20-790: Human-Computer Interaction in eCommerce, Mini 2, Fall, 2001

Schedule and Readings

The course videos and slides are available on-line for those who have accounts.

1 Thurs, Oct 25

1. Why is UI Design Important and Why Is It Difficult?

PowerPoint Slides for Lecture 1

Required Readings:
  • Web Text, chapter 1.
  • UE Text, chapters 1-3.
  • Brad A. Myers. "Challenges of HCI Design and Implementation," ACM Interactions. vol. 1, no. 1. January, 1994. pp. 73-83. PDF
Recommended Readings:
  • Jeffrey Kosseff, "Web Firms Could Have Benefited from More 'Usability,' Experts Say." E-Commerce Times®; The E-Business and Technology Supersite. HTML
  • Gerald L. Lohse and Peter Spiller, "Quantifying the effect of user interface design features on cyberstore traffic and sales," CHI'98: Human factors in computing systems, April 18 - 23, 1998, Los Angeles, CA USA. pp. 211-218. ACM DL PDF
  • Gerald L. Lohse and Peter Spiller, "Electronic shopping," Communications of the ACM, vol. 41 , no. 7 (1998). pp. 81-87. ACM DL PDF

Fill out the Initial Questionnaire in class and turn in immediately.

Form groups of three or four people. At least one person in each group should be able to author web pages.

2 Tues, Oct 30

2. Usability Process; Goals and Task analysis

PowerPoint Slides for Lecture 2

Required Readings:

  • UE Text, chapter 4.

Start on Homework 1.

3 Thurs, Nov 1

Discovering what people can't tell you:
Contextual Inquiry and Design Methodology

PowerPoint Slides for Lecture 3

Required Readings:

  • Interactions magazine, vol. 6 , no. 1 (Jan+Feb, 1999) , special section on Contextual Design:
    • Karen Holtzblatt, "Introduction to special section on contextual design", pp. 30-31. ACM DL PDF
    • Hugh Beyer and Karen Holtzblatt, "Contextual design", pp. 32-42. ACM DL PDF
  • Karen Cross, Adrienne Warmack, and Brad Myers. "Lessons Learned: Using Contextual Inquiry Analysis to Improve PDA Control of Presentations". Submitted for Publication. PDF.

Recommended Readings:

  • Interactions magazine, vol. 6 , no. 1 (Jan+Feb, 1999) , special section on Contextual Design:
    • Teresa Cleary, "Communicating customer information at Cabletron Systems, Inc., pp. 44-49. ACM DL PDF
    • Chris Rockwell, "Customer connection creates a winning product: building success with contextual techniques," pp. 50-57. ACM DL PDF
    • John Ims. "Instituting integrated workflow development," pp. 58-69. ACM DL PDF
4 Tues, Nov 6

Contextual Design Methodology, cont.

PowerPoint Slides for Lecture 4

Turn in Homework 1.
Start on Homework 2.

5 Thurs, Nov 8

Page Design, Content Design, Site Design

Please send me more example pages to use that illustrate the points.

PowerPoint Slides for Lecture 5

Required Readings:

  • Web Text, chapters 2,3 and 4.
6 Tues, Nov 13

UIST Conference -- Brad away

Guest Lecture: Mark Derthick, "Visualization and eCommerce HCI"

PowerPoint Slides for Guest Lecture

7 Thurs, Nov 15

UIST Conference -- Brad away

Guest Lecture: Sara Kiesler, "Navigation, the Card/Pirolli Research on Search, and Related Topics"

PowerPoint Slides for Guest Lecture

Turn in Homework 2.
Start on Homework 3

8 Tues, Nov 20

Page Design, Content Design, Site Design, cont.

PowerPoint Slides for Lecture 6

  Thurs, Nov 22

Thanksgiving Day; no class

9 Tues, Nov 27

Evaluation using Heuristic Analysis

PowerPoint Slides for Lecture 7

Required Readings:

  • UE Text, chapter 5.

Turn in Homework 3.
Start on Homework 4

10 Thurs, Nov 29

Evaluation using User Studies

PowerPoint Slides for Lecture 8

Required Readings:

  • UE Text, chapter 6.
11 Tues, Dec 4

Handicapped and International Use issues

PowerPoint Slides for Lecture 9

Required Readings:

  • Web Text, chapters 6 and 7.
  • UE Text, chapter 9

Turn in Homework 4.
Start on Homework 5.

12 Thurs, Dec 6

Design for Mobile Devices

PowerPoint Slides for Lecture 10

Required Readings:

  • Web Text, chapters 8 and 9.
13 Tues, Dec 11

Graphic Design of Web Pages

Guest lecture by Professor Jodi Forlizzi

Slides for Guest lecture (pdf format)

In today's lecture, we will review principles of communication design that are relevant to the design of web sites: typography, color, design systems and grids, and how to best design for your audience.

14 Thurs, Dec 13

Student Presentations and Critique

Turn in Homework 5.

15 Tuesday, 12/18 from 9-12 FINAL EXAM in Cooper Auditorium