Peer-Reviewed Publications
E. Trainer, A. Kalyanasundaram, C. Chaihirunkarn, and J. Herbsleb , "How to Hackathon: Socio-technical Tradeoffs in Brief, Intensive Collocation" , To Appear: In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2016. [PDF].
A. Kalyanasundaram, Wei Wei , Kathleen M. Carley , and J. Herbsleb, "An Agent-Based Model of Edit Wars in Wikipedia: How and When is Consensus Reached", To Appear: In Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC '15)', 2015. [PDF]
E. Trainer, C. Chaihirunkarn, A. Kalyanasundaram, and J. Herbsleb , "From Personal Tool to Community Resource: What's the Extra Work and Who Will Do It?", In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2015, pp. 417-430. [Online Archive].
E. Trainer, C. Chaihirunkarn, A. Kalyanasundaram, and J. Herbsleb , "Community Code Engagements: Summer of Code & Hackathons for Community Building in Scientific Software", In Proceedings of 2014 ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work (Group 2014), pp. 111-121. [Online Archive]
P. Chandra, and A. Kalyanasundaram, "A Network Pruning Based Approach for Subset Specific Influential Detection", In Proceedings of the 4th Annual ACM Web Science conference (WebSci), 2012. [Best Paper Nominee] [Online Archive] [PDF] [Video]
A. Kalyanasundaram, B. B. Roy, and S. Rao, "Exploiting Data Parallelism in SELinux Using a Multicore Processor", in Proceedings of the 47th Annual National Convention of Computer Society of India (CSI), 2012. [Online Archive] [PDF]
A. Kalyanasundaram, R. A. K. Lalkhanwar, and S. Rao, "Fail-Stop Distributed Combinatorial Auctioning Systems with Fair Resource Allocation", in 7th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2011. [Online Archive] [PDF]
Publications Under Review
A. Kalyanasundaram, C. Bogart, E. Trainer, and J. Herbsleb, "My Code is Broken, But It's Not My Fault: Coordination Costs of Managing External Dependencies", in 39th International Conference on Software Engineering , 2017.
P. Chandra, A. Kalyanasundaram "Task Assignment in Crowdsourcing" , USPTO Filed 2015/0363741 A1 [link]