that the large majority of their patients with glomerulonephritis on dialysis treatment had prior heavy exposure to industrial solvent s. |
Goro Nishida | His proof in 1973 of Michael Barratt's conjecture (that positive-degree elements in the stable homotopy ring of spheres are nilpotent) was a major breakthrough : following Frank Adams' solution of the Hopf invariant one problem, it marked the beginning of a new global understanding of algebraic topology. |
Karen Vogtmann | A 2001 paper of Vogtmann, joint with Billera and Holmes, used the ideas of geometric group theory and CAT (0) geometry to study the space of phylogenetic tree s, that is trees showing possible evolutionary relationships between different species. |
Ludwig Boltzmann | Boltzmann was also one of the founders of quantum mechanics due to his suggestion in 1877 that the energy levels of a physical system could be discrete. |
Rosalind Franklin | There is no doubt that Franklin's experimental data were used by Crick and Watson to build their model of DNA in 1953 (see above). |
Igor Tamm | In 1934, Tamm and Semen Altshuller suggested that neutron has a non-zero magnetic moment, the idea was met with scepticism at that time, as the neutron was supposed to be an elementary particle with zero charge, and thus could not have a magnetic moment. |
Carlo Rubbia | In 1984 Carlo Rubbia and Simon van der Meer were awarded the Nobel Prize'' for their decisive contributions to the large project, which led to the discovery of the field particles W and Z, communicators of weak interaction'' To achieve energies high enough to create these particles, Rubbia, together with David Cline and Peter McIntyre, proposed a radically new particle accelerator design. |
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran | In 2011 Ramachandran and Paul McGeoch, MD, carried out an experiment involving four subjects in which MEG scans showed that the right superior parietal lobe was unresponsive to tactile stimulation of limb areas that the subjects wished to have amputated. |
Gerty Cori | Gerty and Carl Cori collaborated on most of their work, including that which eventually led to winning the 1947 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine'' for their discovery of the course of the catalytic conversion of glycogen''. |
Achim Peters | Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 293 : R83-R98 # Jauch-Chara K, Hallschmid M, Gais S, Oltmanns KM, Peters A, Born J, Schultes B 2007 Awakening and counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia during early and late sleep. |
Emmy Noether | This paper also contains what now are called the isomorphism theorem s, which describe some fundamental natural isomorphism s, and some other basic results on Noetherian and Artinian module s. In 1923 -- 24, Noether applied her ideal theory to elimination theory -- in a formulation that she attributed to her student, Kurt Hentzelt -- showing that fundamental theorems about the factorization of polynomials could be carried over directly. |
Herbert Scarf | This result was reported in his 1967 classic article : `` The core of an N-person game,'' and became one of the most important theorems in cooperative game theory. |
Achim Peters | Metabolism 48:677 -680 # Fruehwald-Schultes B, Kern W, Deininger E, Wellhoener P, Kerner W, Born J, Fehm HL, Peters A 1999 Protective effect of insulin against hypoglycemia-associated counterregulatory failure. |
Rosalind Franklin | Perutz also claimed that the MRC information was already made available to the Cambridge team when Watson had attended Franklin's seminar in November 1951. |
Vinod Johri | In 1984, he discovered the first model of' power law inflation' under Brans-Dicke Theory (later on called as' extended inflation') along with his student C. Mathizhagan. |
Achim Peters | Metabolism 57:90 -94 # Oltmanns KM, Melchert UH, Scholand-Engler HG, Howitz MC, Schultes B, Schweiger U, Hohagen F, Born J, Peters A, Pellerin L 2008 Differential energetic response of brain vs. skeletal muscle upon glycemic variations in healthy humans. |
Robert Dorfman | To quote collaborator and Nobel laureate Robert M. Solow -'' After starting his career as a statistician - his paper' The Detection of Defective Members of Large Populations' (1943) is still a landmark - he turned to economics at the moment when linear models of production and allocation captured the profession's imagination.'' |
Ludwig Bieberbach | Bieberbach wrote a habilitation thesis in 1911 about groups of Euclidean motions -- identifying conditions under which the group must have a translational subgroup whose vectors span the Euclidean space -- that helped solve Hilbert's 18th problem. |
Dayton Miller | Following on with the basic apparatus as the earlier Michelson-Morley experiment, Miller and Morley published another null result in 1904. |
Lawrence Klein | At the University of Michigan, Klein developed enhanced macroeconomic model s, in particular the famous Klein -- Goldberger model with Arthur Goldberger, which was based on foundations laid by Jan Tinbergen of the Netherlands, later winner of the first economics prize in 1969. |
George Carr Frison | In 1976, Frison's research on chipped-stone tools gave rise to the expression'' the Frison Effect,'' which described how sharpening the edges of stone tools changes their shape and their use. |
Paul Milgrom | The result alluded to by Kwerel is known as the linkage principle and was developed by Milgrom and Weber (1982). |
Lewis C. Cantley | In 1997, the Cantley lab discovered that the enzymes that had been referred to as type II PIP-kinases, instead of using PtdIns (4) P as a substrate, in fact required PtdIns (5) P as a substrate to produce PtdIns (4,5) P2. |
Jonas Kubilius | Eugenijus Manstavičius and Fritz Schweiger wrote about Kubilius's work in 1992,'' the most impressive work has been done on the statistical theory of arithmetic functions which almost created a new research area called Probabilistic Number Theory. |
Henrietta Swan Leavitt | In 1908 she published her results in the Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, noting that a few of the variables showed a pattern : brighter ones appeared to have longer periods. |
Lyman James Briggs | In 1906 he devised a soil classification technique called the moisture equivalent based on centrifuging, which is now thought of as the first Pedotransfer function. |
Bryan Gaensler | In 2004, Gaensler used the Chandra X-ray Observatory to make the first detailed study of the behavior of high-energy particles around a fast moving pulsar. |
William Astbury | However in 1952 Linus Pauling used Astbury's insufficient data to propose a structure for DNA, which was also incorrect. |
Edward Fredkin | While Konrad Zuse's book, Calculating Space (1969), mentioned the importance of reversible computation, the Fredkin gate represented the essential breakthrough. |
Charles Wheatstone | On 4 February 1867, he published the principle of reaction in the dynamo-electric machine by a paper to the Royal Society ; but Mr. C. W. Siemens had communicated the identical discovery ten days earlier, and both papers were read on the same day. |
Karen Vogtmann | The main result of Culler -- Vogtmann 1986 paper, the term Outer space for the complex Xn was later coined by Peter Shalen. |
Theodore Nicolas Gobley | 1868, 148, 77), then shortly afterward in the human brain through the research of Oscar Liebreich in Berlin (who believing he had identified a different matter named it initially'' nevrin'') and in his wake complementary contributions by Dibkowsky, Baeyer and Wurtz. |
Igor Tamm | In 1932, Tamm published a paper with his proposal of the concept of surface states. |
Hans Spemann | He wrote in his autobiography :'' I found here a theory of heredity and development elaborated with uncommon perspicacity to its ultimate consequences... This stimulated experimental work of my own'' Results in embryology had been contradictory : in 1888 Wilhelm Roux, who had introduced the experimental manipulation of the embryo to discover the rules of development, performed a series of experiments in which he inserted a hot needle into one of two blastomeres to kill it. |
Sergey Mergelyan | In 1951 he formulated and proved the famous result from complex analysis called Mergelyan's theorem. |
Edward Teller | Fermi once said that Teller was the only monomania c he knew who had several mania s. Carey Sublette of Nuclear Weapon Archive argues that Ulam came up with the radiation implosion compression design of thermonuclear weapons, but that on the other hand Teller has gotten little credit for being the first to propose fusion boosting in 1945, which is essential for miniaturization and reliability and is used in all of today's nuclear weapons. |
Guido Banti | Banti continued with further observations and in 1913 decided that the leukaemias are systematic diseases arising from the haemopoietic structures, bone marrow and lymph glands, and that they are the result of the uncontrolled proliferation of staminal blood cells. |
Joseph Proudman | The Adams prize of the University of Cambridge was awarded to Proudman in 1923 for an essay on tides, which proved to be a remarkable seed-bed of ideas from which there developed a series of papers, many of them jointly with Doodson, of theoretical and practical importance. |
Georges Matheron | In this paper of November 25, 1954, Matheron derived the degree of associative dependence between lead and silver grades of core sample s. |
Zecharia Sitchin | According to Sitchin's interpretation of Mesopotamian iconography and symbology, outlined in his 1976 book The 12th Planet and its sequels, there is an undiscovered planet beyond Neptune that follows a long, elliptical orbit, reaching the inner solar system roughly every 3,600 years. |
Mark Ridley (zoologist) | Fitness is a term describing the measure of reproductive success, `` In evolutionary theory, fitness is a technical term, meaning the average number of offspring left by an individual relative to the number of offspring left by an average member of the population'' (Ridley, 2003). |
Vladimir Alexandrov | A pioneer in global climate model ling, he presented a mathematical solution to baroclinicity in 1982. |
Edward Witten | Another result for which Witten was awarded the Fields Medal was his (nonrigorous) proof in 1981 of the positive energy theorem in general relativity. |
Alexander Chizhevsky | In 1915 he spent his summer observing the sun and first hypothesized the effect of periodic changes in solar activity on the organic world. |
Simon Brendle | In 2012 he proved the Hsiang -- Lawson's conjecture and resolved a problem concerning the uniqueness of self-similar solutions to the Ricci flow which arose in the context of Grigori Perelman's work. |
Filippo Lussana | In a paper published in Milan in 1856 Lussana and Carlo Frua stated clearly (and accurately),'' It is our hypothesis that pellagra originates and prolifierates whenever the diet lacks protein (nitrogenous substance).'' |
Paul E. Meehl | His 1954 book Clinical vs. Statistical Prediction : A Theoretical Analysis and a Review of the Evidence, analyzed the claim that mechanical (formal, algorithmic) methods of data combination outperformed clinical (e. g., subjective, informal,'' in the head'') methods when such combinations are used to arrive at a prediction of behavior. |
Ashot Chilingarian | # Chilingarian, A. and Mkrtchyan, H., Role of the Lower Positive Charge Region (LPCR) in initiation of the Thunderstorm Ground Enhancements (TGEs), Physical Review D 86, 072003 (2012). |
Peter Duesberg | Duesberg along with other researchers, in a 1998 paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reported a mathematical correlation between chromosome number and the genetic instability of cancer cells, which they dubbed'' the ploidy factor,'' confirming earlier research by other groups that demonstrated an association between degree of aneuploidy and metastasis. |
Thomas Gold | In 1951, at a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, Gold proposed that the source of recent radio signals detected from space was outside the Milky Way galaxy, much to the derision of radio astronomer Martin Ryle and several mathematical cosmologists. |
Philip Henry Gosse | In 1857, two years before the publication of Charles Darwin's, Origin of Species, Gosse published Omphalos : an Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot and thereby created what has been called the Omphalos hypothesis. |
Jean-Pierre Changeux | In 1967, Changeux extended the MWC model to bi-dimensional lattice of receptors (an idea that would also be developed three decades afterward by Dennis Bray). |
Paul Milgrom | This led Milgrom to recall the work of Topkis (1968), particularly Topkis's theorem, which led to their development and application of complementarity ideas in many spheres. |
Alexander Animalu | A major breakthrough in his career came in April 1972 when he was appointed a research physicist, at the Lincoln Laboratory of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M. I. T.) working under H. J. Zeiger and J. B. Goodenough on research projects related to development of computer core memory and primarily on the development of the transition-metal model potential, thus extending his Ph. D. thesis area to now include all elements of the periodic table. |
Masud Ahmad | Prior to the discovery of Alfvén wave in hydromagnetics in 1969, Ahmad was engaged as a theoretical physicist, working in the fields of quantum, molecular, and nuclear physics. |
Sergei Novikov (mathematician) | From about 1971 he moved to work in the field of isospectral flow s, with connections to the theory of theta function s. Novikov's conjecture about the Riemann-Schottky problem (characterizing principally polarized abelian varieties that are the Jacobian of some algebraic curve) stated, essentially, that this was the case if and only if the corresponding theta function provided a solution to the Kadomtsev -- Petviashvili equation of soliton theory. |
Golding Bird | Arsenic poisoning In 1837 Bird took part in an investigation of the dangers posed by the arsenic content of cheap candles. |
Rudolf Clausius | His most famous paper,'' Über die bewegende Kraft der Wärme'' ('' On the Moving Force of Heat and the Laws of Heat which may be Deduced Therefrom'') was published in 1850, and dealt with the mechanical theory of heat. |
Samuel Warren Carey | Carey developed his expanding earth model independently of the prior work by Ott Christoph Hilgenberg, who proposed a similar model in his 1933 publication'' Vom wachsenden Erdball'' ('' The Expanding Earth''). |
Fran?ois Jacob | In 1961 Jacob and Monod explored the idea that the control of enzyme expression levels in cells is a result of regulation of transcription of DNA sequences. |
Alexander Friedmann | Friedmann's 1924 papers, including'''' ('' On the possibility of a world with constant negative curvature of space'') published by the German physics journal Zeitschrift für Physik (Vol. |
Roger Penrose | Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe | WMAP image of the (extremely tiny) anisotropies in the -LSB- -LSB- cosmic background radiation -RSB- -RSB- In 2010, Penrose reported possible evidence, based on concentric circles found in WMAP data of the CMB sky, of an earlier universe existing before the Big Bang of our own present universe. |
Dmitry Mirimanoff | Mirimanoff in a 1917 paper introduced the concept of well-founded set and the notion of rank of a set. |
Dmitri Mendeleev | Mendeleev devoted much study and made important contributions to the determination of the nature of such indefinite compounds as solution s. thumb | Mendeleev Medal In another department of physical chemistry, he investigated the expansion of liquids with heat, and devised a formula similar to Gay-Lussac's law of the uniformity of the expansion of gases, while in 1861 he anticipated Thomas Andrews' conception of the critical temperature of gases by defining the absolute boiling-point of a substance as the temperature at which cohesion and heat of vaporization become equal to zero and the liquid changes to vapor, irrespective of the pressure and volume. |
Charles Sanders Peirce | Peirce 1883 in'' A Theory of Probable Inference'' (Studies in Logic) equated hypothetical inference with the induction of characters of objects (as he had done in effect before The logical form does not also cover induction, since induction neither depends on surprise nor proposes a new idea for its conclusion. |
Dayton Miller | In 1900, he began work with Edward Morley on the detection of aether drift, at the time one of the'' hot'' areas of fundamental physics. |
E. C. George Sudarshan | He also developed a quantum representation of coherent light later known as Sudarshan-Glauber representation (for which controversially Glauber was awarded the 2005 Nobel prize in Physics ignoring Sudarshan's contributions). |
David B. Zilberman | In 1972, as he completed his research and wrote his Thesis, Zilberman discovered a new type of methodological-philosophical thinking'' unlike the known types'' which became his central preoccupation for the rest of his life. |
?rp?d Pusztai | In 1995 Árpád Pusztai began research on genetically modified potatoes containing the GNA lectin gene from the snowdrop plant. |
Rosalind Franklin | Crick and Watson then published their model in Nature on 25 April 1953 in an article describing the double-helical structure of DNA with only a footnote acknowledging'' having been stimulated by a general knowledge of'' Franklin and Wilkin's' unpublished' contribution. |
Reinhard Oehme | On August 7, 1956, Oehme wrote a letter to C. N. Yang in which it is shown that weak interactions must violate charge conjugation conservation in the event of a positive outcome of the polarization experiment in beta-decay. |
Thoralf Skolem | The completeness of first-order logic is an easy corollary of results Skolem proved in the early 1920s and discussed in Skolem (1928), but he failed to note this fact, perhaps because mathematicians and logicians did not become fully aware of completeness as a fundamental metamathematical problem until the 1928 first edition of Hilbert and Ackermann's Principles of Mathematical Logic clearly articulated it. |
James Dewar | With Professor G. D. Liveing, one of his colleagues at Cambridge, he began in 1878 a long series of spectroscopic observations, the later of which were devoted to the spectroscopic examination of various gaseous elements separated from atmospheric air by the aid of low temperatures ; and he was joined by Professor J. A. Fleming, of University College London, in the investigation of the electrical behaviour of substances cooled to very low temperatures. |
Leo Loeb | In 1907, Loeb published a study which showed that breast carcinoma in mice could be hereditary, as it is now known to be in some human cases. |
Herman Poto?nik | At the end of 1928, he published his sole book, Das Problem der Befahrung des Weltraums - der Raketen-Motor (The Problem of Space Travel - The Rocket Motor) in Berlin. |
Irving Gottesman | Then he worked with researcher James Shields at the Maudsley -- Bethlem hospital complex in London, using its twin registry to analyze traits of identical and fraternal twins at the lab of Eliot Slater, whom Gottesman met in Rome at the Second International Congress on Human Genetics in 1961. |
Achim Peters | Sleep 26:55 -59 # Schultes B, Oltmanns KM, Kern W, Born J, Fehm HL, Peters A 2002 Acute and prolonged effects of insulin-induced hypoglycemia on the pituitary-thyroid axis in humans. |
Leopold Kronecker | In an 1850 paper, On the Solution of the General Equation of the Fifth Degree, Kronecker solved the quintic equation by applying group theory (though his solution was not in terms of radicals, since this was already proven impossible by Abel -- Ruffini theorem). |
Fridtjof Nansen | In 1905 he had supplied the Swedish physicist Walfrid Ekman with the data which established the principle in oceanography known as the Ekman spiral. |
Paul Walden | During this time, Walden started his collaboration with Wilhelm Ostwald (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1909) that has greatly influenced his development as a scientist. |
Richard Feynman | In 1984 -- 86, he developed a variational method for the approximate calculation of path integrals which has led to a powerful method of converting divergent perturbation expansions into convergent strong-coupling expansions (variational perturbation theory) and, as a consequence, to the most accurate determination of critical exponent s measured in satellite experiments. |
Ludwig Bieberbach | In 1916 he formulated the Bieberbach conjecture, stating a necessary condition for a holomorphic function to map the open unit disc injectively into the complex plane in terms of the function's Taylor series. |
William E. Caswell | His graduate career coincided with the synthesis of gauge symmetry and renormalization group ideas, in which he himself made several pioneering contributions, the highpoint of which was his 1972 calculation of the beta function to two-loop accuracy. |
John Archibald Wheeler | The term black hole was coined in 1967 during a talk he gave at the NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS). |
Marshall Warren Nirenberg | He shared a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1968 with Har Gobind Khorana and Robert W. Holley for'' breaking the genetic code'' and describing how it operates in protein synthesis. |
John Alexander Reina Newlands | Continuing Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner's work with triads and Jean-Baptiste Dumas' families of similar elements, he published in 1865 his' Law of octaves', which stated that'' any given element will exhibit analogues behaviour to the eighth element following it in the table.'' |