External examined by Prof. C. J. Harris, (Lucas Professor of Image Speech & Intelligent Systems Research Group) Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, on the 14th June 1996.
August 1991
BEng(Hons) Avionics, Second Class Upper (2:1),
Department of Aeronautical Engineering,
Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London
BEng Thesis: Review of 4-D guidance techniques and the simulation of 4-D
aircraft guidance.
November 1996 to March 1997
Visting Post-Doctoral Research Fellow,
Research Group in Industrial Electronics,
Département de Génie électrique,
École d'ingénierie,
Université du Québec, à Trois-Riviéres
June 1996 to October 1996
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow,
Cranfield University (RMCS)
Department of Aerospace and Guidance
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Associate Member of the UK Institution of Electrical Engineers AMIEE.
Reviewing papers for IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEE Proceedings on Control Theory and Applications, Inst. Mech. Proceedings Part I (UK), Information Sciences, and International Journal of Systems Science.
Student representative on the Board of Continuing Education, Cranfield University, Royal Military College of Science.
7/96 - 11/96
9/93 - 6/96
Co-Chaired a project team that developed and implemented in real-time trajectory planning and a control scheme for an Agricultural Robot. Developed a hierarchical fuzzy controller that simultaneously tracks the robot end-effector using sensor feedback. Currently investigating the possible use of visual feedback mechanism, learning control algorithms and optimal path planning in the hierarchical fuzzy controller. Also worked on developing a neuro-fuzzy model of the robot.
Developed a non-linear mathematical model for a longitudinal dynamics of a minehunting Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROV) for the Defence Research Agency (DRA), Sea Systems Sector, Winfrith. Designed several autopilots for the ROV using Sliding-Mode-Control, Input-Output Linearisation and fuzzy logic control techniques.
Developed a highly non-linear six-degree of freedom skid-to-turn missile mathematical model for British Aerospace Dynamics Ltd, using Matlab and Simulink. Analysed wind tunnel data to compute aerodynamic coefficients into functional forms. Developed a new input-output linearisation control structure to address the non-minimum phase characteristics of the missile accelerations. The control scheme was implemented on a realistic missile model.
3/92 - 8/93
Other Activities and Interest
Lawn tennis, Table tennis, Football (soccer), Chess, American
football, Athletics, and Test cricket.
Research Assistant, Cranfield University, School of Engineering and Applied Science. Duties included organising undergraduate laboratory experiments in control systems and Matlab. Participated in developing an experiment to introduce fuzzy logic to undergraduate students.
Trainee Engineer. Worked on behalf of Reed Employment Agency, for
British Telecom, Group Computing Systems,Provision andControl Group.
Responsibilities included; writing QMS procedures, developing and
testing an on line Request Management System for internal procurement.
Personal Details