Adam Skory

Masters student at
the Carnegie Mellon
Language Technologies Institute

office GHC 6407

My present research regards teaching language skills using web-based multiplayer games. I am currently developing a framework of games targeted at advanced learners of English, with a particular focus on standardized test preparation.

Contact me at the above email address if you would like to demo these games in the future.

Skory, A. and Eskenazi, M. (2010), Predicting Cloze Quality for Vocabulary Training
Proc. of NAACL HLT Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications
Los Angeles, California

Skory, A. and Eskenazi, M. (2010), Automatic Selection of Collocations for Instruction
Proc. of SLaTE Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education
Tokyo, Japan

I grew up in Berkeley, CA, but decided to head South and get a BA in Linguistics from UCLA. I've worked as an English teacher in India and South Korea. I love to travel and learn languages: I've wandered through 36 sovereign-states (that's counting Vatican City and Canada, but not airports), and studied (language, mostly) in Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, Austria, and China.

(My favorite country is probably Mexico, and learning Chinese really is that hard.)

Some things that would keep me busy - if schoolwork and research didn't - are running, following Crossfit, playing obscure sports, snowboarding, and exploring electronic sensory extension.

Here's a CV.