This pages gives instructions for how to use the the programs and database that are part of 11-752: Speech: Phonetics, prosody, perception and synthesis given in the Spring semester in LTI by Maxine Eskenzai and Alan W Black.
These instructions are primarily for the cluster machines in WeH 5336. The programs used in the course are set up to run under Linux on CS facilitized machines. It may be possible to use other machines too, if you decide to do that it is your responsibility to ensure that the software works on them.
The data, libraries and programs are in
/afs/ use them add /afs/ to your path.
How you add this to you path depends on your shell (the program you type commands to). To determine which shell you use
fingerThe seocnd line, second column will tell you. If you are using bash, add the following lines to the end of the file .bashrc in your home directory.
export SPPPDIR=/afs/ export PATH=$SPPPDIR/bin:$PATHIf you are using csh or tcsh then add the following lines to the of the file .cshrc in your home directory
setenv SPPPDIR /afs/ setenv PATH $SPPPDIR/bin:$PATH(For those of you who care, the course directory as pre-pended to the path list becuase there is an old version of Festival in /usr/local/bin).
You can either logout and in again to have these variables take effect or you type them at the prompt (in the case of tcsh you must also type rehash for them to take effect).
On the lti machines you may want to also add the following line to you .xinitrc in order for delete/backspace
xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace"
say_display_sgYou'll have 5 seconds to speak, say She had your dark suit in greasy washwater all year. (or something similar). After recording the display/label program emulabel will display the signal with a spectragram. You should be able to scroll through it and play parts by pressing the play button. You may optionally give an argument to say_display_sg stating the number of seconds to record.
Other programs you will use: