Next: About this document
Up: Automatically clustering similar units
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Recent improvements on microsoft's trainable text-to-speech
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In ICASSP-97, volume II, pages 959-962, Munich, Germany, 1997.
- 7
A. Hunt and A. Black.
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In ICASSP-96, volume 1, pages 373-376, Atlanta, Georgia, 1996.
- 8
M. Ostendorf, P. Price, and S. Shattuck-Hufnagel.
The Boston University Radio News Corpus.
Technical Report ECS-95-001, Electrical, Computer and Systems
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In Proceedings of ICSLP 92, volume 1, pages 483-486, 1992.
Alan W Black
Tue Jul 1 17:10:58 BST 1997