05-830, User Interface Software, Spring, 2001
Lecture 6, February 12, 2001
Copyright © 2001 - Brad Myers
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(Show Videos of SILK.)
Just show what looks like
Note: differentiate from term "rapid prototyping"
Some support for behavior: typically changing screens
Like a movie of the interaction
Goal: see some of interface very quickly (hours)
Often no possibility of migrating to real application
May not use "real" widgets
"Low Fidelity" Techniques
Just use paper and/or overheads
Experimenter "plays computer"
Ask the user "what would you do now"
Experimenter shows the computer's expected response
Very cheap and easy and gets surprisingly good results
Find out if users understand organization, how to find desired operations,
if understand menu names, etc.
Easy to change between sessions
Can make a movie of the paper using a regular video camera
To demonstrate/explain the interface
For Character Screens
24x80 DOS, often no mouse
Especially for forms-based applications
Examples: Bricklin's Demo (PC), Protoscreens for PCs from Bailey&Bailey.
Specify characters for each position of screen, or a "character graphics"
Can specify fields that are editable text
Can specify that clicking on an area causes changing to a new screen.
Also menus
Card Programs
Examples: HyperCard and SuperCard for Mac; Toolbook and OWL's GUIDE for PCs
Early Research systems:
Menulay: vector screens, widgets, sounds, text, output C code and tables
Trillium: Xerox copier interfaces; interpreted Lisp
Sequence of cards
Paint program (not "draw")
Draw pictures on each card
May be multiple layers
Buttons can transition to another card
Single window
Buttons can start running a script ("HyperTalk")
Script can move objects, change cards, animate, compute, etc.
Code management: who changes what; finding the script
Not good for dynamically created graphics
Complete control of individual pixels
Graphic designers have complete control
Design new widgets
Can be "real" application if sufficient power/speed
Animation Programs
Example: MacroMind Director
Also control individual pixels
Individual paintings can be specified as animation elements
E.g., characters
Each can be instantiated, moved, etc.
Good control over timing, synchronization
Scripting language
Can program that when a mouse button is clicked in an area, start an animation
or transition.
Scripting language even more primitive than HyperTalk
Good for "Future Scenarios" when want good fidelity with real look.
Obviously not for final (real) interface.
Silk Examples:

Interface Builders
Lay out widgets to make dialog boxes, menus.
Have a palette or menu of kinds of widgets
Select widget, place with mouse in a window
Set some properties
Design menus, palettes, dialog boxes, controls
Put in ``graphics'' pane for main application window
Easy to use, but limited
Connect call-backs with each widget
Generates C code directly or intermediate language
Sometimes connected to an intepreter so can execute call-backs.
If not, some call-backs can be simulated, e.g. transition to another window;
pop-up error.
Layout mechanisms
usually a complication
X's row and columns stuff
Galaxy's struts and springs
store information in special files rather than in source code
positions, colors, text labels, etc.
allow for easier modification for users, internationalization, etc.
Usually don't support:
Error checking of values, e.g. for text input fields
Greying of widgets depending on values and other widgets
Default values of widgets
Dynamic changing of widgets (e.g., add more items)
Dynamic changing layers (groups) of widgets (visibility) depending on values
and other widgets
Any dynamically created graphical objects.
Menulay (1983-research system)
NeXT Interface Builder (NeXT)
BlueSky's WindowsMaker (MS Windows)
Visual Basic
... (literally hundreds of others)
Used to be lots of IB products
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