Pedro Vaz Artigas' Home Page

Some Info

Name: Pedro Vaz Artigas
Office: Wean Hall 4112
Office Phone#: (412) 268 - 3047
e-mail: artigas(AT)cs(DOT)cmu(DOT)edu
Advisor: Seth Copen Goldstein
Project: Phoenix


ISPASS'05 - Dataflow: A Complement to Superscalar - PS | PSGZ | PDF
Mihai Budiu, Pedro V. Artigas, and Seth Copen Goldstein

CACM'01 - The NINJA project, Making Java work for high performance numerical computing - PS | PSGZ | PDF
José E. Moreira, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta, Pedro V. Artigas, Peng Wu and George Almasi

ICS'00 | PPL'00 - Automatic loop transformations and parallelization for Java - PS | PSGZ | PDF
Pedro V. Artigas, Manish Gupta, Samuel P. Midkiff, and José E. Moreira

SYSJOUR'00 - Java programming for high-performance numerical computing - PS | PSGZ | PDF
José E. Moreira, Samuel P. Midkiff, Manish Gupta, Pedro V. Artigas, Mark Snir, and Rick D. Lawrence

LCPC'99 - High performance numerical computing in Java: Language and compiler issues - PS | PSGZ | PDF
Pedro V. Artigas, Manish Gupta, Samuel P. Midkiff, and José E. Moreira

Earlier publications in Portuguese only, abstract in English.

SBAC'95 - Um sistema integrado para otimização automática de paralelismo e de localidade de dados
Edson T. Midorikawa, Nelson T. Minoura, Pedro V. Artigas, and João A. Zuffo

Ah ... and also some CMU class project reports and the mandated copyright notice.


LCPC'99 - High performance numerical computing in Java: Language and compiler issues - PS | PSGZ | PDF

Some fun stuff

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