05-830, User Interface
Software, Spring, 1998
Lecture 9, February 18,
Copyright © 1998 - Brad
Lecture . . .
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Toolkits: Intrinsics, Callbacks, Resources,
Hierarchies, Geometry Management
(About 30-40 minutes)
Widgets as objects
- Menus, buttons, scrollbars
- Refresh themselves and handle input, redraw if change
- In Motif and Tk each widget is at least one window
- Also Motif has "gadgets" which aren't windows
- In Amulet, widgets are not windows
- Decorative lines, labels and boxes also are "widgets"
- How the widgets are implemented
- Motif -- "fake" object system out of C (same in Andrew)
- Tk -- Tcl language
- Amulet -- Prototype-instance object system, constraints, Opal graphics
model, Interactors input model, command objects
- Every parameter of widgets in Motif
- Passed as a parameter to the create routine, set afterwards,
or read from a configuration file
- Called "options" by Tk
- Amulet doesn't support having them in a file
- Each resource has a default value defined by the class
- In an X file =
appl.widget1.widget2.resource: value
- "sensitive" to grey-out
- "resizable" for windows
- In Motif, associate C procedures with widgets
- Many different callbacks for the same widget
- create, start, abort, finish, destroy, ...
- Registered (set) at widget creation time, invoked at run time
- Are "resources"
- There are also "actions" which are internal to the widget and called
by events.
- Not usually set by programmers
- Parameters: widget, client data, value
- In tk, associate tcl script with "events" in widgets
- or the widget action if it has one
- In Amulet, invoke Command Objects on "interactors" or widget finish,
and call-back is the DO method.
Widget Hierarchies
- Motif-Primitive adds 3-D shadow
- (picture)
- Label adds string or pixmap display
- Push-button adds accepting input
- Composite is for geometry management
- Constraint = how size and position of children managed
- Shell = windows
- Inheritance down the parent or class hierarchy
- Java object hierarchy contains 477 classes
Geometry Management
- Widgets don't set their own location.
- Widgets put into special group objects called "geometry managers"
that perform the layout by setting the component's positions and size
- Used in Motif and tk
- Each widget negotiates with parent for more room when resize
- Motif
- RowColumn - add widgets and it lays them out
- Treats all children the same, so not for ScrollBars
- (picture)
- Form - generic constrained layout
- Put extra resources on the children widgets
- "For details, see the Motif Reference Manual, because the complete behavior
of Form is quite complicated."
- Each edge can be constrained
- at a position or offset from an edge of the Form
- at an offset from an edge of another widget
- percent of the way across the Form (edge, not center)
- a percent calculated based on the initial position
- If wrong, widgets are on top of each other
- Two phases: bottom up requesting size, then top down setting size.
- All done before windows are allocated
- Pop-ups: any widget, but must be put in special "OverrideShell"
- Unnecessary complexity: "XmCreateMenuBar actually creates a RowColumn
widget, but with some special resource settings.... The Motif widget creation
routines often have names that are different from the widgets they create."
- (picture of code)
- Tk
- All widgets must be in a geometry manager, or else not displayed
- Any widget with any geometry manager
- Layout depends on
- widget specified sizes
- programmer specifications,
- size of geometry manager itself
- Widgets must adjust themselves to the size given
- Geometry manager requests size recursively
- Placer - specific location for each widget
- Each widget treated independently
- Place "anchor" in absolute coords or as a % of way across
- then say which part of object is at the anchor
- n, ne, e, se, ... center
- Packer - "constraint based"
- specify position of each widget in available space
- side left, right, top, bottom
- fill x, -fill y stretch widget to fill available space
- Text
- Canvas - mix graphics and widgets
- Amulet
- Group can have the Am_LAYOUT slot set with a constraint that
depends on other slots
- Sets positions of parts by side effect
- Default layout routines: Horizontal and Vertical layout, for lists or
- Graph layout eventually
- Rest done by arbitrary constraints
Standard Motif Application
- Include Motif and widget header files
- Initialize the toolkit: XtAppInitialize
- reads resources, creates server connection, returns top-level
screen pointer
- Create the widgets and put them in composites ("parent")
- "manage" the widgets (except when pop-ups)
- Register call-backs with the widges
- "Realize" the top level widget
- Causes geometry management to be invoked
- Start the main loop: XtAppMainLoop
Simple Hello World Program in Amulet:
#include <amulet.h>
main (void) {
Am_Initialize ();
.Add_Part (Am_Window.Create ("window")
.Set (Am_WIDTH, 200)
.Set (Am_HEIGHT, 50)
.Add_Part (Am_Text.Create ("string")
.Set (Am_TEXT, "Hello World!")));
Am_Main_Event_Loop ();
Am_Cleanup ();
Goodbye-world Amulet program with button
#include <amulet.h>
main (void) {
Am_Initialize ();
.Add_Part (Am_Window.Create ("window")
.Set (Am_WIDTH, 200)
.Set (Am_HEIGHT, 50)
.Set (Am_FILL_STYLE, Am_Amulet_Purple)
.Add_Part (Am_Button.Create ("button")
.Set (Am_LABEL, "Goodbye, world!"))));
Am_Main_Event_Loop ();
Am_Cleanup ();
Goodbye-world Amulet program without button
#include <amulet.h>
Am_Define_Method (Am_Object_Method, void, quit_method, (Am_Object)) {
cerr << "It was nice knowing you.\n" << flush;
main (void) {
Am_Object inter;
Am_Initialize ();
.Add_Part(Am_Window.Create ("window")
.Set (Am_WIDTH, 200)
.Set (Am_HEIGHT, 50)
.Add_Part(Am_Text.Create ("string")
.Set (Am_TEXT, "Goodbye World!")
.Add_Part(inter = Am_One_Shot_Interactor.Create())
Set (Am_DO_METHOD, quit_method);
Am_Main_Event_Loop ();
Am_Cleanup ();
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