05-830, User Interface
Software, Spring, 1997
Lecture 14, April 14,
Copyright © 1997 - Brad
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UIMS Techniques 1:
Menu Trees,
(only about 1/2 hour)
- The term "User Interface Management System" associated with
older systems that represent the dialog of the interface in a formal
- Thus, most of the following UIMSs define a special (textual or graphical)
language for programming the UI.
- This is primarily only the input from the user to the computer,
not the reverse.
- Human-human dialog is symetric, but not computer-human dialogs
- Original forms were: menu trees, transition networks, grammars,
and events.
- Issues: Formal range vs. effective range
- What can conceivably be represented vs. what is convenient and
Menu Trees
- Also called "Dialog Trees"
- Hierarchy of menus
- picture, Olsen UIMS book, p. 116 (Fig 7:1) (Dan R. Olsen,
Jr., User
Interface Management Systems: Models and Algorithms, Morgan Kaufmann,
San Mateo, CA, 1992.)
- Used in Kasik's "TIGER" UIMS, which was used for years to create Boeing's
CAD tools
- Interface is "command-line style" with menus to choose the keywords
- Prefix
- Operator defines the parameters that will come
- Very large number of commands, e.g. 10 ways to draw a circle
- Special facilities for jumping around the tree, and doing the right sematic
- Aborting commands
Transition Diagrams
- Set of states and set of arcs.
- Probably the earliest UIMS:
- William Newman's "Reaction Handler" in 1968
- Simplest form, arcs are user input events.
- arcs can be extended by listing feedback (output) and semantic
actions on the arcs
- actions usually written in a conventional language (e.g. C)
- picture, Olsen, p. 37 (Fig 3:1)
- Often, represented textually:
- Sub-diagrams
- To help modularize and simplify large networks
- if call themselves, then "recursive transition network"
- Picture Olsen, p. 41(Fig 3:4)
- Problem: when to enter and leave the sub-dialog:
- don't want to use up a token
- "Pervasive states" to handle help, abort, undo, etc.
- "Escape" transitions to abort (permanently leave) a dialog
- picture, Olsen p. 53 (Fig 3:11)
- "Re-enter" sub-dialogs for temporary excursions that return to same
E.g., help, use calculator, etc.
- picture, Olsen p. 55 (Fig 3:12)
- Transitions are taken if no specific arcs from node
- "Augmented transition networks"
- local variables
- function on arcs can determine transitions
- "guards" determine whether transition is legal
- "conditional transitions" calculate where to go
- picture, Olsen p. 57 (Fig 3:14)
- upgrades the power to context-free-grammar
- Transition Networks, in general, used in various UIMSs:
- Research: Newman's "reaction handler", Jacob's RTN, Olsen's
"Interactive Pushdown Automata", etc.
- Commercial: IDE's RAPID/USE, Virtual Prototypes's VAPS
- VAPS uses spreadsheet interface to the ATN
- Evaluation:
- Good
- Make explicit the interpretation of all events in each state
- Emphasize the temporal sequence of user and system actions (unlike grammars)
- Natural and easily understood if small
- easy to teach, learn, and read
- Appropriate for some parts of GUIs: widget behaviors, dialog box
transitions, etc.
- Bad
- Does not scale: 150 commands with 3 or 4 states each
- explosion of lines and states for normal interfaces: "maze of
- unordered inputs
- picture, Olsen p. 91 (Fig 6:1)
- Textual form is like GOTO-based assembly language
- Communication through global variables
- Doesn't handle GUI mode-free style well
- What to do with un-specified input? crash, ignore input
- Doesn't address output
- Context-free grammars good for describing textual dialogs
which have a formal syntax.
- alphabet of symbols
- sentences - legal sequences of symbols
- language - set of all legal sentences
- grammar - set of terminals, set of non-terminals, set of productions,
start symbol
- context-free-grammar: all productions of the
<a> ::= B
where <a>
is a single
nontermimal, and B
is a non-empty string of terminals and/or
- Example: syntax of Lisp floating point numbers:
- Non-terminals, terminals. Listed in order.
- Iteration by recursion, unless support *, +
- Essentially the same power as STNs, certainly ATNs.
- Eliminates the need to specify a lot of states as in STN
- Attach semantic actions to the parsing of non-terminals
- But not clear when processed: bottom-up or top-down
- Used in only a few UIMSs:
- Olsen's "SYNGraph"
- special features for Undo and Cancel (Rubout)
- others using YACC+LEX
- Evaluation:
- Good
- Handles complex dialogs
- Handles both lexical and syntactic levels
- Bad
- Unintuitive for developer
- Hard to know where to attach semantic actions
- Bad error recovery: can't push forward looking for ";"
- Doesn't address output
- Doesn't handle GUI mode-free style well
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