Event class: union, workers, strike, labor, became, national, president, federation, led, general

18001820184018601880190019201940196019802000Distribution of this event class over time. Normalize to adjust counts by total yearly volume.051015202530354045Count/Ratio

Events with high posterior probability

Eileen FurleyIn 1948 Furley had opposed a ban on the Communist Party, but in the 1960s she chaired an anti-communist committee dedicated to'' exposing'' the New South Wales Teachers' Federation.
Edward J. CarloughIn 1993, Edward J. Carlough resigned as president of the Sheet Metal Workers after union members strongly criticized his lavish lifestyle and excessive spending.
Hubert HarrisonHe was a prominent speaker along with IWW leaders Bill Haywood, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Carlo Tresca, and Patrick Quinlan at the historic 1913 Paterson Silk Strike of 1913.
Guy Otto FarmerIn October 1959, Eisenhower appointed Farmer to a three-man fact-finding panel investigating a strike by the International Longshoremen's Association which had shut down ports all along the East Coast of the United States.
Gideon RobertsonHe held this portfolio in 1919 during the Winnipeg General Strike.
Paddy TroyIn 1955 he helped establish the WA branch of the Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union, but was thwarted in his attempts to amalgamate the various state maritime unions.
Peter Fenwick (politician)While leader of the party in 1986, he was arrested along with union representatives who participated in a strike by the Newfoundland Association of Public Employees (NAPE).
Augusta ZadowShe was a major contributor to the establishment of the Working Women's Trades Union in 1890 and was a delegate to the United Trades and Labour Council of South Australia.
Patrick Harrington Harrington was expelled from the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) on 27 June 2003 and ascribes his involvement in Solidarity to this.
Thomas H. O'SheaBy early 1932 O'Shea was involved with the expat movement Clan na Gael, attempting to organize New York City subway employees and soon seeking the support of the Communist Party USA in the formation of the TWU.
Nick Vine HallVine Hall was the chairman of the Australian Federation of Family History Organisations Census Working Party, which persuaded the Australian government to trial the voluntary retention of the 2001 national census.
Joseph LeBoitIn 1932 he was among the leaders of New York students who traveled by bus to Kentucky in support of striking coal miners in Bell County.
Steve SinnottSinnott was an outspoken critic of both teaching salaries and the British Government's City academies, and in his role as General Secretary of the Union, he was to have led the first national teachers strike in the UK since 1987, over the issue of pay.
Emil Rieve By 1934, despite Rieve's organizing drive and conditions favorable to union organizing created by the depression, the UTW still had only 80,000 paying members (making it one of the smaller unions in the AFL).
James CagneyThis somewhat exaggerated view was enhanced by his public contractual wranglings with Warners at the time, his joining of the Screen Actors Guild in 1933, and his involvement in the revolt against the so-called'' Merriam tax''.
Carl HaesslerIn 1937, Haessler went to work for the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) handling the union's public relations from Flint, Michigan during its series of sitdown strike s there.
David DubinskyWhen it called a general strike on July 1, 1926 Dubinsky was given a nominal role in the strike, reflecting his power base in the cutters' union, but was largely sidelined.
Arthur PutteeBy the time of the Winnipeg General Strike of 1919, Puttee was a marginal figure sidelined by younger, more militant leaders such as J. S. Woodsworth and Abraham Albert Heaps.
S. M. KoyaHe also involved himself with other industrial disputes in Fiji in 1959 by defending union leaders involved in strikes.
William HolmanIn 1893 he became Secretary of the Railways and Tramways Employees' Union, representing the union on the Sydney Trades and Labor Council.
Launi SkinnerSkinner joined First West Credit Union in 2010, four months after the January 1, 2010, merger of Valley First Credit Union and Envision Credit Union.
Greg WiltonHe worked as an industrial officer for most of his working career, with the Australian Services Union, National Union of Workers and Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia, and only resigning from the latter upon his election to parliament in 1996.
George MeanyCharles Cogen, president of the American Federation of Teachers opposed Meany in 1967 when the AFL-CIO convention adopted a resolution'' we pledge the continued support of American labor in Vietnam''.
Gary ChaisonHis first book, When Unions Merge (1986), examined the motivations for merger, barriers to merger, negotiations leading to merger, the nature of merger agreements, various mechanisms by which agreements are approved or disapproved by union officers and union members, the governing structures of merged unions, and the outcomes of mergers.
Ernie ThorntonThornton resigned in 1950 to become Australasia's representative at the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) liaison bureau in Peking, but he was left without a job when the Australian Council of Trade Unions withdrew recognition of the WFTU.
Martin SilvaAfter the election he served as a union representative for the Hotel Employees, Restaurant Employees Union (HERE), Local 75 and then returned to CHIN Radio in late 2001.
Aladar ImreIn late 1923, after the September Cluj Congress resulted in a major split in the labour movement, Imre managed to retain the unity of the Union of the trade unions in the timber industry and its affiliation to the General Council of the Unitary Trade Unions (CGSU), also militating for unity în the workers' movement.
Elmer AllisonHe continued in this role in 1922 when the paper changed its name to The Worker to emphasize its connection to the new'' legal political party'' of the American communist movement, the Workers Party of America (WPA).
J. Louis EngdahlOut pending appeal on $ 25,000 bond, Engdahl was a delegate from Illinois to the seminal 1919 Emergency National Convention of the Socialist Party, refusing to either support Adolph Germer, James Oneal, and the party regulars or to bolt the convention to join either of the fledgling Communist organizations -- the Communist Labor Party of America or the Communist Party of America.
John L. MorrisonMorrison became a regularly elected honorary member of the Trades Assembly, and, in the spring of 1895, was asked to speak at an executive meeting about the boycott of the Imperial Mill's flour products.
Otto HuiswoudIn the summer of 1922, Huiswoud was chosen as the candidate of the Workers Party of America -- the new'' legal'' political arm of what was then the underground Communist Party -- as its candidate for the New York State Legislature in its 22nd Assembly District.
Russell SeniorDuring the Miner's strike of 1984 he acted as a Flying picket, taking part in industrial action including the Battle of Orgreave.
Bob HawkeHe went on to attain such success and prominence in his role as an ACTU advocate that, in 1969, he was encouraged to run for ACTU President, despite the fact that he had never held elected office in a trade union.
Paul M. HerzogIn several rulings in 1947, he even agreed to expand management speech rights during union organizing campaigns.
Douglas J. McCarronBy 1999, angry union members had formed Carpenters for a Democratic Union to challenge McCarron's actions and unseat him as president.
Maurice BlackburnBlackburn made his mark on Australian politics in 1921 when he led a successful move to have the socialisation of the means of production added to Labor's official platform (this became known as the'' socialist objective'').
Emil HermanHe remained with the SLP until 1899, when he exited to join instead the Social Democratic Party of America (SDP) headed by Eugene V. Debs and Victor L. Berger.
Franklin B. GowenIn an 1866 contract dispute -- when Gowen was the Reading's local counsel in Pottsville -- he won handily for the Reading, against its rival Pennsylvania Railroad, before the state Supreme Court,'' bolster -LSB- ing -RSB- his points with legal citations, classical quotations, humorous stories, and even a toy train.''
DeLesseps Story MorrisonFurther proof of Morrison's ability to be hard-nosed was provided in October 1946, when he broke a garbage collectors' strike by organizing volunteer scab labor to take over the duties of the striking workers.
Joseph Clarke (politician)During his first term as mayor, Clarke was confronted with a city-wide strike in support of the Winnipeg General Strike of 1919.
Ronnie Thompson (Georgia politician)In 1969, during Thompson's first term, municipal sanitation workers asked the city to organize through the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees union.
Peggy NashShe worked as a labour negotiator in the transportation, service and manufacturing sectors and was the first labour woman responsible for major auto negotiations in North America, when she negotiated the 2005 Ford Canada contract.
Barth?lemy BogandaSoon realizing the limits of his influence in France (he served in parliament until 1958 but gradually detached himself from its activities), he returned to Oubangui-Chari to organise a grassroots movement of teachers, truck drivers and small producers to oppose French colonialism, although his previous attempt to set up a marketing cooperative among African planters of his own ethnicity had failed.
George Edwin TaylorTaylor's Wisconsin Labor Advocate was the official voice of Wisconsin's labor party in 1887.
James Andrew SeddonHe became a member of the Industrial Peace Union of the British Empire formed after the General Strike of 1926.
Apisai ToraWith General Secretary James Anthony, Tora led a militant strike of Oil Workers in 1959 that drew on both Fijian and Indo-Fijians for support - but was opposed by the Fijian chiefs.
Shripad Amrit Dange In 1939 Dange was convicted to four months of rigorous imprisonment for organizing a strike of textile workers.
Mart Duggan In May, 1880, Duggan led several others in the employ of former mayor Tabor to help end a miners strike over wages, and within a month the strike had ended.
Frank Little (unionist)He was a union organizer with the Western Federation of Miners before becoming active with the Industrial Workers of the World in 1906.
Ernest Nathan MorialIn his first term, Morial faced a sanitation workers' strike and a police strike which led him to cancel the 1979 Mardi Gras parade season.
James LarkinAfter his expulsion from the NUDL, Larkin founded the Irish Transport and General Workers' Union (ITGWU) at the end of December, 1908.
Roger ToussaintRoger Toussaint (born 1956 in Trinidad and Tobago) was the President of Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100, the union of New York City Transit Authority employees in New York City and is now Vice President of Strategic Planning for the parent union, an international organization.
Frank FitzsimmonsIn October 1973, Fitzsimmons ended a long-running jurisdictional dispute with the United Brewery Workers, and the Brewery Workers merged with the Teamsters.
Wac?aw OlszakAfter the elections Olszak worked again as a general doctor for coal miners, he maintained this position after Poland annexed Zaolzie in October 1938.
Francis J. Haas As a mediator for the National Labor Board, he helped settle the Minneapolis Teamsters strike in 1934.
Pearl GibbsShe began to work with APA president Jack Patten and secretary William Ferguson, and in 1938 she was involved with organising the Day of Mourning protests, which at the time was the most significant Aboriginal civil rights demonstration in Australia.
Bill LittlejohnWhen Walt Disney refused to negotiate with the union and fired 16 pro-union artists, Littlejohn led the union in the 1941 Disney animators strike.
Job HarrimanHarriman broke with the SLP during the acrimonious split of 1899, which was largely linked to the SLP's insistence on establishing competing socialist dual unions with the existing trade unions affiliated with the American Federation of Labor.
John L. LewisLewis challenged Samuel Gompers, who had led the AFL for nearly forty years, for the Presidency of the AFL in 1921.
Buzz HargroveThe labour dispute was successfully resolved on May 25, 2006, although the workers involved remained critical of Hargrove and the National CAW's interventions.
Sidney HookIn 1933, with James Burnham, Hook was one of the organizers of the American Workers Party, led by the Dutch-born pacifist minister A. J. Muste.
Rose PesottaIn 1944 Pesotta resigned from the executive board of the union in protest of the fact that, despite 85 % of the union's membership were women, she was the sole female executive member.
Warren G. Harding Blair Mountain miner war On May 12, 1921, just two months into Harding's presidency, violence was initiated near Matewan, West Virginia, between private detectives, on behalf of the Stone Mountain Coal Company, and United Mine Workers union members who had been fired from their jobs and were being evicted from company-owned housing.
Morris SigmanHe organized the Independent Cloak and Skirt Pressers' Union (1904) and allied it with the Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance.
Terence V. PowderlyPowderly himself intervened in two labor actions : the first against the Texas and Pacific Railroad in 1866 and the second the Chicago Meatpackinghouse industry : also in 1866 when 25,000 workers in the Union Stockyards struck for an 8 hour day and to recind a wage reduction : in both cases, he ended strikes that labor could have won.
Abram JakiraEarly in 1923 the decision was made to terminate the parallel underground organization which Jakira headed, leaving the'' legal'' WPA headed by C. E. Ruthenberg as the sole communist organization in the field.
Thomas Kennedy (unionist)John L. Lewis | John Lewis (right, President of the United Mine Workers (UMW), confers with Thomas Kennedy (left), Secretary-Treasurer of the UMW, and Pery Tetlow (center), president of UMW District 17, at the War Labor Board conference of January 15, 1943, discussing the anthracite coal miners' strike.
David J. SapossHe was an accident prevention investigator for the New York Department of Labor, an investigator into the role immigrants played in American labor unions for the Carnegie Corporation, investigated the Steel strike of 1919 on behalf of the Inter-Church World Movement Commission, and was Educational Director for the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union.
Janet RiceShe organised preliminary meetings, and helped form the green politics network just as the October 1992 Victorian state election approached.
Augusto VandorHe became the steward of the Phillips factory UOM local and in 1954, led a strike for better pay at the facility.
R?mulo BetancourtBetancourt's government generally had full support of the labor unions as the administration openly encouraged workers to organize and in 1946, 500 labor unions were created.
Nelson Cruikshank Cruikshank began working for the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1944 as the director of social insurance after working as a lobbyist.
John L. LewisAfter 1935 Lewis invited the radical organizers to work for his CIO organizing drives, and they soon gained powerful positions in CIO unions, including auto workers and electrical workers.
Edwin D. HillIn 2011, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers President Edwin D. Hill was named the newest member of the AIL / NILICO Labor Advisory Board.
James Augustine HealyHealy was the only member of the American hierarchy to excommunicate men who joined the Knights of Labor, a national union, which reached its peak of power in 1886.
Jean MarchandDuring the 1949 Asbestos Strike in Quebec, Marchand led the striking workers as secretary of the Catholic Workers Confederation of Canada (CCCL).
Geoffrey ManderUnder his direction, Mander Brothers was the first British company to introduce the 40-hour week through an historic agreement signed and mediated by Ernest Bevin, general secretary of the Transport and General Workers' Union, in September 1931.
Leonora Barry As a means of taking action against the injustice faced by women in the workforce, Barry joined the local women's branch of the Knights of Labor in 1884, a time when the national organisation's membership reached its peak.
Djalma BomIn 1978 Djalma joined the board of the Steel Worker's Union with Luis Inácio Lula da Silva then on the road to become an important leader.
Agnes NestorIn 1902 Nestor stepped forward as leader in a strike of women workers at the Eisendrath Glove Company (encouraged and supported by the unionised men), which lasted ten days.
Mary Harris JonesJones worked as a teacher and dressmaker, but after her husband and four children all died of yellow fever and her workshop was destroyed in a fire in 1871, she began working as an organizer for the Knights of Labor and the United Mine Workers union.
George Oliver (politician)He acted for the union at an inquest into the poisoning deaths of three workers at the British Celanese artificial silk factory at Spondon in 1934.
James ToomeySubsequently his influence declined, and the Australian Workers' Union abolished the Young branch in 1896 to cut costs.
Roger Toussaint On December 20, 2005, Toussaint announced the start of the 2005 New York City transit strike after a protracted contract dispute with the New York City Transit Authority, concerning worker salaries, retirement age, pensions, and working conditions.
Will H. Daly Throughout his career, he had been active in progressive politics and organized labor, gaining election to both the Portland printer's local and the Oregon State Federation of Labor in 1908.
Alexander KrasnoshchyokovHe defended striking workers in the' Bread and Roses Strike' of 1913.
Lee PressmanIn June 1936, he was named a counsel of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) for the Steel Workers Organizing Committee (SWOC), appointed by union chief John L. Lewis as part of a conscious attempt to mobilize left wing activists on behalf of the new labor federation.
Emil HermanHe was sharply critical of the decision of the members of the NEC still at liberty to expel the Michigan state Socialist Party and to suspend various foreign language federations supportive of the organized faction known as the Left Wing Section, charging in a letter published in the party press that the NEC had acted without maintaining a quorum and engaged in'' petty, political trickery'' by invalidating the 1919 party election and making a major section of the party ineligible for participation in the forthcoming 1919 Emergency National Convention of the party.
Serafino RomualdiRomualdi resumed his work with the ILGWU in the fall of 1945, and was assigned by the American Federation of Labor to establish contacts with Latin American Labor with the view of promoting closer cooperation between the democratic trade unions of the two continents.
George W. Johnson (governor)As political sentiment in the Commonwealth took a decidedly Union turn following the elections of 1861, Johnson was instrumental in organizing a sovereignty convention in Russellville, Kentucky with the intent of'' severing forever our connection with the Federal Government.''
J. Ross BaughmanIn 1976, while at The Journal, he infiltrated a branch of the American Nazi Party in Cleveland, called the United White People's Party, and spent seven months recording both its activities and those of an affiliated group in Chicago called the National Socialist Party of America, headed by Frank Collin.
Olga MadarIn 1974, Madar was the force behind the creation of the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW), a nonprofit organization for trade union women affiliated with AFL-CIO.
Frederick HaydayIn June 1963, Hayday was awarded the CBE for work as the National Industrial Officer of the National Union of General and Municipal Workers and as Chairman General Council of the Trades Union Congress.
Prokofy DzhaparidzeIn 1901, he led a strike of tobacco workers in Kutaisi.
Norman Foster (Australian politician)After the war he worked on the docks in Port Adelaide and became a leader of the Waterside Workers' Federation and president of the Trades and Labor Council in 1964.
Fannia CohnIn connection with this activity, Cohn was a key leader of a major strike of Chicago garment workers which began late in 1915 and continued into the following year, serving as a general organizer for the ILGWU.
Albert WeisbordHe is best remembered as one of the primary union organizers of the seminal 1926 Passaic Textile Strike and as the founder of a small Trotskyist political organization of the 1930s called the Communist League of Struggle.
Boles?aw GebertAs well as working in his editorial capacity, Gebert was the Secretary of the Polish Bureau of the Workers (Communist) Party and was a fraternal delegate to the party's 6th National Convention, held in New York City in March 1929.
Thomas BrooksActive in the Yorkshire Mine Workers' Association, he became Secretary of his branch of the Union in 1911.
Virginia BoltenIn 1889 she organized the seamstresses' demonstration and consequent strike in Rosario, probably the first strike by female workers in Argentina.