Welcome to Avrim Blum's Machine Learning Page
(under construction -- only CMU stuff so far)
Institution/Organization Pages
Center for Automated Learning and Discovery (CALD) at Carnegie Mellon
CMU CS Machine Learning Group
CMU Machine Learning and Friends seminars
Course Home Pages
15-681/15-781 Machine Learning
(Carnegie Mellon, Fall 1998, instructor: Tom Mitchell)
15-854 Machine Learning Theory
(Carnegie Mellon, Spring 1998, instructor: Avrim Blum)
for more
Textbooks, Journals, and Conferences
Tom Mitchell:
Machine Learning
(McGraw Hill, 1997)
Kearns and Vazirani:
An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory
(MIT Press, 1994)
The Machine Learning Journal
COLT '99
COLT 2000
ICML '99
ICML 2000
Other Resources
David Aha's list of machine learning resources
The CMU Reinforcement Learning & Friends page
Last updated: April 2 1999