05-830, User Interface
Software, Spring, 1999
Homework 1, Issued: January 13,
Due: Wed, January 20
Create a Benchmark Description
The goal of this homework is for you to develop a benchmark task
description. You will prepare
- A hardcopy description of the benchmark task, to be turned in on
January 20
- The hardcopy should include a URL or full /afs/ address of where I can
access the benchmark on line, or else turn in a floppy with the benchmark.
- An oral presentation of the benchmark to be presented in class on January
A good benchmark would be representative of one or more user
interface styles. It would have components that represented the most
important or most difficult aspects of implementing that style, and would
therefore be representative of a "real" application of the same style.
However, a benchmark should be implementable in just a few hundred
lines of code in some appropriate tool (e.g., 200 to 1000 lines of code).
Note that it does not have to be implementable, or easy to
implement, in all toolkits
-- one of the goals is to use these benchmarks to differentiate tools.
Your benchmark should be different from previous years. Some
of the benchmarks should test different aspects of the interfaces than previous
year's did. Even if you test the same aspects, try to do it
in a different way.
It would be best if the benchmark were written in HTML format, so
it will be easy to put it up on the web.
This written description should have the following parts:
- An introduction, which contains:
- A brief overall description of the benchmark. E.g. "This
is a simple graphical editor".
- A discussion of the style(s) of interface that this benchmark is
representative of. E.g. "This is representative of direct manipulation
interfaces where the user ...".
- A discussion of popular, well-known user interfaces that this is similar
to. E.g. "This benchmark is representative of the interface found on
software such as CorelDraw and PowerPoint."
- Motivate and discuss why your task is a good benchmark for the
chosen style. That is, why is it representative? What features
of the style have been captured and which have been left out?
- Next, there should be a detailed description of the benchmark to
be implemented. This description should be detailed enough to insure
that each implementation using each toolkit is sufficiently similar. However,
you should be careful not to include any specifications that
would unnecessarily favor or penalize any one environment or toolkit. For
example, you can say "There must be a command to exit the program" but
it would not be appropriate to say "...which must be called 'Quit'"
since on Windows the command is called "Exit" instead of "Quit".
- As an example of the level of detail, you can look previous year's
- It would be appropriate to have a picture, which you can draw by hand
or with a drawing program, of a "typical" implementation of
this interface, if that would be helpful.
The oral presentation should
- Be 5 minutes or less.
- Present the style of interface you are trying to write a benchmark for.
- Briefly describe your specification and why it is an appropriate benchmark
for the specified style.
- Use overheads created ahead of time.
- Please turn in a hardcopy of your overheads after your talk.
This homework is worth 5% of your grade in the course -- both the
oral and written parts will count towards your grade. Since you need
to present the benchmark in class, there will be substantial late
penalties: one full letter grade immediately, and 1 extra letter
grade per class late.
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