Event class: financial, company, government, bank, economic, crisis, million, market, stock, said
Events with high posterior probability
Warren Buffett | Buffett discussed the difficulties of knowing when to sell in the company's 2004 annual report : That may seem easy to do when one looks through an always-clean, rear-view mirror. |
Peter O'Donnell (Texas) | After his nomination on July 15, 1964, at the Cow Palace in San Francisco, California, Goldwater, in Crichton's words,'' with boundless energy campaigned vigorously selling his belief in less government control, supported private enterprise, and increasing capital investment, -LSB- and -RSB- halting the drift toward socialism and increasing our national debt.'' |
Robert Champion de Crespigny | In September 2001, at the start of the AngloGold - Newmont takeover war for Normandy, he warned that Australia could lose control of more gold assets because of a lack of support from local institutional investors. |
Lawrence Summers | Indeed, as a member of President Clinton's Working Group on Financial Markets, Summers, along with U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Arthur Levitt, Fed Chairman Greenspan, and Secretary Rubin, torpedoed an effort to regulate the derivatives that many blame for bringing the financial market down in Fall 2008. |
Jon Moynihan | Financial Times `` The pensions black hole may not turn out as deep as we fear'' January 2006 Jon has written on the UK pensions crisis, arguing for more realistic analysis of the problem, and calling for more proactive approaches by regulators and the Bank of England. |
Felisa Miceli | Miceli worked with the Central Bank to prevent a revaluation of the peso below 3 per U. S. dollar for the sake of export comptetitiveness, maintaining a policy of frequent dollar purchases by the Central Bank ; the Central Bank's reserves thus surpassed their pre-IMF repayment levels on September 27, 2006. |
Bhumibol Adulyadej | Rumors about his ill-health caused Thai financial markets to tumble in October 2009. |
David L. Gunn | On November 9, 2005, Amtrak's Board of Directors fired Gunn, ostensibly for his refusal to split the company in preparation for privatization ; Gunn was opposed to this policy, pointing out that the entire reason Amtrak was created was because private railroad companies did not wish to run passenger services. |
Peter Schiff | He predicted'' a huge crisis'' and'' the blow-up of credit card finance'' in 2008, with the result that consumer credit card spending limits would be'' slashed'' by card issuers, and said that Americans would no longer be able to make purchases using their credit card lines. |
Charlie McCreevy | McCreevy also prompted warnings from the European Commission, who claimed that his # 2 billion tax giveaway in 2000 would be inflationary, and harmful to the Irish economy. |
Paul Milgrom | Trading on stock exchanges had been growing at a growing rate in 1960s, 70s and 80s, which led Milgrom and coauthors (Bresnahan, Milgrom and Paul 1992) to ask whether the rapid increase of trading volume also brings rapid increase of the real output of stock exchanges. |
Adolfo Diz | Diz simplified the myriad exchange rates issued following the Rodrigazo crisis of 1975, and business sentiment recovered amid higher exports, lower inflation, and a stabilized peso. |
Bobby Unser | Unser was awarded the win in October 1981, but the controversy and financial impact (Unser once estimated that the commercial endorsements he lost because of the delayed result cost him $ 1 million) caused him to retire from racing at the end of the year. |
Greg Mortenson | In regard to Mortenson's management style at CAI, Nicholas Kristof has said that Mortenson is'' utterly disorganized,'' and added,'' I am deeply troubled that only 41 percent of the money raised in 2009 went to build schools.'' |
Robert K. Steel | Although Steel's predecessor, G. Kennedy Thompson had been criticized for exposing the firm to high-risk mortgages, Steel hoped to put the company on firm footing until it failed in the Fall 2008 crisis. |
Lee Kranefuss | Though having grown iShares by extensive distribution over the decade -- into a global fund family with over $ 500B in assets, and the 4th largest fund family in the U. S. -- it was reported in early 2010 that Kranefuss (on reportedly good terms with BlackRock senior management) would continue only through an integration period. |
Alfred E. Kahn | In 2008, the nonagenarian Kahn gave a speech to the Global Airport International Summit in Boston where he said'' The industry in the last 30 years gave the public something it had not received before : high quality, space, and low cost. |
Jon Moynihan | Financial Times `` Big bonuses match big returns for shareholders'' June 2007 In this letter to the Financial Times Jon defended high level top executive reward when it is tied to high creation of shareholder value. |
James Packer | 25 billion in 2007, however due to poor investment decisions and falling profits, a television report on 21 June 2007 revealed that Packer has lost in excess of $ 1 billion over the previous six months. |
Simeon Gannett Reed | Reed held 128 shares in the company, which even during the economic depression of 1873 produced $ 300,000 in dividends. |
J?r?me Kerviel | Kerviel's lawyers, Elisabeth Meyer and Christian Charrière-Bournazel, said that the bank's managers'' brought the loss on themselves'' ; accused the bank's management of wanting to'' raise a smokescreen to divert public attention from far more substantial losses in the last few months'' ; and said that Kerviel had made the bank a profit of US$ 2 billion as of 2007. |
John O'Quinn | According to a 2006 article in Forbes, O'Quinn's firm had pending cases against stock broker s and hedge fund s for shorting the shares of weak companies, and against Ford for rollover accidents caused by the Ford Explorer. |
Alan Greenspan | In 2009 Robert Reich wrote that'' Greenspan's worst move was to contribute to the giant housing bubble and the worst worldwide crash since the Great Depression. |
Jim Rondeau | As Industry minister, Rondeau was responsible for overseeing the troubled Crocus Investment Fund and faced difficult questions relating to the fund's management in early 2005. |
Mark Vaile | Throughout 2006, Vaile's position in the trade portfolio came under increasing scrutiny due to his handling of the AWB kickbacks scandal and Australia's worsening trade performance. |
Dominique Strauss-Kahn | She ceased presenting this show after Strauss-Kahn's nomination as Minister of Economics and Finance in 1997 to avoid conflict of interest, while Strauss-Kahn himself would cede his place as mayor to François Pupponi in order to avoid double responsibilities. |
Bob King (labor leader) | In February 2009, King led the UAW team in negotiating a historic agreement which allowed Ford to make up to 50 percent of its required payment into the VEBA using common stock in lieu of cash. |
Wen Jiabao | Outgoing Premier Zhu Rongji showed his esteem for Wen by entrusting him from 1998 with the task of overseeing agricultural, financial and environmental policies in the office of Vice-Premier, considered crucial as China prepared to enter the World Trade Organization. |
Kevin McCabe (businessman) | On 30 August 2013 McCabe announced that Sheffield United had reached a deal with a foreign investor who will become equal owners of the club and will provide new funds. |
Sylvain Simard | Later in 2001, he announced that Quebec would take nearly one billion dollars from its reserve fund to avoid going into deficit amid a serious North American economic downturn. |
Kathy Dunderdale | During the October 2011, provincial election, Dunderdale said'' We've got too many people chasing too few fish, and these plants are going to collapse and fail because they're not on sound economic models''. |
Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Al Saud | In fact, this task was given him in the wake of the riots experienced in the province in 1979 to make observations about the effects of the Iranian Revolution and the Shi’ite dissention on the security of oil industry. |
William Harrison Binnie | During Binnie's 2010 Senate campaign, Binnie stated that Carlisle Plastics' labor relations with employees under his tenure had been excellent and that Carlisle's holdings had included a number of unionized U. S. facilities, that there had never been a strike at Carlisle during his tenure as the CEO, and that it is incorrect to say that the operations of A&E Plastics were moved to Mexico. |
John Kay (economist) | In 2012 he presented a substantial report to the British government on reform of the equity market, which suggested that the stockmarket exists to provide companies with equity capital and to give savers a stake in economic growth. |
Martin Feldstein | In 1997, writing about the upcoming European monetary union and the euro, Feldstein warned that the'' adverse economic effects of a single currency on unemployment and inflation would outweigh any gains from facilitating trade and capital flows'' and that, while'' conceived of as a way of reducing the risk of another intra-European war'', it was'' more likely to have the opposite effect'' and'' lead to increased conflicts within Europe and between Europe and the United States''. |
James Purnell | In December 2008, Purnell proposed charging interest on crisis loans to the unemployed and pensioners made by the Department for Work and Pensions, which are currently interest-free, at a rate of up to 26. |
Nick Fry | Within four months of his appointment, Prodrive Automotive Technology had a full order book for 2001 and major steps had been taken to grow the company in the UK and beyond with the acquisition of the Tickford Group. |
Bob Froehlich | His latest book, ANTs : Using Alternative and Non-Traditional Investments to Allocate Your Assets in an Uncertain World, published by John Wiley & Sons (January 2011), shows the average investor why alternative and non-traditional investments, like real estate, commodities and currencies are necessary for both preserving wealth and growing investments in the face of the ever increasing volatility of the world's financial markets. |
Shane Ross | Ross was also a trenchant critic of the under-performance of the Irish Pension Funds, and contrasted their performance with the SVM Global's Saltire Fund, the hedge fund which he chaired, however in 2013 the Saltire Fund revealed a large loss of 32. |
Frank Coe | Regarding his policy actions, it is often mentioned that Coe, together with Treasury Secretary Harry Dexter White, opposed President Franklin Roosevelt's gold loan program of $ 200 million to help the Nationalist Chinese Government stabilize its currency in 1943. |
Eddie Hobbs | In March 1993 Hobbs published a landmark report'' Endowment Mortgages The Hometruth'' which collapsed sales of endowment homeloans in Ireland by June 1993 after the banking and life insurance industry failed to deal with his critique. |
Cliff Asness | Asness, Cliff, 1995, `` The Power of Past Stock Returns to Explain Future Stock Returns'', Goldman Sachs Asset Management. |
Allan Weiss | He founded Weiss Res to help fill the knowledge and innovation gap that lead to the great housing crash of 2007 as well as to help mitigate the financial risk of home ownership going forward. |
Philip Watts | The report alleged that top company executives, including Watts, had known about the reserves shortfall since early 2002. |
Huw van Steenis | In February 2010 he again downgraded European banks due to his fears of a Eurozone sovereign crisis flaring up and again wrote in the Financial Times that as a result `` European retail banks likely to underperform''. |
Manmohan Singh | Following the advice of International Monetary Fund in 1991, Singh as Finance Minister, freed India from the Licence Raj, source of slow economic growth and corruption in the Indian economy for decades. |
Christine Chen | In 1998, amid financial difficulties, KSTW announced that it was closing its doors and laying off all 62 employees, including Chen. |
George S. Boutwell | Initially Grant did not pay attention to the scheme, however, he did tell Secretary Boutwell to stop releasing gold into the economy at the beginning of September 1869, after receiving advice from Alexander T. Stewart that the Treasury should not be releasing gold into the market. |
Antonio Villaraigosa | An LA Weekly article by Patrick Range McDonald published on September 11, 2008, presented an analysis of a 10-week period from May 21 to August 1, and determined that'' On direct city business -- such as signing legislation and meeting with city-department heads -- his schedule shows the mayor spent 11 percent of his time... Yet the 11 percent of Villaraigosa's time that the Weekly has identified as being spent in L. A. on actual city work -- running, fixing or shaping government policies and actions -- reveals that he frequently spends that limited time huddling with special-interest groups who have helped him attain higher office.'' |
Rafael Correa | He has also denounced the fact that they are owned by business groups who own banks related to the financial crisis of 1999, where millions of state dollars were given to rescue them while these left thousands of people without their life savings. |
Lawrence Summers | In 1999 Summers endorsed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act which removed the separation between investment and commercial banks, saying'' With this bill, the American financial system takes a major step forward towards the 21st Century.'' |
Ray Milland | Then in 1933, Roosevelt's reforms to the American banking sector led to a temporary weakness in the dollar allowing Milland to afford a return to the United States. |
Gareth Evans (politician) | Evans, after eighteen years in the Senate, found the transition to the very different lower house environment not easy to manage, and -- with Australia sailing comfortably through the 1997 Asian financial crisis -- also found it difficult to get traction with his own economic policy brief. |
Lyndon B. Johnson | During 1973 testimony before Congress, the CEO of America's largest cooperative of milk producers said that while Johnson was President, his cooperative had leased Johnson's private jet at a'' plush'' price, which Johnson wanted to continue once he was out of office. |
Philip Watts | Less than three years after taking over the chairmanship Watts was swept out of office in early 2004 by revelations that the company had overstated its proved oil and gas reserves by nearly 25 percent. |
Arthur W. Cutten | However, less than a year later Cutten had lost more than $ 50 million as a result of the Wall Street Crash of 1929. |
Willie Walsh (Irish businessman) | Willie Walsh took over the reins of British Airways as CEO in October 2005, and faced a number of major challenges, including a global downturn, increased competition (from low cost carriers in Europe and premium carriers worldwide), increasing oil prices and increases in tax. |
Ulrich Witt | Markets and firms are not substitutes : In addition to transaction cost considerations the organizational form of the firm is preferred over ordinary market transactions as it allows for benefits which are not realizable via market contracts (Witt, 2007). |
C. D. Howe | According to Roberts,'' What Howe started in 1940 was an Industrial Revolution, so widespread that most Canadians were unaware of its extent or of its penetration into the country's economy.'' |
H?ctor Magnetto | Former President Néstor Kirchner alleged that, during the 2008 Argentine government conflict with the agricultural sector, Magnetto offered a supportive spin on the administration's case for higher export tariff s, in exchange for an amenable treatment of the media group's acquisition of a significant stake in Telecom Argentina (a potential anti-trust law violation) ; the hitherto cordial relations between Kirchnerism and the Clarín Group soured during the conflict. |
Brendon Grylls | Since the Coalition came into power in 2008, Grylls has implemented the Royalties for Regions scheme, which sees the equivalent of 25 per cent of the State's mining and petroleum royalty revenue (capped at $ 1 billion per annum) invested into Western Australia's regional infrastructure, services and projects. |
Paul Volcker | On April 6, 2010, at the New-York Historical Society's Global Economic Panel, Volcker commented that the United States should consider adding a national sales tax similar to the Value Added Tax (VAT) imposed in European countries, stating'' If, at the end of the day, we need to raise taxes, we should raise taxes.'' |
Robert Perceval Armitage | In his budget speech in 1953, Armitage explained the policy he had followed :'' (Sterling) balances have accrued... largely because the raw materials produced in the Gold Coast, mainly cocoa, have brought in large earnings and the Government... increased taxation partly in an endeavor to lessen the amount of money which would exert an inflationary pressure... and partly to build reserves.'' |
Albert B. Fall | This last setting became the namesake of the scandal to erupt in April 1922 when the Wall Street Journal reported that Secretary Fall had decided that two of his friends, oilmen Harry F. Sinclair (Mammoth Oil Corporation) and Edward L. Doheny (Pan-American Petroleum and Transport Company), should be given leases to drill in parts of these Naval Reserves without open bidding. |
Alfred Escher | Escher was exposed to increasingly vociferous criticism, prompting him to resign as chairman of the Gotthard Rail Company in 1878. |
Robert Goodwill | In 2000 whilst working as a Conservative MEP, Goodwill sparked controversy when he was quoted as saying'' I fly from Leeds/Bradford to Brussels and we get a set fee of around # 500, but if I buy a cheaper ticket, economy class for about # 160 and # 250, I can pocket the difference and, as a capitalist, also as a British Conservative, I see it as a challenge to buy cheap tickets and make some profit on the system''. |
W. Garfield Weston | In August 1940, following a day of heavy losses during the Battle of Britain, Weston gave # 100,000 for the replacement of fighter aircraft The donation received considerable press coverage, promoted by the Ministry of Aircraft Production and Lord Beaverbrook in the hope of raising more money through public donations to the'' Spitfire Fund.'' |
Ben Bernanke | During a speech delivered on April 7, 2010, he warned that the U. S. must soon develop a'' credible'' plan to address the pending funding crisis faced by'' entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare'' or'' in the longer run we will have neither financial stability nor healthy economic growth.'' |
Eddy Groves | As of 10 November 2008, Groves and ABC is estimated to owe the main banks in excess of 1 Billion with the Federal Government appointing a forensic accountant to go over the books, due to incorrect financial reporting. |
Florence Lawrence | The stock market crash and ensuing economic depression saw her fortune decline but she did return to the screen in 1936, when MGM began giving small parts to old stars for USD $ 75 weekly. |
John Degnbol-Martinussen | From 1999 until his death, Martinussen headed a Roskilde research programme, GlobAsia, investigated the impact of globalization and regionalization on Asian countries -- his own interest was again with India - a country that resisted external pressure to liberalize imports and capital flows for four decades - and the political fallout created by the increasing presence of transnational and foreign firms. |
John Roach | Roach quickly began work on the contract, but in 1873, Pacific Mail confessed an inability to meet its obligations after the company's managing director squandered its capital reserves with a failed stock manipulaton scheme and then absconded with a large amount of cash. |
Roel Pieper | After the collapse of the financial markets in autumn of 2008, the company Eclipse needed to be restructured and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, with the stated plan that a new company, headed by Pieper, would buy the assets of Eclipse and continue manufacturing. |
Akira Mori | He expressed interest in expanding the company's Tokyo real estate portfolio in 2013 in the midst of economic reforms being enacted by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. |
Ezra Levant | The violation of the Code occurred on December 22, 2011, when Levant, in a commentary on The Source, blasted Chiquita Brands International and its ethical record after the company stated it would discontinue using oil produced from the Alberta oil sands. |
Boaz Weinstein | In 2012, Weinstein profited substantially from a notable $ 2-billion loss incurred by JPMorgan on account of a failed investment in credit derivatives attributed to Bruno Iksil. |
Robert Triffin | His idea was largely ignored until 1971, when his hypothesis became reality, forcing US President Richard Nixon to halt convertibility of the United States dollar into gold, an event with consequences known as the Nixon Shock), which effectively ended the Bretton Woods System. |
John A. Gauci-Maistre K.M. | Gauci-Maistre immediately realised the growing spending potential of the Maltese people and 1973 he launched an innovative venture in Malta that would be a trendsetter in the Maltese economy. |
Hayato Ikeda | Ikeda became Minister of International Trade and Industry following a cabinet reshuffle in 1952, but resigned less than a month later following a blunt remark in the Diet that'' it makes no difference to me if five or ten small businessmen are forced to commit suicide,'' after Ikeda's policies favoring heavy industry were imposed. |
Woody Norris | Norris has come under substantial criticism in the past -- while he has been able to greatly enrich himself, as of February 2006, none of the several publicly traded companies he had founded had come anywhere close to profitability. |
Athanasios Orphanides | According to this analysis, the high inflation resulted from the fact these gaps were badly mismeasured due to overoptimistic real time estimates of potential output and the natural rate of unemployment (Orphanides, 2003). |
Mercedes McCambridge | He became a futures trader at Stephens and Company, but after a meteoric rise through the company's ranks, things began to unravel in the fall of 1987 when it was discovered he was engaging in fraud -- essentially by charging all his losing trades to Stephens, while depositing the revenue from winning trades in a trust account in McCambridge's name. |
Thomas H. Lee (businessman) | The final years of Lee's tenure at THL were marred to a certain extent by the firm's investment in Refco, a financial services company specializing in commodities and futures contracts that collapsed suddenly in October 2005, only months after its IPO. |
Harry Nilsson | In 1990, Hawkeye floundered and Nilsson found himself in a dire financial situation after it was discovered that his financial adviser Cindy Sims had embezzled all the funds he had earned as a recording artist. |
George Newell Armsby | After playing a role in the construction of 40 Wall Street, for a time the world's tallest building and now The Trump Building, Armsby and Cowdin persuaded Giannini's Bank of America to merge with Blair, which became - in 1931, in the depths of the Great Depression - a major force on Wall Street. |
Louis O. Kelso | In The New Capitalists (Random House, 1961), the two authors present Kelso's financial tools for democratizing capital ownership in a private property, market economy. |
Johan August Gripenstedt | His optimistic descriptions in the Swedish parliament in 1857 of the economic situation of the country, the so-called'' flower paintings'' (), paved the way for a fast expansion of the Swedish railroad network, which was financed by loans on the international market. |
Joseph Booth (missionary) | Booth continued his pro-African efforts, producing a petition in 1899 to the commissioner Alfred Sharpe, which demanded that the whole protectorate should revert to African control in 21 years and that all of the Hut tax revenue should be spent on African education, including higher education for at least five percent of Africans. |
Denis Mahon | Worth substantially more than the taxes payable, after HM Treasury declined to credit Mahon with the difference, in 1971 he sold it to the Metropolitan Museum, New York. |
Theodore Goldsmith Joslin | During his tenure as presidential press secretary, Joslin struggled to improve President Hoover's public image, an impossible endeavor given Hoover's distaste for the press and personal publicity, the collapse of the national economy in the Great Depression, and such public relations blunders as setting army troops on the Bonus Marchers in 1932. |
Linda McQuaig | This theme was explored further in her 1995 book Shooting the Hippo, which argued that, contrary to what was being propagated by the Liberal government (and the outgoing Conservatives) and the Bank of Canada, the country's large deficit was not caused by the so-called'' enormous costs of social programs.'' |
Ashley Mote | Joanna Greenberg QC, prosecuting, said that from 1996, Mote had filled out benefit claim forms stating that he was unemployed and had no financial assets, even though at the time he had business interests in an international marketing firm called Tanner Management and another company, JC Commercial Management. |
Donald Trump | In 2011, Trump made a rare foray into the stock market after being disappointed with the depressed American real estate market and facing poor returns on bank deposits. |
Beardsley Ruml | In 1945, Ruml made a famous speech to the ABA, asserting that since the end of the gold standard,'' Taxes for Revenue are Obsolete''. |
James White (financier) | In 1927, White overstretched himself financially, and found himself hundreds of thousands of pounds short of the money he needed to meet two concurrent contractual commitments. |
Jim Rogers | In 2002, Rogers said that Fed chairman Alan Greenspan's'' reaction to the stock-market bubble has caused two more bubbles to grow : a real-estate bubble and a consumer-debt bubble.'' |
Herbert Hoover | By 1914, Hoover stood eventually to obtain what he later described as'' a large fortune from these Russian industries, probably more than is good for anybody''. |
William Randolph Hearst | The Hearst news empire reached a circulation and revenue peak about 1928, but the economic collapse of the Great Depression and the vast over-extension of his empire cost him control of his holdings. |
James Wilson (businessman) | During the economic crisis of 1837, he lost most of his wealth when the price of indigo fell. |
Cristina Fern?ndez de Kirchner | She began a four-year term on 10 December 2007, facing challenges including inflation, union demands for higher salaries, private investment in key areas, lack of institutional credibility (exemplified by the controversy surrounding the national statistics bureau, INDEC), utility companies demanding authorization to raise charges, low availability of cheap credit to the private sector, and the upcoming negotiation of the defaulted foreign debt with the Paris Club. |