Event class: de, president, la, josé, spanish, government, juan, san, spain, became
Events with high posterior probability
Jorge Rafael Videla | On 19 May 1976, Videla attended a luncheon with a group of Argentine intellectuals, including Ernesto Sábato, Jorge Luis Borges, Horacio Esteban Ratti (president of the Argentine Writers Society) and Father Leonardo Castellani. |
Adolfo Alsina | He moved to Montevideo, Uruguay when Juan Manuel de Rosas became Governor of Buenos Aires Province for the second time, in 1835. |
Mary Anderson (actress, born 1859) | In 1890 she married Antonio Fernando de Navarro, an American sportsman and barrister of Basque extraction, who was a Papal Privy Chamberlain of the Sword and Cape. |
Jay Milder | In Summer of 2009 he was in Brazil where at this time he painted a commissioned mural alongside Brazilian street artist, Eduardo Kobra in Sao Paulo. |
Manuel de Jes?s Troncoso de la Concha | He also served in 1911 during the reign of the Council of Secretaries Troncoso was the son of Jesus Maria Troncoso de la Concha y Baldomero. |
Mireya Moscoso | Shortly before leaving office, Moscoso sparked controversy by pardoning four men -- Luis Posada Carriles, Gaspar Jimenez, Pedro Remon and Guillermo Novo Sampol -- who had been convicted of plotting to assassinate Cuban president Fidel Castro during a 2000 visit to Panama. |
Juan Bautista Alberdi | Bases y puntos de partida para la organización política de la República Argentina () influenced the content of the -LSB- -LSB- Constitution of Argentina of 1853. -RSB- -RSB- |
Eva Per?n | Eva met Colonel Juan Perón on January 22, 1944, in Buenos Aires during a charity event at the Luna Park Stadium to benefit the victims of an earthquake in San Juan, Argentina. |
Miss Shangay Lily | In 2005 he directed his first feature film, Santa Miguel de Molina, a portrait of the rise and decadence of the Spanish homosexual community, the corruption of some gay lobby groups, and the stigmatization of queers by the conservative urban gay elite. |
Luis Orgaz Yoldi | Events got so far that in August 1943 he initimated to Pedro Sainz Rodríguez that he was ready to lead 100,000 men in open rebellion as long as the faction around Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona that Sainz led could ensure recognition from the Allies. |
Rafael Aguilar Talamantes | Originally a member of the Mexican Communist Party, he became a political prisoner in 1966 apprehended in the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo in Michoacán on October 8 of that year. |
Florencio Xatruch | In 1850, he participated in an armed engagement supporting José Santos Guardiola. |
Eduardo Restrepo Victoria | Loaiza sent him to Mexico in 1995 where he established contacts with the Mexican Drug Cartel ; the Juarez Cartel led by Amado Carrillo Fuentes aka'' El Senor de los Cielos''. |
Rafael Barrett | Barrett was born in Torrelavega in the year 1876, with the name of Rafael Ángel Jorge Julián Barrett y Álvarez de Toledo, in the bosom of a wealthy Spanish-English family, with his parents George Barret Clarke, natural from Coventry (England) and María del Carmen Álvarez de Toledo y Toraño, natural from Villafranca del Bierzo, province of León. |
Francisco Vicente Aguilera | Santiago de Cuba In 1851, at the age of 30, Aguilera began to conspire against Spanish colonial rule, and joined himself with a movement begun by proto-independence patriot Joaquin Agüero in Camagüey, Cuba. |
Pedro Aguirre Cerda | thumb | right | 150px |''' Monument commemorating Pedro Aguirre Cerda in Santiago''' Pedro Aguirre Cerda was elected and assumed as president on December 25, 1938 under the slogan'' Gobernar es educar'' (to govern is to educate.) |
Karol Antoniewicz | Upon the request of Count D'Este, Governor of Galicia, the Provincial (Father Pierling) appointed him missionary for the Sandec district, where crime and lawlessness (massacre of the nobility, 1846) reigned supreme. |
Juan Carlos I of Spain | Spanish dictator Francisco Franco named Juan Carlos as the next head of state in 1969. |
John (Don Juan) Forster | In 1864, Forster purchased Pio Pico's Rancho Santa Margarita y Las Flores y San Onofre, which included Andrés' prior interest. |
Juan Carlos I of Spain | In November 2007, at the Ibero-American Summit in Santiago de Chile, during a heated exchange, Juan Carlos interrupted Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez and asked him,'' ¿ Por qué no te callas ?'' |
Salvatore Mancuso | The paramilitary groups in Colombia later expanded, and in April 1997 created what was known as'' Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia'' (AUC), an umbrella organization under the leadership of the'' Autodefensas Campesinas de Córdoba y Urabá'' led by Mancuso and Castaño. |
Jos? Mar?a Morales | Eduardo Gutierrez, chronicler of the movement of Buenos Aires, 1880, said that'' few men are as patriotic and dignified as Colonel Morales. |
Federico Garc?a Lorca | Plaza de Santa Ana, Madrid García Lorca's return to Spain in 1930 coincided with the fall of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and the re-establishment of the Spanish Republic. |
Rodne Galicha | Rodne Galicha (born 2 June 1979, San Fernando, Sibuyan Island, Romblon, Philippines, eldest son of government employee Nenita Romero Rodino of San Fernando, Romblon, and postman Rodrigo Galindez Galicha of Alcantara, Romblon) is a Filipino environmentalist and human rights activist currently involved in climate justice, biodiversity conservation and natural resources conflict management. |
Juan Manuel Fangio | An automobile museum was established in Balcarce (Fangio's birthplace) in 1986, and named the Museo Juan Manuel Fangio (Juan Manuel Fangio Museum). |
Nacho Vidal | Besides porn, Vidal has also starred in a few Spanish mainstream movies and TV shows, including the Spanish TV series Los Simuladores and the Spanish movies Va a ser que nadie es perfecto, On October 16, 2012, Vidal and his sister María José Jordá González were arrested in Barcelona, suspected of involvement in money laundering and tax evasion on behalf of Chinese organized crime. |
Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza | Inzunza Inzunza's tenure in Mexicali was disputed in 2012 by group known as'' Los Garibay'', which was controlled by José Manuel Garibay Félix (alias'' El Manuelón'' and/or'' El Gordo''), a drug trafficker from the Sinaloa Cartel who joined forces with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) while serving prison time in Jalisco. |
Mercedes Sosa | right | thumb | Mercedes Sosa in 2005, with Argentina's then-First Lady (now president), Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. |
Felipe Pazos | He worked there for three years before returning to Cuba in 1950 to head the newly established National Bank of Cuba for two years at the behest of Cuban President Carlos Prío Socarrás. |
Francisco I. Madero | The death of Madero and Pino Suárez led to a national and international outcry which eventually paved the way for the fall of the Huerta Dictatorship, the triumph of the Mexican Revolution and the establishment of the 1917 Constitution of Mexico under maderista President Venustiano Carranza. |
Onell Soto | The son of Juan Aurelio Soto Vega and María de Los Angeles Almaguer Mayo, Bishop Soto spent his childhood in his hometown until 1938 when he moved with his family to a small town named San Agustín, where his father was head of the Army post. |
Guillermo Franco (Ecuadorian general) | On January 25, 1860, the Treaty of Mapasingue was signed by Franco and Castilla, with Franco accepting the Peruvian demands in exchange for money, men, weapons, ships and munitions for the coming fight against García Moreno's provisional government. |
Hector de Castro | Mrs. de Castro died in January 1908 and de Castro transferred to the General Consul position in Zurich in June the same year. |
Juan Antonio Yanes | The league was formally registered as an institution in early January 1946, and in the same month organized its first tournament with the participation of the teams Cervecería Caracas, Navegantes del Magallanes, Sabios de Vargas, and Yanes' Patriotas de Venezuela. |
Ram?n Mestre | As the Interior Ministry oversaw law enforcement at the time, Mestre bore much of the responsibility in the repression of demonstrators at the Plaza de Mayo during the December 2001 riots that resulted in several deaths, and precipitated the fall of the President Fernando de la Rúa. |
Juan Schiaretti | In 2003, Schiaretti was elected vice-governor of his province with José Manuel de la Sota as governor. |
?ngel Custodio Quintana | In 1891 he was appointed notary public and register of deeds, a position he held until the overthrow of President José Manuel Balmaceda in the 1891 Chilean Civil War. |
Primitivo Gonz?lez del Alba | In the Civil War, during intense fighting near Toledo on 27 October 1936, he crossed (with over 100 others) from the Republican to the Nationalist lines as the latter made advances towards Madrid, but was executed four days later, aged 41. |
Gabriela P?rez del Solar | In April 2006, she became a member of the Unidad Nacional, in a ceremony prepared by Xavier Barrón and Lourdes Flores. |
Evo Morales | At a gathering of farmers celebrating the 10th anniversary of the founding of MAS in March 2005, Morales declared,'' MAS is ready to rule Bolivia'', having'' consolidated its position as the -LSB- prime -RSB- political force in the country''. |
Fruto Chamorro | In 1843, Fruto Chamorro was appointed Supreme Director of the Confederation junta, and he took up residence in San Miguel, El Salvador. |
Julio Caro Baroja | Julio was the eldest son of the editor Rafael Caro Raggio who founded the publishing house Editorial Caro Raggio Madrid in 1917. |
Lu?s Alves de Lima e Silva, Duke of Caxias | In December 1864, the dictator of Paraguay, Francisco Solano López, took advantage of Brazil's military intervention in Uruguay to establish his country as a regional power. |
Dagmar (Puerto Rico entertainer) | During the month of October, 2007, Dagmar, alongside Lou Briel, Celinés, and José Juan Tañón, starred in the unplugged concert : San Juan Se Pinta de Rosa (San Juan's Painted in Pink), dedicated to breast cancer victims, staged at the historic Casa Ashford (Ashford Home), located in the Condado tourist district. |
Germ?n Busch | Busch again conspired in 1936, this time overthrowing Salamanca's successor and former vice-president, José Luis Tejada, and installing his higher-ranked friend and comrade David Toro as de facto President. |
Rafael del Pino (pilot) | In October 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, General Rafael del Pino was assigned to assist President Fidel Castro in all matters regarding the Air Force. |
Jo?o Garcia Miguel | In 2008 he was appointed Artistic Director of Teatro-Cine de Torres Vedras, a theater owned by the municipality of Torres Vedras 40 minutes away from Lisbon center. |
Rafael Caldera | He married Alicia Pietri de Caldera (granddaughter of Juan Pietri, and first-cousins with Arturo Uslar Pietri and Andres Boulton Pietri) in 1941 with whom he had six children : Mireya, Juan José, Rafael Tomás, Alicia Helena, Cecilia, and Andrés Antonio Caldera Pietri. |
Salvatore Mancuso | On September 24, 2002 Salvatore Mancuso and Juan Carlos Sierra Ramirez were formally charged by the Colombian and the American governments for narcotrafficking. |
Ricardo Flores Mag?n | In 1997, an organization of indigenous peoples of Mexico in the state of Oaxaca formed the Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca'' Ricardo Flores Magón'' (Consejo Indígena Popular de Oaxaca'' Ricardo Flores Magón'', or CIPO-RFM), based on the philosophy of Magón. |
Mireya Moscoso | In September 2007, she criticized the appointment of PRD politician Pedro Miguel González, who was wanted in the US for the murder of US Army sergeant Zak Hernández, as the head of the National Assembly. |
Juan del Granado | In 1984, he began the biggest challenge of his political and professional life, the prosecution in the ordinary courts of former dictator Gen. Luis García Meza Tejada. |
Ram?n Carrillo | Exiled, seriously ill (insufficiently treated hypertension), politically chased (the Argentine government which ousted Peron presented a formal protest to the Brazilian government which had provided some medical help to Carrillo, labeling him as a'' malingerer'' ; his books and pictures in Buenos Aires were sacked) and suffering grievous poverty with his wife and little children, Ramon Carrillo died in Belém do Pará, Brazil (December 20, 1956). |
Soledad Becerril | Doña María de la Soledad Becerril y Bustamante, Marquise of Salvatierra (Madrid, Spain, 16 August 1944) is a Spanish noble, politician and long serving member of the Spanish Congress of Deputies who belongs to the People's Party (PP). |
Beppe Costa | In 1986 manages together with : it : Adele Cambria to make apply for the first time the : it :'' Legge Bacchelli in favor of : it : Anna Maria Ortese. |
Viriato D?az P?rez | In 1907, he organized the literary circle `` La Colmena'' that gathered together an entire group of first class intellectuals, such as : Rafael Barret, Juan E. O'Leary, Manuel Domínguez, Arsenio López Decoud, Modesto Guggiari, Juan Silvano Godoy, Carlos R. Centurión, Fulgencio R. Moreno, Ricardo Brugada (son), Juan Casabianca, Ignacio A. Pane, Ramón V. Caballero and others. |
Lucero (entertainer) | Enrique Peña Nieto, governor of the State of Mexico in 2008, chooses Lucero to be the official spokesperson of the achievements that his government have met over the months. |
Walden Bello | Born in Manila, Philippines, he became a political activist following the declaration of Martial Law by then-President Ferdinand Marcos on September 21, 1972. |
Juan O'Gorman | In 1959, together with fellow artists, Raúl Anguiano, Jesús Guerrero Galván, and Carlos Orozco Romero, O'Gorman founded the militant Unión de Pintores y Grabadores de México (Mexican Painters and Engravers Union). |
Yaron Brook | In 2000, he left Santa Clara University to succeed Michael Berliner as president and executive director of the Ayn Rand Institute, which was then located in Marina del Rey, California. |
Zury R?os Montt | Zury Ríos studied at schools in Guatemala and Spain, where her father was assigned as military attaché following the 1974 presidential election, a process tainted by accusations of electoral fraud in which he had been a candidate. |
Jorge Sampaio | cfm?m raster #assemb Comissão Nacional de Eleições | -RCB- Sampaio is a member of the Club de Madrid, an organization of more than 80 former democratic statesmen. |
Manuel Marques de Sousa, Count of Porto Alegre | As one of the largest landowners in Rio Grande do Sul, and now a war hero, Porto Alegre believed that he could win a senatorial seat in 1852, but his candidacy was a failure. |
Jos? Alberto Costa | The name of Costa was connected to the'' Verão Quente'' ('' Hot summer'') of 1980, when a group of 15 players, including António Lima Pereira, Oliveira, Octávio Machado, Jaime Pacheco, António Sousa and Gomes, suspended their club activity sympathizing with manager José Maria Pedroto and director of football Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa, who had entered in'' collision course'' with chairman Américo de Sá. |
Ture Nerman | In 1937, Ture Nerman and his friend August Spångberg, traveled to Spain where General Francisco Franco's National faction had taken power and a civil war was ravaging the country. |
Gilberto Aceves Navarro | In 1952, he went with Luis Arenal to help paint the state government palace of Guerrero in Chilpancingo but when he returned three months later, he was not permitted to register. |
Salom?n de la Selva | By 1930 he had published articles supporting Augusto César Sandino published in San José, Costa Rica through different media such as the Diario de Costa Rica and Repertorio Americano of Joaquín García Monge. |
Juan Carlos I of Spain | Near death, on 30 October 1975, Franco gave full control to Juan Carlos. |
Alceu Amoroso Lima | Alceu Lima was one of the founders of the Christian Democrat Organization of America (ODCA) in 1947, alongside, among others, the future Chilean President Eduardo Frei Montalva. |
Pascual Orozco | In May 1909 Orozco and José Inés Salazar purchased weapons in the United States and took them to Mexico on behalf of the Flores Magón brothers. |
Alfonso Reyes | In 1909, he and other like-minded young intellectuals such as Martín Luis Guzmán and José Vasconcelos, founded the Ateneo de la Juventud to promote new cultural and aesthetic ideals and educational reform in Mexico. |
Tex Austin | In 1910 he was a captain under Francisco Villa in Madero's revolutionary forces against Diaz. |
Pablo Neruda | After the 1938 election of President Pedro Aguirre Cerda, whom Neruda supported, the poet was appointed special consul for Spanish emigration in Paris. |
Jos? Mar?a Morales | Upon resumption of the war between the Confederation and the State of Argentina, Buenos Aires, he fought bravely in the Battle of Cepeda (1859) leading a bayonet charge. |
Enrico Berlinguer | In 1977, at a meeting in Madrid between Berlinguer, Santiago Carrillo of the Spanish Communist Party and Georges Marchais of the French Communist Party, the fundamental lines of Eurocommunism were laid out. |
?scar R. Benavides | Benavides died in Lima on July 2, 1945, after the confirmation of the triumph of the FDN Presidential Candidate, José Luis Bustamante y Rivero. |
Earl Anthony Wayne | He championed interaction between US musicians and other well known cultural figures with Argentine youth, as well as increased embassy outreach activities to needy Argentine communities and with worthwhile Argentine Non-Governmental Organization s. His public outreach events included a'' voters day'' during the 2008 US Presidential Election at the US embassy with music and American food for the several thousand U. S. nationals living in Buenos Aires who were eligible to vote via absentee ballot. |
Octavio Lepage | In July 1950, he was arrested by the Seguridad Nacional (National Security) and imprisoned in San Juan de los Morros. |
Florencio Varela (writer) | After graduating from the University of Buenos Aires in 1827 Varela became involved in politics, his association with the Partido Unitario meant that he was exiled to Montevideo in Uruguay after the defeat of General Juan Lavalle. |
Evo Morales | Morales is an outspoken supporter of the iconic Argentine Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara, who was killed by CIA-assisted Bolivian soldiers in 1967. |
Rini Templeton | In the same year, she attended the First Congress of Writers and Artists and the Festival de Teatro Obrero-Campesino, and before leaving the country in 1964, had cut sugarcane, taught ceramics, and founded the Taller de Grabado de la Catedral de la Habana (Havana Cathedral Printmaking Workshop). |
Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano | The apparent death of Lazcano may benefit three parties : the Mexican Navy, who scored a significant blow to organized crime with the death of Lazcano ; Miguel Treviño Morales, who, until his capture on 15 July 2013, rose as the'' uncontested'' leader of Los Zetas ; and Joaquín'' El Chapo'' Guzmán, the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel and the main rival of Los Zetas. |
Luisa Moreno | After the triumph of the 1959 Cuban Revolution, Moreno spent time teaching on the island. |
Julio Mangada | In 1904 he began a close friendship with journalist and writer José Nakens, who constantly battled reactionaries and struggled tirelessly to achieve a Spanish republic. |
Ignacio Padilla | In 1996, Padilla joined with longtime friends and fellow writers Jorge Volpi, Eloy Urroz, Pedro Ángel Palou García, and Ricardo Chávez Castañeda, who collectively presented a proposal based on their literary criticism and personal opinions of Mexican and Latin American literature. |
Juan Carlos I of Spain | In April 2012, the Spanish paper El Mundo Deportivo broke the news of King Juan Carlos's expensive elephant hunting holiday to Botswana. |
Francisco Zayas Seijo | In October 2008, Zayas Seijo inaugurated Plaza Agüeybaná II'' El Bravo'' at the intersection of PR-123 and PR-2 in the Caracoles sector of barrio Playa, Ponce. |
Le?n Mar?a Guerrero | He was named professor of Pharmacy of the Universidad Literaria de Filipinas, which was founded by the Philippine Revolutionary Government on October 19, 1898. |
Ant?nio Carlos Gomes | When the Brazilian republic was proclaimed in 1889, Carlos Gomes, who at this time was in Campinas, sailed once more to Italy. |
Lorenzo Albaladejo Mart?nez | In December 2013, he participated in an event related to Spain's constitution day at the Municipal Sports Centre Moratalaz in Madrid. |
C?ndido Bareiro | In May 1865 he was granted with the National Order of Merit besides a decree which also included Jose Falcon, Gumersindo Benitez, Carlos Rivera, and Andres Gill. |
Alberto Taquini | Alberto Carlos Taquini (born January 21, 1935) is an Argentine biochemist and academic whose'' Taquini Plan'' resulted in the decentralization of Argentina's public university system. |
Hugh Judson Kilpatrick | In March 1881, in recognition of Kilpatrick's service to the Republicans in New Jersey as well as a consolation prize for his defeat for a House seat, President James Garfield appointed Kilpatrick again to the post of Minister to Chile, where he died shortly after his arrival in the Chilean capital Santiago. |
Rafael Trujillo | The brutal murder on Friday, November 25, 1960, of the three Mirabal sisters, Patria, María Teresa and Minerva, who opposed Trujillo's dictatorship, further increased discontent with his repressive rule. |
Ar?stides Bastidas | The Aristides Bastidas Municipality with Bastidas's home town of San Pablo as the capital was created by the Venezuelan government soon after his death in 1993 to commemorate him. |
Ra?l Iturriaga | The following year he was indicted by magistrate Alejandro Solís, along with his former chief Manuel Contreras and General Pedro Espinoza, for the assassination of Carlos Prats on September 30, 1974 in Buenos Aires. |
John Clum | In April 1877 the Interior Department ordered Clum to remove the bands at Ojo Caliente to San Carlos as well. |
Semyon Krivoshein | In 1936 he volunteered to fight in Spain on the side of the Republican s against nationalist General Francisco Franco, who was supported in Spain's civil war by both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. |
Ver?nica Ruiz de Velasco | In 1983, Ruiz de Velasco was accepted to take art courses at La Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes La Esmeralda in Mexico City, whose past students included Diego Rivera, Francisco Zúñiga, Frida Kahlo, Rufino Tamayo, and Gilberto Aceves Navarro. |
Mamerto Natividad | Biak Na Bato, the headquarters established by Gen. Mamerto Natividad for the Philippine Revolutionary Army was declared a national park in 1937 by President Manuel Luis Quezon by virtue of its association with the history and site of the Biak-na-Bato Republic. |