Event class: published, journal, book, work, research, paper, wrote, papers, scientific, first
Events with high posterior probability
Lucien Lison | In 1952, Lison published a truly monumental textbook on animal histochemistry, which became a classic in the field, unifying and integrating many concepts. |
Anthony Glise | Glise, A., Classical Guitar Pedagogy -- A Handbook for Teachers (Pacific, MO : Mel Bay Publications, 1997). |
William Schull | Schull's research dealt with many subjects in human genetics and his 1954 textbook `` Human Heredity'' (coauthored with James V. Neel) was the first genetics textbook to rely almost solely on examples from human populations. |
Ian Roderick Macneil | This theory had its first outing at the Association of American Law Professors' annual conference in late 1967 and was first alluded to in print in Macneil's article'' Whither Contracts ?'' |
Thorburn Robertson | He published in 1920 at New York his Principles of Biochemistry (2nd ed. |
Johann Georg Anton Geuther | Although he discovered the compound in 1863, it took him two years to publish results in a peer reviewed journal. |
Thomas Moore (botanist) | Besides papers on ferns in various botanical journals, Moore's chief publications were : Moore also wrote the article' Horticulture' in the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, in conjunction with Dr. Maxwell Masters, afterwards published in an expanded form as The Epitome of Gardening, 8vo, 1881. |
Princess Marie Bonaparte | In 1924, she published her results under the pseudonym A. E. Narjani and presented her theory of frigidity in the medical journal Bruxelles-Médical. |
George W. Myers | Myers was a recognized pioneer in progressive mathematics education as demonstrated by two of his books published in 1910, First Year Mathematics and Second Year Mathematics. |
Eric Trist | In 1949, his organizational research work, studying work crews in a coal mine, with Ken Bamforth, resulted in the famous article,'' Some Social and Psychological Consequences of the Longwall Method of Coal Getting.'' |
David A. Freedman | Freedman was the author or co-author of 200 articles, 20 technical reports and six books, including a highly innovative and influential introductory statistics textbook, Statistics (2007), with Robert Pisani and Roger Purves, which has gone through four editions. |
Bari Wood | She moved to New York in 1967, where she first worked in the library of the American Cancer Society, later as editor of the society's publication, CA : A Cancer Journal for Clinicians and of the medical journal Drug Therapy. |
James Braidwood (firefighter) | Recognizing the lack of publications on Fire Engines in the English language, Braidwood published what is regarded as one of the first text books on the science of fire engineering in 1830 : On the Construction of Fire Engines and Apparatus. |
John Langalibalele Dube | He went on to publish a historical novella that has proven to be popular and influential in Zulu canon titled Insila kaShaka (Shaka's Body Servant) (1930). |
James Blyth (engineer) | Blyth, James On the application of wind power to the generation and storage of electricity, Paper read before the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 2 May 1888 Blyth, James On the application of wind power to the production of electric currents, Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts, vol. |
Anne van den Ban | Cees Leeuwis revised this book with contributions from van den Ban and it was published as Communication for rural innovation : rethinking agricultural extension in 2004. |
Arthur Purdy Stout | Stout authored over 300 scientific articles and one monograph, entitled Human Cancer (1932). |
Gordon Morgan Holmes | His wartime observations on gunshot wounds re-awakened his interest in cerebellar disease which led to his classical analysis of the symptoms of cerebellar lesions described in his Croonian Lecture s to the Royal College of Physicians in 1922. |
Paul Crawford (academic) | His first book, Communicating Care : The Language of Nursing (Nelson Thornes, 1998) was the first volume worldwide on non-medical discourse in healthcare. |
Henry Gilman | In 1938, he published a two-volume textbook titled Organic Chemistry : An Advanced Treatise, the first major organic chemistry textbook. |
Jack Richardson (chemical engineer) | He co-wrote a textbook on chemical engineering with John Coulson (published in 1954), which developed into an established series of six texts now known as Coulson & Richardson's Chemical Engineering. |
Michael Saag | He is co-author of a 2007 textbook, AIDS Therapy and editor of the Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy and the Sanford Guide to HIV/AIDS Therapy. |
Friedrich Hayek | In 2011, his article The Use of Knowledge in Society was selected as one of the top 20 articles published in the American Economic Review during its first 100 years. |
John Forrest Dillon | Dillon Memorial in -LSB- -LSB- Davenport, Iowa -RSB- -RSB- While on the federal bench, Dillon wrote Municipal Corporations (1872), which was one of the earliest treatises to systematically study the subject, and which remains highly influential to the present. |
Joseph Lister, 1st Baron Lister | He subsequently published his results in The Lancet in a series of 6 articles, running from March through July 1867, entitled :'' On a new method of treating compound fracture, abscess, etc. : with observation on the conditions suppuration''. |
David Lewis-Williams | During his tenure there, David developed an amateur interest in Archaeology and published his first academic paper on rock art (engravings) in 1962. |
Ida Rolf | JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 62 (3) : 759-766 JAN 1925 # Levene PA, Rolf IP, Bromolecithins. |
Alfred J. Lotka | Lotka's work in mathematical demography began in 2007 with the publication of papers in Science (journal) and American Journal of Science. |
Farid Alakbarli | New-York, Marquand Books, 2013) Farid Alakbarli is the author of 150 scientific papers and educational articles. |
John M. Darby | In 1841, he published the first compilation of the botany of the southern United States in his A manual of botany, a companion work to Amos Eaton's Manual of Botany for the Northern States. |
Joseph Edward Smadel | Perhaps Smadel's most notable professional achievement was the series of field studies in Kuala Lumpur in 1948 which established chloramphenicol as an effective treatment for typhus and typhoid fever. |
Henry Gannett | In 1884 he published his first Dictionary of Altitudes which listed all known survey altitudes in the United States as well as the source of the survey. |
Gardner Murphy | In 1925, Clark University hosted a symposium on psychical research, and, together with Harvard psychologist William McDougall, Murphy argued for the respect of the field as an academic discipline, while recognizing the difficulties of scientific acceptance and experimentation. |
Norbert Wiener | During 1915 -- 16, he taught philosophy at Harvard, then was an engineer for General Electric and wrote for the Encyclopedia Americana. |
Harold W. Jones | Jones also led an ambitious project there to edit and update the old George M. Gould Medical Dictionary, whose results were published in 1949 as'' Blakiston's New Gould Medical Dictionary.'' |
Frederick Jackson Turner | By the time Turner died in 1932, 60 % of the leading history departments in the U. S. were teaching courses in frontier history along Turnerian lines. |
David Sharp (entomologist) | Perhaps his earliest contribution to entomological literature was a paper on the British species of Agathidium (Coleoptera) read before the Entomological Society of London on 6 November 1865. |
John Henry Walsh | In 1853, under the pseudonym of ` Stonehenge,' he brought out his work on The Greyhound, on the Art of Breeding, Rearing, and Training Greyhounds for public Running, their Diseases and Treatment (3rd ed. |
Henry John Elwes | The journey was inspired by reading Joseph Dalton Hooker's'' Himalayan Journals'' ; it was the first of Elwes' many visits to Asia, and resulted in the major paper'' On the geographical distribution of Asiatic birds'' read to the Zoological Society in 1873. |
Larry Constantine | His contributions to theory and research in family therapy and human systems theory were summarized in Family Paradigms (Guilford Press, 1986), a book heralded at the time as `` one of the finest theoretical books yet published in the family therapy field'' and `` among the most significant developments of the decade.'' |
William Krasner | He co-wrote Drug Trip Abroad (1972), a work on drug addiction for the University of Pennsylvania, and published extensively in medical and psychological journals. |
Udny Yule | He continued to publish articles and also a very influential textbook, Introduction to the Theory of Statistics (1911) ; his book was based on the lectures he gave as the Newmarch lecturer at University College. |
Alexander Sutherland (educator) | With his brother, George Sutherland, he wrote a short History of Australia, which attained a sale of 120,000 copies, and he collaborated with Henry Gyles Turner in a useful volume, The Development of Australian Literature (1898). |
Zac Goldsmith | The group's 600-page report, co-authored by Goldsmith and Gummer, was published at the Royal Institute of British Architects on 13 September 2007. |
Stephen Faraone | In 2011 he was the seventh most highly cited researcher in psychiatry and psychology for the preceding decade research. |
Victor Negus | Rather than be apprenticed to a leading surgeon in his ENT (ear, nose and throat) speciality, he undertook basic research on the structure of the larynx that would lead to a higher degree in 1924 and the publication of books and papers on the topic in later years. |
Edward G. Begle | Published posthumously in 1979, Critical Variables in Mathematics Education : Findings from a Survey of the Empirical Literature was listed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics as Begle's most influential work. |
Ettore Majorana | His first paper, published in 1928, was written when he was an undergraduate and coauthored by Giovanni Gentile Jr., a junior professor in the Institute of Physics in Rome. |
Edward Charles Stirling | In 1894 Stirling was the medical officer and anthropologist of the Horn scientific expedition to Central Australia, and wrote the extensive anthropology report which appears in volume four of the report of the expedition. |
Harold Rugg | He created the first series of an educational book, Man and His Changing Society, which was a junior high school social studies textbook that ran 14 volumes from 1929 until the early 1940s. |
James Fletcher (entomologist) | Besides his contributions to scientific journals and bulletins published by the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food, he published with George H. Clark, The farm weeds of Canada in 1906. |
Edmund Wragge | G. A. Hobson and Edmund Wragge gave a lengthy and detailed paper in November 1900, describing the engineering and construction of the approaches to Marylebone Station. |
Kenneth R. Andrews | Andrews, Kenneth Richmond, 1984, Corporate strategy : the essential intangibles, McKinsey Quarterly, no. 4, pp. 43 -- 49. |
Marc Vael | The same year he was also elected Fellow van het Hogeheuvelcollege (2012), University of Leuven Vael has authored and co-authored numerous publications in his fields of interests. |
Edward Forbes | In the autumn of 1838 he read before the British Association at Newcastle a paper on the distribution of terrestrial Pulmonata in Europe, and was commissioned to prepare a similar report with reference to the British Isles. |
John B. Calhoun | In January 2008, Drs. Edmund Ramsden and Jon Adams of the Department of Economic History London School of Economics published a paper on Calhoun's work titled `` Escaping the Laboratory : The Rodent Experiments of John B Calhoun & Their Cultural Influence''. |
Virgil Orr | In 1966, he was co-author with colleagues Charles A. Killgore and Woodrow W. Chew, Jr., also a registered petroleum engineer of the article,'' Vapor -- Liquid Equilibrium for the Hexamethyldisiloxane -- n-Propyl Alcohol System,'' published in the Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. |
Myles Mace | Mace's longstanding interest in corporate governance began with the research he undertook for his Harvard doctoral dissertation, which was published as a book in 1948 under the title The Boards of Directors of Small Corporations. |
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza | Cavalli-Sforza's The History and Geography of Human Genes (1994 with Paolo Menozzi and Alberto Piazza) is a standard reference on human genetic variation. |
George Martin Lees | De Böckh and Lees later published the theoretical side of their work in the paper The Structure of Asia, edited by J. W. Gregory and presented to the British Association in 1928. |
Adolf Meyer (psychiatrist) | Meyer's paper'' The Nature and Conception of Dementia Praecox,'' originally published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, was one of three papers collected in Dementia Praecox : a Monograph (Boston : Richard G. Badger, 1911). |
Larissa Grunig | Based on a content analysis of three academic journals (Public Relations Review, Journal of Public Relations Research and its precursor, Public Relations Research Annual) from their foundation through the year 2000, Grunig was recognized as one of the five most prolific authors contributing to public relations theory development. |
Edward Thaddeus Barleycorn Barber | His medical course started in 1888 and covered many subjects including botany, anatomy, surgery, midwifery, pathology and pharmacy. |
Eugen Merzbacher | Merzbacher is probably best known for his influential graduate level quantum mechanics textbook, which has so far seen three editions, the most recent in 1998. |
Frederick Manson Bailey | In 1874 Bailey published a Handbook to the Ferns of Queensland, and in the following year was made botanist to the board appointed to investigate diseases of live stock and plants. |
Ludlow Griscom | It can be argued that Ludlow Griscom's single most important contribution to ornithology and conservation was his influence on Roger Tory Peterson, leading to the first edition of Peterson's Field Guide to the Birds in 1934. |
John Christopher Willis | His notable publications include `` A Manual and Dictionary of the Flowering Plants and Ferns'' in two volumes and `` Age and Area : A Study of Geographical Distribution and Origin of Species'', published in 1922. |
Leonard Porter Ayres | His writings on educational subjects, besides reports and contributions to periodicals, are : Many of his articles in educational journals have been reprinted, among them, The Effect of Promotion Rate on School Efficiency (1913). |
Glenford Myers | During this period, Myers also authored his first four books, including The Art of Software Testing, a book that became a classic and a best-seller in the computer science field, staying in print for 26 years before it was replaced by a second edition in 2004. |
Albert Hull | In the 1918 issue of the Proceedings of the IRE he published a paper on the dynatron vacuum tube which he had invented. |
G. Ledyard Stebbins | He continued to publish widely and extensively on plant evolution, writing over 200 papers and several books after 1950. |
Arthur Sidney Lyon | The subject of this sketch does not appear to have remained for any length of time -- not more than two years at most - on the Free Press, and we again lose sight of him in his professional capacity until 1855, in the October of which year he appeared as editor of the North Australian, the first number of which was issued on the 2nd of that month. |
Ian Swingland | At London University, he read zoology and social anthropology and published his first scientific paper on the location of memory in a vertebrate in Nature in 1969 while an undergraduate. |
David Kennedy (jurist) | In addition to dozens of articles on legal history and theory, Kennedy has authored three other books, most recently, The Canon of American Legal Thought (edited with William W. Fisher, 2006), and Of War and Law (2006). |
Fang Lizhi | Fang published his first research paper on nuclear physics in Acta Physica Sinica 17, p. 57 (1961) under the pseudonym Wang Yunran, since as a rightist he was not entitled to publish research papers. |
Frank Dawson Adams | He published several papers on the geology of Ceylon and also on the history of geology, culminating in his book Birth and Development of the Geological Sciences (1938). |
Alfred Kinsey | Kinsey wrote a widely used high-school textbook, An Introduction to Biology, which was published in October 1926. |
Marinus Vertregt | In 1958 he was appointed Fellow of the BIS on account of several original scientific articles in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society. |
Paul R. McHugh | In 1983, McHugh and colleague Phillip R. Slavney co-authored The Perspectives of Psychiatry, which presents the Johns Hopkins approach to psychiatry. |
Robert Cushman Murphy | He was an undergraduate at Brown University, graduating in 1911 and was the author of over 600 scientific articles throughout his scientific career. |
Walter Dearborn | In 1917, Dearborn founded the Psycho-Educational Clinic at Harvard University and served as the director of the Harvard Growth Studies project, a major longitudinal study that provided data for many influential papers. |
George Vivian Poore | He wrote a book,'' The Earth in relation to the Preservation and Destruction of Contagia'' which dealt with the relation of medical science to geology in areas such as water supply and sewerage disposal, which had been the subject of his Milroy Lecture to the Royal College of Physicians in 1899. |
Everett Franklin Lindquist | He was also an early popularizer, and perhaps originator, of the inconsistent hybrid form of statistical hypothesis testing (mixing the incompatible approaches of Ronald Fisher and of Neyman -- Pearson), in his textbook Statistical Analysis In Educational Research (1940). |
Eric Ghysels | Andreou, E, Eric Ghysels and A. Kourtellos (2010) Forecasting with mixed-frequency data, Chapter prepared for Oxford Handbook on Economic Forecasting edited by Michael P. Clements and David F. Hendry Chen, Xilong, Eric Ghysels and Fangfang Wang, (2010), The HYBRID GARCH Class of Models, Discussion Paper UNC. |
Victor Negus | This work was covered in Negus's Hunterian Lecture, delivered on 20 May 1954 at the Royal College of Surgeons under the title'' Introduction to the Comparative Anatomy of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses''. |
Philip St. George Cocke | Cocke became an accomplished agriculturist, publishing frequent articles in journals, as well as a book on plantation management entitled Plantation and Farm Instruction in 1852. |
Noah Dana-Picard | Dana-Picard (2005) : Technology assisted discovery of conceptual connections within the cognitive neighborhood of a mathematical topic, Proceedings of CERME 4, M. Bosch (ed), San Feliu de Guixols (Spain). |
Anthony Hill (artist) | Together with his colleague John Ernest he made contributions to graph theory (crossing number) and in 1979, in recognition of a number of his mathematical papers, he was elected a member of the London Mathematical Society and made a visiting research associate in the Department of Mathematics at University College, London. |
Madeleine Leininger | First published in 1961, her contributions to nursing theory involve the discussion of what it is to care. |
Robert S. Doran | In 1988 he published an article titled `` A care package for undergraduate mathematics students'' that outlines his teaching methods. |
Stanton Glantz | In total, he is the author of 4 books and over 200 scientific papers, including the first major review (published in Circulation) which identified secondhand smoke as a cause of heart disease and the landmark 1995 Journal of the American Medical Association summary of the Brown & Williamson documents, which showed that the tobacco industry knew nicotine was addictive and that smoking caused cancer 30 years ago. |
Bella Sidney Woolf | She also authored and co-authored on current events and science Her How To See Ceylon was published in 1914, and incorporating her experience of car journeys with her husband'' along the sunny roads of Ceylon'' is considered the first pocket guidebook to the island. |
Cindy Lee Van Dover | #Collins P, Kennedy R, Van Dover CL, A biological survey method applied to Seafloor Massive Sulphides (SMS) with contagiously distributed hydrothermal-vent fauna, Marine Pollution Bulletin (2011). |
Thomas Clifford Allbutt | In 1870 Allbutt published Medical Thermometry, an article outlining the history of thermometry and describing his invention : a clinical thermometer approximately 6 inches in length that a physcian could have habitually in a pocket. |
Asghar Aghamohammadi | As of 2013, he has an author status in about 200 articles indexed in PubMed and/or ISI, more than 20 articles published in Iranian journals and more than 50 International Podium participation and Presentations. |
J. T. Gulick | In 1853, after reading Charles Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle and Hugh Miller's The Footprints of the Creator, Gulick presented his paper,'' The Distribution of Plants and Animals'', to the Punahou School Debating Society. |
Steven Levitt | In the emails to economist John McCall, who had pointed to a number of papers in different academic publications that had replicated Lott's work, Levitt wrote that the work by authors supporting Lott in a special 2001 issue of the Journal of Law and Economics had not been peer reviewed, alleged that Lott had paid the University of Chicago Press to publish the papers, and that papers with results opposite of Lott's had been blocked from publication in that issue. |
Morris Kline | An article in 1956 in The Mathematics Teacher, the main journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, by Kline was titled'' Mathematical texts and teachers : a tirade''. |
Fred Luthans | In the 1990s, with globalization taking the forefront in the management field, Luthans' research took on an international focus and resulted in his next major book (co-authored with now deceased Richard Hodgetts and now Jonathan Doh) International Management (1991, now in its seventh edition). |
Harold Demsetz | The 1972 Demsetz and Armen Alchian article Production, Information Costs and Economic Organization was selected as one of the twenty most important articles published in the first century of the American Economic Review. |