Event class: published, book, work, social, theory, history, political, philosophy, wrote, study
Events with high posterior probability
Stanley Brehaut Ryerson | In his philosophical work, The Open Society : Paradox and Challenge, published in 1965 outside of the CPC's press, Ryerson discussed his vision of an open and free society. |
Ray Raphael | In 2001, Raphael's People's History of the American Revolution synthesized the'' bottom-up'' history that grabbed the attention of scholars in the field since the 1960s. |
Francesco Alberoni | His academic career includes the following positions : Milan, 2012 Alberoni has carried out numerous studies on Sociology of Movements and Individuals, and especially on the nature of Love and relationships among individuals and groups. |
Betty Friedan | Published in 1963, it depicted the roles of women in industrial societies, especially the full-time homemaker role which Friedan deemed stifling. |
Walt Whitman Rostow | In 1960 Rostow published The Stages of Economic Growth : A Non-Communist Manifesto, which proposed the Rostovian take-off model of economic growth, one of the major historical models of economic growth, which argues that economic modernization occurs in five basic stages of varying length : traditional society, preconditions for take-off, take-off, drive to maturity, and high mass consumption. |
Ellen Willis | In 2006 she was working on a book on the importance of radical psychoanalytic thought to current social and political issues. |
John Comaroff | John has also written a book in which he co-authored with Simon Roberts in 1986 entitled, Rules and Processes : The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context. |
Richard Barrett (author) | In 1998, he published Liberating the Corporate Soul : Building a Visionary Organisation, in which he described the Seven Levels of Consciousness model and the values mapping instruments known as the Cultural Transformation Tools. |
Emile Waxweiler | On the other hand, Joseph Schumpeter, writing in the pages of the'' Economic Journal'', called Waxweiler's Sketch one `` of the few which really advance the science'' (Schumpeter 1907 : 109), as well as `` a book which ought not to be overlooked by anyone interested in sociology, or even in social science in general'' (Schumpeter 1907 : 111). |
Elaine Showalter | Duke-University based Toril Moi, in her 1985 book Sexual/Textual Politics, accused Showalter of having a limited, essentialist view of women. |
Max Planck | In November 1900, Planck revised this first approach, relying on Boltzmann's statistical interpretation of the second law of thermodynamics as a way of gaining a more fundamental understanding of the principles behind his radiation law. |
Genie (feral child) | Linguist Steven Pinker discussed Genie's case in his 1994 book The Language Instinct, in which he argues in support of Noam Chomsky's theory that first language acquisition is instinctive in humans ; he noted the similarities between her speech and the gesture systems deaf children create. |
Subhash Kak | Kak co-authored In Search of the Cradle of Civilization (1995) participating in the controversy in Indian politics surrounding Indigenous Aryans and the Out of India theory. |
Ziauddin Sardar | Reading Ziauddin Sardar on Islam, Science and Cultural Relations (2006). |
Hugh Seton-Watson | Seton-Watson's Nations and States : an Enquiry into the Origins of Nations and the Politics of Nationalism (1977) made a fundamental contribution to the study of nationalism, though later overshadowed by the success of Benedict Anderson's more theoretical Imagined Communities. |
Jeffrey Satinover | Satinover's book, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth (1996), published by the evangelical Christian publisher Baker Books, debates the nature of homosexuality from psychological, religious and scientific perspectives, discussing homosexuality primarily in the context of being a condition that can or should be treated, contrary to the views of the mainstream psychiatric and psychological community. |
Talcott Parsons | 1963 became a notable year in Parsons's theoretical development because it was the year when he published two important articles ; one on political power and one on the concept of influence. |
James Wilson (priest) | He gave two lectures in 1892 in which he accepted Darwinism and argued that it was compatible with a higher view of Christianity ; the lectures were published by the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, which had a few years earlier strongly opposed Darwinian ideas. |
Talcott Parsons | In 1956, he published a major work entitled Family, Socialization and Interaction Process which explored the way in which psychology (and psychoanalysis) bounce into the theories of motivation and socialization, as well into the question of kinship, which for Parsons established the fundamental axis for that subsystem he later would call'' the social community.'' |
Mario Perniola | The Cultural Form of a Universal Religion 2001), Perniola emphasizes the cultural identity of Catholicism rather than its moralitstic and dogmatic one. |
Michael Watts | Watts's work has been much debated in the social sciences, in terms of its attachment to Marxist and post-Marxist theory, and in terms of the role of the appropriate role for academic thinking in contemporary struggles against inequality and poverty alleviation (Perrault 2004). |
Peter Blau | Blau's 1977 book,'' Inequality and Homogeneity'' presents'' A macrosociological theory of social structure'' where the foundation of his theory'' is a quantitative conception of social structure in terms of the distributions of people among social positions that affect their social relations.'' |
George Fitzhugh | Sociology for the South, or, the Failure of Free Society (1854) was George Fitzhugh's most powerful attack on the philosophical foundations of free society. |
Yuri Knorozov | Knorozov further improved his decipherment technique in his 1963 monograph'' The Writing of the Maya Indians'' to have pointed to a place in the United States as the likely location of Chicomoztoc, the ancestral land from which -- according to ancient documents and accounts considered myth ical by a sizable number of scholars -- Indian peoples now living in Mexico are said to have come. |
Keshari Nandan Sahay | The cultural processes were further developed by him in his book -- Interactions of Cultural Traditions in India : An Anthropo-Historical Perspective (1994). |
Lyndon LaRouche | In 1975, under the name Lyn Marcus, LaRouche published Dialectical Economics : An Introduction to Marxist Political Economy, called his'' magnum opus'' by one observer and described by its only reviewer as'' the most peculiar and idiosyncratic'' introduction to economics he had ever seen. |
Gary Marcus | In his first book, The Algebraic Mind : Integrating Connectionism and Cognitive Science (MIT Press, 2001), Marcus challenged the idea that the mind might consist of largely undifferentiated neural networks. |
Jared Diamond | In 2010, Diamond co-edited (with James Robinson) Natural Experiments of History, a collection of seven case studies illustrating the multidisciplinary and comparative approach to the study of history that he advocates. |
William Hardy McNeill | In 1976 Mcneill wrote Plagues and Peoples, an important early contribution to the impact of disease on human history and led to the emergence of environmental history as a discipline. |
Aki Orr | In 1994, Israel : Politics, Myths and Identity Crises was published, a collection of Orr's essays that also dealt with issues arising from the clash between Israel's secular and Jewish identities. |
Nel Noddings | While her work on ethics continued, with the publication of Women and Evil (1989), and later works on moral education, most of her later publications have been on the philosophy of education and educational theory. |
N. Gregory Hamilton | Hamilton's approach to object relations theory as described in Self and Others : Object Relations Theory in Practice, first published in 1988, was integrative. |
Emily Martin (anthropologist) | In the 1991 article, The Egg and the Sperm : How Science Has Constructed a Romance Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles, Emily Martin approaches scientific literature from the perspective of an anthropologist. |
Phyllis Chesler | In 1972, she published Women and Madness, whose thesis is'' that double standards of mental health and illness exist and that women are often punitively labeled as a function of gender, race, class, or sexual preference''. |
Kenneth Lee Pike | Pike's approach to the study of language put him outside the circle of the'' generative'' movement begun by Noam Chomsky, a dominant linguist, since Pike believed that the structure of language should be studied in context, not just single sentences, as seen in the title of his magnum opus'' Language in relation to a unified theory of the structure of human behavior'' (1967). |
David G. Anderson | In 1990, Anderson completed his dissertation, Political Change in Chiefdom Societies : Cycling in the Late Prehistoric Southeastern United States, that focused on chiefly cycling, how and why these kinds of societies emerge, expand, and collapse. |
Andrew Dickson White | Initially less popular than John William Draper's History of the Conflict between Religion and Science (1874), White's book became an extremely influential text on the relationship between religion and science. |
Christopher Lasch | His first major book, The New Radicalism in America : The Intellectual as a Social Type, published in 1965 (with a promotional blurb from Hofstadter), expressed those ideas in the form of a bracing critique of twentieth-century liberalism's efforts to accrue power and restructure society, while failing to follow up on the promise of the New Deal. |
Judith Lorber | In `` Crossing Borders and Erasing Boundaries : Paradoxes of Identity Politics,'' published in Sociological Focus in 1999, she pulled apart racial and transgendered categories. |
Alfred Russel Wallace | In 1890, he wrote a critical review in Nature of his friend Edward Bagnall Poulton's The Colours of Animals which supported Darwin on sexual selection, attacking especially Poulton's claims on the'' æsthetic preferences of the insect world''. |
Gustav Stickley | In October 1901, Stickley published the first issue of The Craftsman magazine, an important vehicle for promoting Arts and Crafts philosophy as well as the products of his factory within the context of articles, reviews, and advertisements for a range of products of interest to the homemaker. |
William Robertson Smith | In 1889 he wrote his most important work, Religion of the Semites, an account of ancient Jewish religious life which pioneered the use of sociology in the analysis of religious phenomena. |
Talcott Parsons | In 1978, when James Grier Miller published his famous work Living Systems, Parsons was approached by Contemporary Sociology who asked him to write a review article on Miller's work. |
Francis A. Sullivan | An Inquiry, Sullivan was provoked into thinking through a defense of the idea of the magisterium -- the particular teaching authority in the Church -- which eventually became his book Magisterium : Teaching Authority in the Catholic Church, published in 1983. |
Juan Comas | Comas (1942) presents numerous studies which show how diverse the indigenous population of the American continent truly is, and should not be lumped together as earlier studies had done. |
Jared Diamond | Diamond's first popular book, The Third Chimpanzee : The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal (1991), examined human evolution and its relevance to the modern world, incorporating evidence from anthropology, evolutionary biology, genetics, ecology, and linguistics. |
Talcott Parsons | For Parsons, communism and fascism were two aspects of the same problem ; they both represented what Parsons in his discussion in his article'' A Tentative Outline of American Values'' (posthum, 1989) called collectivistic types of'' empirical finalism,'' which he believed was a secular'' mirror'' of religious types of'' salvationalism.'' |
Martin Buber | In 1946 he published his work Paths in Utopia, in which he detailed his communitarian socialist views and his theory of the'' dialogical community'' founded upon interpersonal'' dialogical relationships''. |
Henri J. M. Claessen | Claessen's thesis, Of Princes and Peoples, a comparative study of the political organization of five Early States (Tahiti, Tonga, Dahomey, Buganda and the Realm of the Incas) where the emphasis came to be the central political organisation, which has remained an important theme in much of Claessen's work, lay at the basis of The Early State (1978) which he edited with Peter Skalník. |
Karl Jaspers | In Philosophy (3 vols, 1932), Jaspers gave his view of the history of philosophy and introduced his major themes. |
David Lewis (philosopher) | Lewis's first monograph was Convention : A Philosophical Study (1969), which is based on his doctoral dissertation and uses concepts of game theory to analyze the nature of social conventions ; it won the American Philosophical Association's first Franklin Matchette Prize for the best book published in philosophy by a philosopher under 40 years old. |
John Ince (politician) | Ince worked on and off for almost twenty years researching his 2003 publication The Politics of Lust, (Prometheus Books) which argues that irrational sexual fear is pervasive in our culture, that it is largely unrecognized, and that it affects our political orientation. |
Heinrich Himmler | The Ahnenerbe, a research society founded by Himmler in 1935, conducted research all over the globe to look for proof of the superiority and ancient origins of the Germanic race. |
Roger Yates | In 2010, Yates published a paper on'' Language, Power and Speciesism'' which was critical of the failure, in his view, of the animal protection movement to adequately challenge'' the dominant language forms of human-nonhuman relations.'' |
Amartya Sen | His influential monograph Collective Choice and Social Welfare (1970), which addressed problems related to individual rights (including formulation of the liberal paradox), justice and equity, majority rule, and the availability of information about individual conditions, inspired researchers to turn their attention to issues of basic welfare. |
J. Scott Armstrong | pdf : However, according to Amstrup and others' published rebuttal in the journal Interfaces : : : Green and Armstrong (2007, p. 997) also concluded that the thousands of refereed scientific publications that comprise the basis of the IPCC reports and represent the state of scientific knowledge on past, present and future climates'' were not the outcome of scientific procedures.'' |
Heinz Guderian | In 1936 General Lutz asked Guderian to write a book on the developing panzer arm and the theories that had been developed on its use in war. |
Rebecca Goldstein | There she published her first novel, The Mind-Body Problem (1983), a serio-comic tale of the conflict between emotion and intelligence, combined with reflections on the nature of mathematical genius, the challenges faced by intellectual women, and Jewish tradition and identity. |
Ashis Nandy | His 1983 book, titled ` The Intimate Enemy : Loss and Recovery of Self Under Colonialism', talked about the psychological problems posed at a personal level by colonialism, for both colonizer and colonized. |
Daniel Goldhagen | These alleged shortfalls nothwithstanding, Goldhagen's book went on to win the American Political Science Association's 1994 Gabriel A. Almond Award in comparative politics and the Democracy Prize of the Journal for German and International Politics, for helping to sharpen public understanding about the past during a period of radical change in Germany. |
Jared Diamond | Diamond's most recent book, The World Until Yesterday, published in 2012, asks what the western world can learn from traditional societies. |
Ingo Heidbrink | Since 2000 his publications mainly focus on fisheries history and the Law of the Sea and especially his book on the fishing conflicts of the 20th century was discussed controversial, because he stated that the European distant-water fisheries of the late 19th and 20th century have been a kind of common economic colonialism in the North Atlantic area. |
Victor Davis Hanson | Hanson is perhaps best known for his 2001 book, Carnage and Culture, published in some nations (e. g. Australia) as Why the West Has Won, in which he argued that the military dominance of Western Civilization, beginning with the ancient Greeks, is the result of certain fundamental aspects of Western culture, such as consensual government and individualism. |
Godfrey Mwakikagile | Another Nigerian scholar, Rotimi T. Suberu, a lecturer of political science at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, used Godfrey Mwakikagile's book Ethnic Politics in Kenya and Nigeria, among different works by other scholars, in his analysis,'' Federalism and Ethnic Conflict in Nigeria,'' published in the African Studies Review 46, No. 2, September 2003, pp. 93 - 98. |
Emmanuel Todd | In A Convergence of Civilizations : The Transformation of Muslim Societies Around the World (2007), written with fellow demographist Youssef Courbage, Todd criticized Samuel P. Huntington's thesis of a clash of civilizations, pointing instead to indices of a convergence in styles of life and in values among civilisations. |
Noam Chomsky | He expanded on his argument to produce his first political book, American Power and the New Mandarins, which was published in 1969 and soon established him at the forefront of American dissent. |
Eliza Humphreys | She was critical of ideas being imported from America, a theme she explored in her 1907 essay ` The Increase of Vulgarity Amongst Women'. |
Franz Boas | The influence of these ideas on Boas is apparent in his 1887 essay,'' The Study of Geography,'' in which he distinguished between physical science, which seeks to discover the laws governing phenomena, and historical science, which seeks a thorough understanding of phenomena on their own terms. |
Robert Bates (political scientist) | Princeton University Press, 1997), he soon returned to Africa and turned his focus to the roots of order and conflict in the region (When Things Fell Apart : State Failure in Late-Century Africa. |
John Van Seters | Van Seters''' Abraham in History and Tradition'' (1975) was one of the seminal publications in its field, arguing that no convincing evidence existed to support the historical existence of Abraham and the other Biblical Patriarchs or the historical reliability of their origins in Mesopotamia and their exploits and travels as depicted in the book of book of Genesis. |
Jorge J. E. Gracia | Response to Linda M. Alcoff's criticism of Gracia's theory of ethnic names :'' A Political Argument in Favor of Ethnic Names : A Response to Alcoff,'' Philosophy and Social Criticism 31, 4 (2005), 409-417 17. |
Paul von Lilienfeld | Lilienfeld's fourth volume dealt with'' the establishment and elucidation of the Laws of Development of the Social Organism from the physiological point of view'' (Anonymous 1880 : 298). |
Herbert J. Gans | In his writings on poverty, Gans offered rigorous, often scathing criticism of the weaknesses of such concepts as'' the culture of poverty,'' and the'' underclass,'' most notably in The War Against the Poor (1995). |
Edward J. Nell | They argued that is not too farfetched to see Hollis and Nell (1975) Rational Economic Man as a foundation for reconstructing the scientific foundations of structural econometrics ; one might say Rational Econometric Man. |
Mariette Hartley | In her 1990 autobiography Breaking the Silence, written with Anne Commire, Hartley talked about her struggles with psychological problems, pointing directly at Watson's practical application of his theories as the source of the dysfunction in his family. |
C. Loring Brace | In a 2006 publication'' The questionable contribution of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age to European craniofacial form'', Brace argues that Natufian peoples, who are thought to be the source of the European Neolithic, had Sub-Saharan African admixture, but that'' the interbreeding of the incoming Neolithic people with the in situ foragers diluted the Sub-Saharan traces that may have come with the Neolithic spread so that no discoverable element of that remained.'' |
Ira Reiss | In 2005 Ira and Harriet Reiss founded the Reiss Theory Award for the best social science theory article, chapter or book of the year. |
Steven Hassan | In 1978 Hassan was one of the first people to develop and perform exit counseling, and is the author of three books on the subject of destructive cult s, and what he describes as their use of mind control, thought reform, and the psychology of influence in order to recruit and retain members. |
John William Draper | On Saturday 30 May the 1860 Oxford evolution debate featured Draper's lecture on his paper'' On the Intellectual Development of Europe, considered with reference to the views of Mr. Darwin and others, that the progression of organisms is determined by law.'' |
David Evans (administrator) | In 2003, Evans was senior editor of the book called Biblical Holism and Agriculture : Cultivating Our Roots, which was published by William Carey Library and addresses major issues concerning missions and agriculture, bringing relevance to the relationship of God, creation, and humanity in the context of ethics, agricultural science, economy, and globalization. |
Rupert Taylor | Taylor's position on consociationalism is widely acknowledged in the political science literature on the Northern Ireland conflict and the South African transition from apartheid to democracy, a position consolidated with the recent publication of the edited volume on Consociational Theory (Routledge, 2009). |
Mykhaylo Maksymovych | In 1833 in Moscow, he published The Book of Naum About God's Great World, which was a popularly written exposition of geology, the solar system, and the universe, in religious garb for the common folk. |
Julius Fast | He wrote a number of books on request for publishers on subjects of current interest, including writing What You Should Know About Human Sexual Response in months after the 1966 publication of Human Sexual Response by Masters and Johnson. |
Daisy Marchisotti | However the following three works are have been published are available in the public domain : # In 1978 the CPA published Marchisotti's book Land Rights : The Black Struggle which has since become a seminal text on the topic of Indigenous land rights issues. |
Alexander Rosenberg | In 2011 Rosenberg published a defense of what he called'' Scientism'' -- the claim that'' the persistent questions'' people ask about the nature of reality, the purpose of things, the foundations of value and morality, the way the mind works, the basis of personal identity, and the course of human history, could all be answered by the resources of science. |
Godfrey Mwakikagile | It is a position that led one renowned Afrocentric Ghanaian political analyst and columnist, Francis Kwarteng, to describe Godfrey Mwakikagile as a'' Eurocentric Africanist'' in his article,'' End of the Dilemma : The Tower of Babel,'' on GhanaWeb, 28 September 2013, in which he discussed the role and the question of race, religion, and ethnicity in Ghana's politics and, by extension, in a Pan-African context including the African diaspora ; which is a wrong characterisation of Mwakikagile since all his works are written from a purely African, not a Eurocentric, perspective. |
Ken Wilber | In his book Integral Spirituality (Shambhala 2006) Wilber identifies a few varieties of states : the most important, with regard to the consciousness of most higher animals, are the three diurnal cycling natural states : waking, dreaming, and sleeping. |
John G. Bennett | In 1946, Bennett and his wife founded the Institute for the Comparative Study of History, Philosophy and the Sciences : :'' To promote research and other scientific work in connection with the factors which influence development and retrogression in man and their operation in individuals and communities ; to investigate the origin and elaboration of scientific hypotheses and secular and religious philosophies and their bearing on general theories of Man and his place in the universe ; and to study comparative methodology in history, philosophy and natural science''. |
Charles Bray | 2 of Bray's The Philosophy of Necessity (1841) appears in this book under the title'' Social Systems and Communities'' as the second part (pp. 1 -- 252) of the book. |
Sebastiano Maffettone | Together with Ronald Dworkin, Maffettone published I fondamenti del liberalismo (2008) in which the two authors present their views of liberalism, agreeing in some areas and diverging on others, to begin with the relationship between ethics and politics. |
Edward J. Nell | Nell's best known research on economics and philosophy was a book published in 1975 by Cambridge University Press under the title Rational Economic Man (coauthored with philosopher Martin Hollis). |
Ronald Inglehart | Below are brief descriptions of some of his most influential works : In The Silent Revolution (1977) Inglehart discovered a major intergenerational shift in the values of the populations of advanced industrial societies. |
Ove von Spaeth | The final book in the series suggests that Moses skills derived from his legacy as a prince helped him unify the Israelite people by providing them with philosophy, political science, mathematics, and the development of a written system of language with its own alphabet enabling a formation of the biblical texts. |
Herbert J. Gans | However,'' The Positive Functions of Poverty'' (1972), his most widely reprinted article, catalogued the benefits the more affluent classes derived from the existence of poverty and the poor. |
Jane Cobden | After her marriage to the publisher Thomas Fisher Unwin in 1892, Jane Cobden extended her range of interests into the international field, in particular advancing the rights of the indigenous populations within colonial territories. |
Albert Jay Nock | which appeared in the Atlantic Monthly and was reprinted in pamphlet form in July 1962 by The Foundation for Economic Education, Nock expressed his complete disillusionment with the idea of reforming the current system. |
Gurusaday Dutt | In his words in The Bratachari Synthesis, first published in 1937, In its aim to re-establish life on its fundamental unity, while preserving the inherent values of the individual and regional diversities, the Bratachari movement relies on a system of simultaneous physical, moral and spiritual culture with the threefold objectives of i) shaping of life in accordance with a fully balanced ideal comprising the five Bratas or ultimate ideals which are of universal application, and adopting a course for their pursuit for the integration of the culture of the body and the soul, and of the thought, speech, and behaviour ; ii) the pursuit of rhythmic discipline for bringing about unification, harmony and joy as well as inner transformation ; and iii) bringing men and women of every country in touch with the regional culture of their own soil and with the arts and crafts, dances and songs, and customs and manners of their own region, thus providing a natural cultural medium for their healthy all-round growth. |
John R. Commons | Beginning in 1910, he edited A Documentary History of American Industrial Society, a large work which preserved many original source documents of the American labor movement. |
Phillip E. Johnson | According to Johnson, the wedge movement, if not the term, began in 1992 : Johnson describes the wedge movement as devoted to a'' program of questioning the materialistic basis of science'' and reclaiming the'' intellectual world'' from the'' atheists and agnostics'' that Johnson believes are synonymous with this'' scientific materialist culture.'' |
Caio Prado J?nior | In 1933, he published his first work - Evolução Política do Brasil (Political Evolution of Brazil) - an attempt to understand the country's political and social history. |