Event class: awarded, award, received, prize, medal, society, research, contributions, awards, work
Events with high posterior probability
Steven Levitt | In 2003 he won the John Bates Clark Medal, awarded every two years by the American Economic Association to the most promising U. S. economist under the age of 40. |
George M. Whitesides | In 2011 he received the King Faisal International Prize in Chemistry. |
Eric Ash | He won the Royal Society Royal Medal in 1986, in'' recognition of his outstanding researches on acoustic microscopy leading to wholly new techniques and substantial improvements in resolution of acoustic microscopes''. |
Leonard Hayflick | In 1999, he was presented with the van Weezel Award by the European Society for Animal Cell Technology and the Lord Cohen of Birkenhead Medal by the British Society for Research on Aging. |
Heinrich Otto Wieland | Since 1964, the Heinrich Wieland Prize has been awarded annually to promote research on chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and clinical medicine of lipids and related substances. |
Hsue-Chu Tsien | Hsue-Chu Tsien had three sons, the oldest Richard W. Tsien is a famous neurobiologist at Stanford who's also member of both the United States National Academy of Sciences and Institute of Medicine ; the youngest - Roger Y. Tsien is a cell biologist who is the 2008 Nobel Chemistry Prize Laureate. |
Benjamin Chew Tilghman | In 1871, at the 40th Exhibition of the American Institute of the City of New York, he was awarded the institute's Great Medal of Honor for his invention ; shortly after, he was also awarded the Elliott Cresson Medal by the Franklin Institute. |
William E. Simon | In 1976, Simon received the U. S. Senator John Heinz Award for Greatest Public Service by an Elected or Appointed Official, an award given out annually by Jefferson Awards. |
John Tate | In 1956 Tate was awarded the American Mathematical Society's Cole Prize for outstanding contributions to number theory. |
John Lions | In 2011, The School of Computer Science and Engineering at UNSW initiated the computing. |
Clement Bowman | The work with the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and his contributions to the Alberta Oil Sands during his career, resulted in his receipt of the Global Energy International Prize in 2008, awarded by Russian President Dmitri Medvedev. |
James Meade | Despite his words, Meade shared the Nobel Prize in Economics along with Bertil Ohlin in 1977. |
Ronald Breslow | Breslow has received many honors and awards, including the National Medal of Science in 1991, the Welch Award, the Arthur C. Cope Award, the NAS Award in Chemical Sciences, the American Chemical Society Award in Pure Chemistry and the Priestley Medal. |
Walter Isaacson | Isaacson is a fellow of the the Royal Society of Arts and was awarded its 2013 Benjamin Franklin Medal. |
Solomon W. Golomb | In 2000 he was awarded the IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal for his exceptional contributions to information sciences and systems. |
Ascher H. Shapiro | He was awarded the Benjamin Garver Lamme Award by the American Society of Engineering Education in 1977. |
Robert Weinberg | org/honorees/2009-honorees / 2009 he was presented the Hope Funds Award in Basic Research. |
Roman Holowinsky | Holowinsky was awarded the SASTRA Ramanujan Prize in 2011 for his contributions to'' areas of mathematics influenced by the genius Srinivasa Ramanujan'', for proving, with Kannan Soundararajan, an important case of the quantum unique ergodicity (QUE) conjecture. |
James Rothman | Rothman was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, for his work on vesicle trafficking (shared with Randy Schekman and Thomas C. Südhof). |
Albert Hull | He was awarded the 1924 Howard N. Potts Medal of the Franklin Institute. |
Arthur Smith Woodward | In 1942 Woodward was awarded the Mary Clark Thompson Medal from the National Academy of Sciences. |
Prince Hitachi | In March 1999, he became an honorary member of the German Association for Cancer Research, in recognition of his significant scientific contributions to the field of cancer research. |
Joseph L. Doob | The American Mathematical Society's Joseph L. Doob Prize, endowed in 2005 and awarded every three years for an outstanding mathematical book, is named in Doob's honor. |
Veronica Strong-Boag | In July 2012 the Royal Society of Canada announced that Strong-Boag would be awarded the J. B. Tyrrell Historical Medal'' for outstanding work in the history of Canada''. |
J. Presper Eckert | In 1968,'' For pioneering and continuing contributions in creating, developing, and improving the high-speed electronic digital computer'', he was awarded the National Medal of Science. |
Robert C. Michelson | In 1998 Michelson received the AUVSI Pioneer Award which is the highest level of recognition within the unmanned systems industry for technical contributions. |
A. Aubrey Bodine | In 1946 he was named a Fellow of the Photographic Society of America `` for outstanding press and marine photography, inspirational teaching and creative pictorial work.'' |
Amnon Yariv | In 1992 he was awarded the Harvey Prize by the Technion in Haifa, Israel, for'' Pioneering contributions to opto-electronics, wave propagation in crystals and nonlinear and phase conjugate optics, and his demonstration of semiconductor-based integrated optics technology leading to the development of high-speed and stable solid state lasers.'' |
John Hopcroft | In 1986 he received the Turing Award, the most prestigious award in the field and often recognized as the'' Nobel Prize of computing'' (jointly with Robert Tarjan)'' for fundamental achievements in the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures.'' |
Allen Newell | He was awarded the ACM's A. M. Turing Award along with Herbert A. Simon in 1975 for their basic contributions to artificial intelligence and the psychology of human cognition. |
W?adys?aw Reymont | thumb | 120px | Reymont, by Leon Wyczółkowski | Wyczółkowski In November 1924 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature over rivals Thomas Mann, Maxim Gorky and Thomas Hardy. |
Paul Graham (photographer) | In 2009, he won the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize and was also awarded an Honorary Fellowship by The Royal Photographic Society - these are awarded to distinguished persons having, from their position or attainments, an intimate connection with the science or fine art of photography or the application thereof. |
Ida Barney | While a Research Associate at the Yale University Observatory, in 1952, Barney was awarded the triennial Annie J. Cannon Award in Astronomy, a prestigious award for women astronomers given by the American Astronomical Society. |
Gordon H. Sato | In 2002 Sato was the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Society for In Vitro Biology in 2002 for his contributions in both cell biology and global issues. |
Abdulalim A. Shabazz | The American Association for the Advancement of Science presented him with its 1992'' Mentor Award'' for his leadership in efforts to increase the participation of women, minorities, and individuals with physical disabilities in science and engineering. |
Maxine Singer | In 2007 Singer was awarded the Public Welfare Medal from the National Academy of Sciences. |
Jackson Bailey | He was awarded the 1996 Franklin Buchanan Award from the Association for Asian Studies in recognition of his'' commitment to the development of innovative teaching materials and contributions to the development of teachers at all levels''. |
Friedrich Heinrich Albert Wangerin | He received many medals, including the 1922 Cothenius medal from the German Academy of Scientists Leopoldina. |
Everette Lee DeGolyer | He received the Sidney Powers Memorial Award from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in 1950. |
David Cunliffe (politician) | On 30 June 2008 Cunliffe was conferred the title of Honorary Fellow of the NZCS (HFNZCS) by the New Zealand Computer Society, the professional body of the ICT profession in recognition of his significant contribution to the ICT sector. |
Alexander Prokhorov | For his pioneering work on lasers and masers, in 1964, he received the Nobel Prize in Physics shared with Nikolay Basov and Charles Hard Townes. |
Roald Sagdeev | In 1984, he was awarded the most prestigious Lenin Prize for his outstanding achievements in the foundations of the neoclassical theory of transport processes in toroidal plasma. |
Sydney Brenner | For this work, he shared the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with H. Robert Horvitz and John Sulston. |
Richard F. Heck | On 6 October 2010, the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences awarded Heck the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. |
William D. Coolidge | Coolidge was awarded the American Institute of Electrical Engineers Edison Medal in 1927 For his contributions to the incandescent electric lighting and the X-rays art. |
Abhijit Banerjee | He was also honored with the Infosys Prize 2009 in the Social Sciences category of Economics. |
David Theile | In 2001, Theile was awarded the highest honour from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, the Sir Hugh Devine Medal. |
Allan McLeod Cormack | For their independent efforts, Cormack and Hounsfield shared the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. |
Nels David Nelson | html Minichiello received the Ruggles Prize for Mathematics in 1963 for excellence in mathematics under the direction of Nelson. |
William J. Mitsch | Among his awards, Mitsch and his frequent colleague and co-author Sven Jørgensen of Denmark received the 2004 Stockholm Water Prize from King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden on August 19, 2004 in Stockholm, Sweden. |
George Andrew Olah | For this research, Olah was awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1994. |
Bernard Sellato | In 2004, Bernard Sellato was awarded the Borneo Research Council Medal for his `` extensive contributions to the study of Borneo societies and cultures'' over 30 years. |
Michael Schoenberg | He received the 1997 Conrad Schlumberger Award of the EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers)'' In recognition of his important contribution to seismic anisotropy, including the investigation of transversely isotropic media. |
Gail Eskes | Gail has received the Clinical Research Scholar Award from the Faculty of Medicine, which has aided her greatly in her work (Eskes, 2013). |
Janet Rowley | In 2003, she received the Benjamin Franklin Medal for Distinguished Achievement in the Sciences of the American Philosophical Society. |
Arthur Roderick Collar | Collar and D. H. Williams jointly won the R38 Memorial Prize of the Royal Aeronautical Society in 1932 when he was 24. |
James Arthur Prescott | The Australian Society of Soil Science established the J. A. Prescott Medal in 1971 to be awarded for outstanding contributions to soil science and climatology. |
Hugh John Casey | Casey won a John R. Freeman fellowship from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1933 to study hydraulics and civil engineering in Germany. |
Eugenie Scott | In 1999 she was awarded the Bruce Alberts Award by the American Society for Cell Biology. |
Reshef Tenne | In 2005, Tenne received the Materials Research Society (MRS) Medal for his work on inorganic fullerenes. |
Leona Baumgartner | She was awarded the Public Welfare Medal from the National Academy of Sciences in 1977. |
Robert Tigerstedt | Tigerstedt again nominated Pavlov for the Nobel prize in 1904 -- this time Pavlov's nomination was successful and he received the Nobel prize for Physiology or Medicine. |
Karl Maramorosch | In 1980 Maramorosch was awarded the Wolf Prize in Agriculture, often called the Agriculture Nobel Prize, for his work on interactions between insect vectors and plant pathogen s. Numerous further awards followed, including the Jurzykowski Foundation Award, the AIBS Award, and two Fulbright awards. |
Pranav Mistry | Pranav's research on SixthSense was awarded the 2009 Invention Award by Popular Science. |
?gnes Heller | Her contribution to the field of philosophy has been recognized by the many awards that she has received (such as the Hannah Arendt Prize for Political Philosophy, Bremen, 1995) and the Szechenyi National Prize in Hungary, 1995) and the various academic societies that she serves on, including the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. |
Fritz Zwicky | In 1972, Zwicky was awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, their most prestigious award, for'' distinguished contributions to astronomy and cosmology''. |
Daniel Dennett | In 2012, he was awarded the Erasmus Prize, an annual award for a person who has made an exceptional contribution to European culture, society or social science,'' for his ability to translate the cultural significance of science and technology to a broad audience.'' |
Paul Rosbaud | Maxwell said Rosbaud'' was an outstanding editor of the European type from whom I learned some of the trade in the early days'' In 1961 the American Institute of Physics presented Paul Rosbaud with the first John Torrence Tate Medal, an'' award for service to the profession of physics rather than research accomplishment''. |
Kenneth V. Thimann | He won the Balzan Prize in 1982 in recognition of his contributions to botany. |
Mike Sutton (criminologist) | In 1999 Sutton's virtual ethnography of a smart card hacking group was awarded (jointly with David Mann) the British Journal of Criminology annual prize for the article that most significantly contributed to academic knowledge. |
William H. Oldendorf | He received a Special Leadership Award from the American Academy of Neurology in 1980 for'' contributions to clinical neurology, including computerized tomographic scanning, studies on the blood -- brain barrier, and research on cerebral metabolism.'' |
Edmund Phelps | In 2006, Phelps was awarded the The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, referred to, colloquially, as the Nobel Prize in Economics for (in the words of the award committee)'''' his analysis of inter-temporal tradeoffs in macroeconomic policy''''. |
Pier Luigi Nervi | He was also awarded the Frank P. Brown Medal of The Franklin Institute in 1957. |
Harold Beverage | Beverage was awarded the IRE Medal of Honor in 1945,'' In recognition of his achievements in radio research and invention, of his practical applications of engineering developments that greatly extended and increased the efficiency of domestic and world-wide radio communications and of his devotion to the affairs of the Institute of Radio Engineers.'' |
Gene Amdahl | In 1983, Amdahl was awarded the Harry H. Goode Memorial Award by the IEEE Computer Society'' in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the design, applications and manufacture of large-scale high-performance computers.'' |
Mary Jo Nye | In 1999 she received the Dexter Award for outstanding achievement in the history of chemistry of the American Chemical Society. |
Kenneth Arrow | He was one of the recipients of the 2004 National Medal of Science, the nation's highest scientific honor, presented by President George W. Bush for his contributions to research on the problem of making decisions using imperfect information and his research on bearing risk. |
Carol W. Greider | She was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, along with Blackburn and Jack W. Szostak, for their discovery that telomeres are protected from progressive shortening by the enzyme telomerase. |
Dennis Ritchie | In 2005, the Industrial Research Institute awarded Ritchie with its Achievement Award in recognition of his contribution to science and technology, and to society generally, with his development of the Unix operating system. |
Oscar Zariski | Zariski was awarded the Steele Prize in 1981, and in the same year the Wolf Prize in Mathematics with Lars Ahlfors. |
Aaron McCormack | As a contestant in 1982, in a team with Omagh CBS schoolmates Maurice Loughrey and Noel McElholm, McCormack was the recipient of the Callan Medal for the best project in electrical and electronic engineering as judged by the Institute of Electrical Engineers. |
John Hattendorf | In 2003, the North American Society for Oceanic History (NASOH) presented him its K. Jack Bauer Award for service to maritime history. |
Ken Fleming (engineer) | The British Standards Institution awarded Fleming it's Distinguished Service award in 1992. |
Yoichiro Nambu | He was awarded one-half of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics'' for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics''. |
William Gordon Lennox | He was jointly awarded (with Frederic Gibbs) the Albert Lasker Award for Clinical Medical Research in 1951. |
Leonid Hurwicz | In October 2007, Hurwicz shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with Eric Maskin of the Institute for Advanced Study and Roger Myerson of the University of Chicago'' for having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory.'' |
Alexandra von Dyhrn | Her husband was dr. Fritz Haber, who got the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1918. |
Tony Mulhearn | In 1996 he passed with first class honours for his dissertation (on Leon Trotsky), and was given the prize for'' most meritorious mature student''. |
Cecilia Krieger | In honour of the contributions of Krieger and Evelyn Nelson, the Canadian Mathematical Society created the Krieger -- Nelson Prize in 1995. |
Elinor Ostrom | In 2009, Ostrom became the first woman to receive the prestigious Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, commonly known as the'' Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics''. |
John Lighton Synge | The John L. Synge Award was established by the Royal Society of Canada, in 1986, to honour John Lighton Synge, one of the first mathematicians working in Canada to be internationally recognised for his research in mathematics. |
Theodore Postol | php?a _ id 23 Hilliard Roderick Prize from the American Association for the Advancement of Science and in 2001, he received the cpsr. |
Hermann Gummel | In 1983, Gummel received the David Sarnoff Award'' for contributions and leadership in device analysis and development of computer-aided design tools for semiconductor devices and circuits''. |
Antony Hewish | Hewish and Martin Ryle were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1974. |
Steven Chu | He was also awarded the Humboldt Prize by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in 1995. |
Akiva Yaglom | Yaglom received the European Geosciences Union's 2008 Lewis Fry Richardson Medal, posthumously, for his'' eminent and pioneering contributions to the development of statistical theories of turbulence, atmospheric dynamics and diffusion, including spectral techniques, stochastic and cascade models.'' |
John Scott (architect) | In 1999 he was awarded another gold medal by the New Zealand Institute of Architects for his unique contribution to architecture. |
Sergey Glazyev | In 1995 he was awarded with the Gold Kondratieff Medal by the International N. D. Kondratieff Foundation and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAEN). |
Hans Kornberg | In 1973 he was awarded the Warburg Medal of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. |
Arthur Jensen | In 2003, he was awarded the Kistler Prize for original contributions to the understanding of the connection between the human genome and human society. |