Event class: de, la, published, le, book, du, les, paris, et, work
Events with high posterior probability
Carlos Carnero | He also published the book'' The European Constitution : Instructions Manual'' (La Constitución Europea : manual de instrucciones) in 2005, together with Ramón Suárez and María José Martínez Iglesias. |
Marcel Janco | However, by 1923, the journal became increasingly cultural and artistic in its revolt, headlining with translations from van Doesburg and Breton, publishing Vinea's own homage to Futurism, and featuring illustrations and international notices which Janco may have handpicked himself. |
Pierre Schaeffer | As recently as 2006 a coauthored work of his, Sur les traces de Pierre Schaeffer, was published post-mortem. |
Antonio Negri | French philosophers Félix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze also signed in November 1977 L'Appel des intellectuels français contre la répression en Italie (The Call of French Intellectuals Against Repression in Italy) in protest against Negri's imprisonment and Italian anti-terrorism legislation. |
Vicente Risco | With the help of Galicianist friends Otero Pedrayo and Francisco Fernández del Riego, he again started writing in Galician : in his ethnographic studio he wrote History of Galiza directed by Otero Pedrayo, and translated Camilo José Cela's book The family of Pascual Duarte, completed in 1951. |
Alfredo Gangotena | Gangotena's poetry was first translated from French to Spanish by Georges Pillement in the 1920s, and Eduardo Riofrío in 1945. |
Hugo Perls | His first book : L'Art et la Beauté vus par Platon was published in 1938 as a result of his scholastic research. |
Jeanne Martinet | In 1973 in Paris, Jeanne Martinet published the book Clefs pour la sémiologie, which has been translated into numerous languages. |
Louis d'Aurelle de Paladines | He was the author of La Première Armée de la Loire, published in 1872. |
Andr? Laurendeau | His editorial column of November 18, 1958, Maurice Duplessis à l'Assemblée nationale : la théorie du roi nègre ('' Maurice Duplessis at the National Assembly : the theory of the negro king'') was widely cited by Quebecers of all political stripes for years afterwards. |
Herbert Distel | It was created according to the model of Mario Peragallo's own opera La Collina (1947), itself based on the Spoon River Anthology, so that each part is dedicated to a certain Italian personality : La Stazione can thus be considered an homage to Italian art and way of life, as Distel actually lived in Italy for some time. |
Trish Deseine | Her book The Paris Gourmet (La Gourmande) was published in September 2013. |
Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe | Following this conference and at Derrida's request, in November 1980 Lacoue-Labarthe and Nancy founded the Centre de Recherches Philosophiques sur la Politique (Centre for Philosophical Research on the Political). |
Marek Halter | His first book, a political autobiography, Le Fou et les Rois (The Jester and the Kings) was awarded the Prix Aujourd' hui in 1976. |
Angelo Amato | His publications include : Trinità in contesto, Biblioteca di Scienze Religiose 110 (Roma : LAS, 1994) ; La Catechesi al traguardo. |
Charles Dantzig | He inaugurated the Petit pan de mur jaune series at the Musée du Louvre in 2007, giving a presentation in front of Van Dyck's painting Les princes Charles-Louis et Rupert du Palatinat. |
Maruxa Vilalta | In November 2003 Fondo de Cultura Económica publishes Antología de obras de teatro de Maruxa Vilalta (Anthology of Theatrical Works by Maruxa Vilalta) in its collection Letras Mexicanas, prologue by Felipe Garrido. |
Henri Gagnon | In 1987 the publishing company Les Éditions Jacques Ostiguy Inc commemorated his 100th birthday by publishing a collection of seven organ works dedicated to Gagnon by six different composers entitled Le Tombeau de Henri Gagnon. |
Leonardo Reichel | His first works were published during 1974 in cultural sections of the Diario del Yaqui, Tribuna del Yaqui, and Extra de la Tarde newspapers in Ciudad Obreón. |
Francesco Stipo | In 1996 he won a scholarship from the Italian National Council of Research on the subject'' juridical discipline of the outer space'' ; the thesis, which title was'' La Definizione del Concetto Giuridico di Spazio Cosmico'', was published in the Italian law journal'' Giurisprudenza di Merito''. |
Ricardo Rossel | Some of his works that also deserve special mention, are the legends'' La Huerfana de Ate'' (the Orphan of Ate) and'' La Roca de la viuda'' (The Widow ` s rock),'' El Salto del Fraile'' (the Jump of the Monk) which he dedicated to Ricardo Palma and the academic speech that inaugurated the works of the Section of Literature and Fine Arts of El Ateneo de Lima in January 1886. |
Luigi Pirandello | In 1897 he accepted an offer to teach Italian at the Istituto Superiore di Magistero di Roma, and in the magazine Marzocco he published several more pages of the Dialoghi. |
Mac Adams | Blistene, Bernard, Mac Adams Mysteries, catalogue, Musee De Toulon, Toulon, France 1982. |
Esther Delisle | He asserts that the magnitude of inaccuracy discourages him from even considering Delisle's work as a basis for his own criticism of Groulx (Les Deux Chanoines - Contradiction et ambivalence dans la pensée de Lionel Groulx, 2003). |
Salom?n Ibarra Mayorga | In his 1955 Monografía de Nicaragua, which details the story of the anthem's composition, he writes, ¨ Ciertamente la primera estrofa del Himno, por la sencillez del asunto, fue concebida fácilmente como una expresión del ansia nacional que pedía paz y trabajo después de una enconada lucha fraticida. |
Ovidie | In 2002, she published her first book, Porno Manifesto, which she said she wrote because she was angry about the ignorance about pornography...), but also about pregnancy (Osez l'amour durant la grossesse), philosophy (Sexe Philo), produced by French director Jean Jacques Beineix, has been aired on French national television France 2 with 6 millions of viewers. |
Rafael Torres Campos | After his death various commemorative pieces were written, concise and interesting are the words of F. Giner de los Ríos in the Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza, vol XXVIII, (Madrid 1904). |
Louis Antoine Debrauz de Saldapenna | In 1867 Louis Antoine Debrauz de Saldapenna created quite a stir when he in collaboration with Juan de Grimaldi and Ramón María Narváez y Campos, 1st Duke of Valencia published in the ` Mémorial diplomatique' a series of articles titled Lettres espagnoles. |
Francesc Pujols | In 1904 he published El llibre que conté les poesies de Francesc Pujols, with a prologue by Maragall, who saw in Pujols a representative of the `` living word''. |
Ansel Adams | His article on Mission San Xavier del Bac, with text by longtime friend Nancy Newhall, was enlarged into a book published in 1954. |
Juan Benet | While he was building his own engineering firm, he published the novel In the Penumbra (En la penumbra) in 1989. |
Guillaume Apollinaire | Jean Metzinger, 1911, Etude pour le portrait de Guillaume Apollinaire, graphite on paper, 48 x 31. |
Claude Esteban | In 1968, he published his first book of poems, La Saison dévastée (The Season of Davastation), quickly followed by other books made with artists such as Arpad Szenes, Jean Bazaine and Raoul Ubac. |
Alison Spedding | She is also the author of a book of short stories, El tiempo, la distancia, otros amantes (1994) and the play Un gato en el tejar, the latter published under the pseudonym Alicia Céspedes Ballet. |
Laurent Pariente | - Idem,'' Laurent Pariente, galerie de l’Ancienne Poste'', in Art Press, Paris, n ° 187, janvier 1994. |
Louis Pergaud | His novel, La Guerre des boutons, described below, was published in 1912. |
Noam Chomsky | Chomsky's plea for the historian's freedom of speech would be published as the preface to Faurisson's 1980 book Mémoire en défense contre ceux qui m' accusent de falsifier l'histoire. |
Corrado Gini | In 1929, Gini founded the Italian Committee for the Study of Population Problems (Comitato italiano per lo studio dei problemi della popolazione) which, two years later, organised the first Population Congress in Rome. |
Asghar Wajahat | An Italian translation of his stories was published by Centro de Studio de documentation, Universitá degli Studio de Venezia, in 1987. |
Madelon Hooykaas | For De Ketelfactory project space in Schiedam and for C. C. A. in Glasgow (Scotland) Madelon Hooykaas made the video installation and drawing Mount Analogue (2010), inspired by René Daumal's book Le Mont Analogue, on which Dorothea Franck wrote the essay Kunst en aandacht -- Het beklimmen van Mount Analogue -LSB- Art and Mindfulness -- Climbing Mount Analogue -RSB-. |
Kateb Yacine | Beginning this work with the theatre company' Théatre de la Mer' from Bab El Oued in 1971, sponsored by the Ministère du Travail et des Affaires Sociales, Kateb traveled all over Algeria for five years, putting on plays for an audience of workers, farmers and students. |
Gaston Berger | In 1926 Berger founded with some friends the Societe de Philosophie du Sud-est and its periodical Les Etudes Philosophiques. |
Suzanne Lilar | Les Moments merveilleux and Journal en partie double, I & II were published as part of Cahiers Suzanne Lilar (1986). |
Ram?n Emeterio Betances | Betances also wrote one of the two prologues of the book'' Les détracteurs de la race noire et de la République d'Haiti'' (The detractors of the black race and the Republic of Haiti, 1882) All references are in Spanish unless otherwise noted. |
Macedonio Fern?ndez | In addition, Borges was responsible for urging Macedonio to publish at least one of the two book-length works printed in Macedonio's lifetime, No toda es vigilia la de los ojos abiertos, in 1926. |
Achille Zo | His Gitanos du Monte Sagrado à Grenade and Famille de bohémiens en voyage fared quite well at the Salon in 1861. |
Marcel Schwob | Jorge Luis Borges wrote that his book Historia universal de la infamia (A Universal History of Infamy, 1936) was inspired by Schwob's'' Imaginary Lives.'' |
Ronald Shakespear | Diseño Shakespear 2 is published in Buenos Aires, and three documents of the Urban Scenery (Underground Signage, Temaiken Zoo and Tren de la Costa) are published in 1999. |
Gregorio Y. Zara | His books, L’etude du compass, Magnitique e induction, and his article, `` L’etude seismologique de 1' 0 de secondaire,'' were published in Paris, France in 1930. |
Giorgio Stirano | In 2006 together with Paolo D'Alessio and Mirco Lazzari, he published Formula 1 - La cronaca e le foto più belle del campionato, editing the technical part of the book. |
Maruxa Vilalta | She only wrote dramas, excepting some short stories, among them the collection calledEl otro día, la muerte (The Other Day, Dead), in 1974, that includes Diálogos del narrador, la muerte y su invitado (Dialogues of the Narrator, Death and Her Guest), Romance con la muerte de agua (The Romance of Watery Death), Aventura con la muerte de fuego (Adventure with Fiery Death) and Morir temprano, mientras comulga el general (To Die Early, While the General Receives Communion). |
Gregorio Morales | Morales has also written essays, the most important of which is El Cadáver de Balzac (Balzac's Corpse) (1998), in which -- with respect to the great French novelist - Morales censures repetition and defends a new paradigm that will discover mystery to the readers making it a part of their daily lives. |
Juan Bautista Alberdi | He wrote his first book in 1832, El espíritu de la música (). |
Luc Ferrari | Mémoire du DEA (Essay on taxonomy of the verbal proposals of the Sixties and seventies) Memory of the DEA by Radosveta Kouzmanova Bruzaud U. F. R. de Musique et Musicologie du XXe siècle -- Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, Oct. 1998 1998 Luc Ferrari - INTERVIEW WITH AN INTIMATE ICONOCLAST by Brigitte Robindoré In Computer Music Journal, Vol. |
Pierre Plantard | Plantard read the article and wrote to de Sède, later collaborating with him on the book Les Templiers sont parmi nous, ou, L'Enigme de Gisors ('' The Templars are Amongst Us, or The Enigma of Gisors''), that was published in 1962. |
Charles Cros | The letter stated in French,'' Alors qu'il séjourne à Sablé au début de 1877, Charles Cros rédige une courte note, `` Procédé d'enregistrement et de reproduction des phénomènes perçus par l'ouïe'', dans laquelle il expose le principe de ce qu'il nomme `` Paléophone'' (`` voix du passé'') : `` Un index léger est solidaire du centre de figure d'une membrane vibrante ; il se termine par une pointe -LSB-... -RSB- qui repose sur une surface noircie à la flamme.'' |
Champfleury | In 1869 his book Les Chats, a series of essays about cats including portrayals of cats by prominent artists of the time, was published by Librairie de la Société Botanique de France, edited by J. Rothschild. |
Yvan Goll | The epitaph on his tombstone contains the following extract from Jean Sans Terre : Je n'aurai pas duré plus que l'écume Aux lèvres de la vague sur le sable Né sous aucune étoile un soir sans lune Mon nom ne fut qu'un sanglot périssable Translation : I did not last longer than the froth On the lips of the waves on the sand Born under no star on a moonless night My name was only a perishable sob She died in 1977, and bequeathed to the town of Saint-Die-des-Vosges several French manuscripts, the couple's library, their works of art and furniture. |
Ilan Stavans | Conversations with Ilan Stavans (PBS, La Plaza) Morirse está en hebreo / My Mexican Shivah (2006) Directed by Alejandro Springall. |
Jules Simon | His own accounts of some of the events in which he had been involved appear in Souvenirs du 4 septembre (1874), Le Gouvernement de M. (2 vols. |
Lou Tseng-Tsiang | His best known work, published in 1945, is an autobiography in French, Souvenirs et pensées, summarizing his diplomatic and political career and his subsequent religious vocation, in which Christianity appears as a completion of the Confucian tradition of'' pacifying the universe''. |
Laurent Pariente | - Idem,'' Les promenades de Laurent Pariente'', in Plâtre information, n ° 39, juin 1998. |
Urbain Le Verrier | Le Verrier began studying the motion of Mercury as early as 1843, with a report entitled Détermination nouvelle de l' orbite de Mercure et de ses perturbations (A New Determination of the Orbit of Mercury and its Perturbations). |
Pietro Tacchi Venturi | At the urging of Venturi, Mussolini wrote a second book -- Una Conversione -- about his conversion to Catholicism, meant as a sequel to his twenty-year old novel which was extremely critical of the church : Claudia Particella : l'amante del Cardinale : Grande Romanzo dei tempi del Cardinale Emmanuel Madruzzo (translated and published in English as The Cardinal's Mistress). |
Walter Hayle Walshe | He translated P. C. A. Louis's Recherches sur la Phthisie into English in 1844. |
Mario Perniola | Perniola then published his book on the French writer George Bataille (George Bataille e il negativo, Milan : Feltrinelli, 1977 ; George Bataille and the Negative). |
Alfredo Zayas y Alfonso | 1896), while in transit in Spain's Cárcel Modelo of Madrid, he wrote some of his best poetry, like'' Al Caer la Nieve'' subsequently published in his Obras Completas, Vol. |
Mario Vargas Llosa | In 1971, Vargas Llosa published García Márquez : Story of a Deicide (García Márquez : historia de un deicidio), which was his doctoral thesis for the Complutense University of Madrid. |
Theodore Nicolas Gobley | In 1850 ('' Recherches chimiques sur les œufs de carpe''), he evidenced the presence of his'' matière phosphorée'', with identical properties, in carp fish eggs ; he proposed for it the name of lecithin which history upheld, from the Greek lekithos (egg yolk) (Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie, Paris, 1850, 17, 401), thus underlining the clear link with his early studies. |
Fred Johnston (writer) | In 2000 he received the Prix de l'Ambassade Translation bursary to work on translations of the French poet Michel Martin. |
Antonio Ortiz Mayans | Antonio Ortiz Mayans was born in Asunción, capital of the republic of Paraguay, on June 20, 1908 and according to his own words, his first work was the poem, `` Los Amigos'', published by the magazine of the Students Center of the Colegio Nacional de la Capital, where he studied and which had a publishing house called `` Minerva'', symbol of the Greek Culture. |
Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel | Finally, in 1896, Plon, Nourrit et Cie published Maurice Boutet de Monvel's most famous album, Jeanne d'Arc, which he once again designed entirely on his own and whose watercolours are reproduced in zincotype, a new photoengraving process using etching in conjunction with coloured inks. |
Adolfo Costa du Rels | His essay Los cruzados de alta mar -LSB- Deep sea crossings -RSB- won the Prix Rivarol in Paris in 1954. |
Bernard Cottret | He participated to the creation of the Prix national du livre médiéval : Provins patrimoine mondial (National Book award medieval : Provins World Heritage), which was presented for the first time at Michel Pastoureau, the 16th of September 2007, for his book L’Ours, histoire d’un roi déchu (The Bear story of a fallen king). |
Alfred Edwards (journalist) | In 1895 he sold Le Matin to the banker Henri Poidatz and launched new projects, financing the illustrated journal Le Petit Bleu de Paris and creating Le Petit Sou for his own political ends. |
Laure Waridel | Waridel defended Gil Courtemanche's novel Un dimanche à la piscine à Kigali in the French version of Canada Reads, broadcast on Radio-Canada in 2004. |
Fatima Besnaci-Lancou | appeared in the newspaper'' Le Figaro'' by Yazid Sabeg and Fatima Besnaci-Lancou, followed by the France-Algeria : Go Beyond the Historical Dispute signed by prominent French and Algerian personalities, which was published in the daily'' Le Monde'' on December 1, 2007. |
Peter Wilhelm Lund | In his Discours sur les révolutions de la surface du globe (1825), Cuvier theorized that the extinction of species was caused by natural catastrophes in certain regions of the world. |
Michael Francis Gibson | In 1996 Gibson published a detailed analysis of Peter Bruegel's 124 x 170 cm, 500-character painting, `` The Way to Calvary'' (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) under the title'' Le Portement de croix de Pierre Bruegel l'Aîné'' (Noêsis, Paris). |
Jean Ren? Bazaine | Throughout his career Bazaine kept contact with many poets, some twenty of whom he saluted in Jean Bazaine, couleurs et mots (1997) including Paul Éluard, Abdellatif Laabi, Pierre Lecomte du Noüy, Eugène Guillevic. |
Nicolas Liez | These lithographs by Nicolas Liez were all published in his album Voyage pittoresque à travers le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (1834). |
Bruny Surin | In 2009, a biography cowritten by Bruni Surin and Saïd Khalil entitled Bruny Surin, le lion tranquille was published by Éditions Libre Expression in Montreal. |
Marcello Ferrada-Noli | He co-authored in 2013 the book'' Da Noli a Capo Verde - Antonio de Noli e l'inizio delle scoperte del Nuovo Mondo'' and he was also editor of the English version'' From Noli To Cape Verde : Antonio de Noli and the beginning of the New World Discoveries''. |
Camara Laye | In 1978 his fourth and final work, Le Maître de la parole - Kouma Lafôlô Kouma (The Guardian of the Word), was published. |
Fausto Vagnetti | On commission for the Ministry of Education in 1943 he wrote'' La regia Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma'' (The Royal Academy of Arts) edited by Le Monnier, Florence. |
Sylv?re Lotringer | In 2006, he returned to his interest in Italian political theory, commissioning and publishing works by Paolo Virno, Franco Piperno, Christian Marazzi and Antonio Negri. |
Marcel L'Herbier | In his final year, he published an autobiography, La Tête qui tourne (Paris : Belfond, 1979) ; -LSB- the title translates as'' the head that spins/shoots a film'' -RSB-. |
Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel | In 1888, still at E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, the latter published his famous collection of twenty-two Fables de La Fontaine which, like his Chansons de France, is still published today. |
Rafael Torres Campos | He was commissioned by the Ministry of War to travel in Italy and Austria-Hungary, where he visited various schools of geography ; from these he collected much important information, allowing him to undertake his `` Memoria sobre el progreso de los trabajos geográficos'' -LSB- Notes on the Progress of Geographical Work -RSB- which, until his death in 1904, he edited for the Bulletin of the Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid, in his capacity as Secretary general. |
Wolfgang Smith | Books written by Wolfgang Smith or including his contributions : : : : : : : French translation : - Wolfgang Smith, Sagesse de la cosmologie ancienne : Les cosmologies Traditionnelles face à la science contemporaine, French translation by Jean-Claude Perret and Pierre-Marie Sigaud, with careful reading of by Michel Bénot, Kostas Mavrakis and Jean Borella ; Collection'' Théôria'', Editions de L'Harmattan, Paris, 2008. |
Mario Merz | In 1989, his work'' Se la forma scompare la sua radice è eterna'' was installed at the Deichtorhallen. |
Arthur Giry | In 1894 he published his Manuel de diplomatique, a monument of lucid and well arranged erudition, which contained the fruits of his long experience of archives, original documents and textual criticism ; and his pupils, especially those at the École des Hautes Études, soon caught his enthusiasm. |
Bruno Rizzi | His most important work, La Bureaucratisation du Monde ('' Bureaucratisation of the World''), was published in Paris in 1939, but most copies were seized by the French government. |
Hans Bellmer | His photographs were published in the Surrealist journal Minotaure, 5 December 1934 under the title'' Poupée, variations sur le montage d'une mineure articulée'' (The Doll, Variations on the Assemblage of an Articulated Minor). |
Francis Bonnici | It is his 1893 pamphlet La Pedagogia e la Filosofia (Pedagogy and Philosophy), printed at his own printing press in Hamrun by his homeless boys (Tipografia della Casa di S. Giuseppe). |
Henri Cartier-Bresson | thumb | Photograph of Alberto Giacometti by Henri Cartier-Bresson In 1952, Cartier-Bresson published his book Images à la sauvette, whose English edition was titled The Decisive Moment. |
Jorge Romero Brest | His interest in art theory as a hobby resulted in his first book, El problema del arte y del artista contemporáneos (The Problems of Contemporary Art and Artists), in 1937. |
Maurice Clavel | The following year he contributed to the newspaper's TV column while keeping writing in Combat and publishing novels such as La Pourpre de Judée (The Crimson of Judea) or Les Délices du genre humain (The Delights of Mankind, 1967). |
Pierre Plantard | In 1959, Plantard edited a second series of the journal Circuit, subtitled Publication Périodique Culturelle de la Fédération des Forces Françaises. |
?douard Hugon | Un théologien apôtre, le P. Maître Édouard Hugon, professeur de dogme à l'Angelico, a Rome,'' Pierre Tequi : Paris, 1929. |