W. Moore
I was the Dean of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University from 2014 to 2018.(1) (Pronouns he/him). My background is in statistical machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, and statistical computation for large volumes of data. I love algorithms and statistics. In the case of robotics, which I also love, I only have expertise in decision and control algorithms. I suck at hardware and mechanical design. When I stand near a robot, it breaks.
I have worked in the areas of robot control, manufacturing, reinforcement learning, algorithms for astrophysics, algorithms for detection and surveillance of terror threats, internet advertising, internet click-through prediction, ecommerce, and logistics for same day delivery.
I am passionate about the impact of technology (algorithms, cloud architectures, statistics, robotics, language technologies, machine learning, computational biology, artificial intelligence and software development processes) on the future of society. We are lucky to live in such an exciting time of change. I am adamant that the Pittsburgh region in general, and Carnegie Mellon more specifically, are right in the center of all this change.