Schedule for 05-630/05-430, Programming User Interfaces, Spring, 2004

1 Tue
Jan 13

1. Course Introduction ; Why are Interfaces Important, and Why are they Hard To Design and Implement?

PowerPoint Slides for Topic 1

Required Readings:
  • Nielsen Text: Chapters 1,  2
  • Brad A. Myers. "Challenges of HCI Design and Implementation," ACM Interactions. vol. 1, no. 1. January, 1994. pp. 73-83. ACM DL Reference.
    Discusses why user interfaces are important, and why they are hard to design and implement.
2 Thu
Jan 15

Overview of VB .Net 1

Presented by TAs

Powerpoint slides for tutorial
Visual Basic quick reference
Files from the demo

HW 1 given out: VB Warm-up:
3 Tue
Jan 20

Overview of VB .Net 2

Note: This class will meet in the computer cluster in Wean 5202/5204

presented by TAs

4 Thu
Jan 22

2. What is design?

PowerPoint Slides for Topic 2

Required Readings:
  • Norman book (all chapters)

HW 1 due
HW 2 given out: Use all the widgets: see Assign2-VBuseallClockElev.doc

5 Tue
Jan 27

3. How to design a good user study

PowerPoint Slides for Topic 3

Required Readings:
  • Nielsen's text, chapters 6, 7
  • Kathleen Gomoll, "Some Techniques for Observing Users," From The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, Brenda Laurel, ed. New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1992. Pp. 85- 90. PDF
  • Marc Rettig, "Prototyping for tiny fingers", Communications of the ACM, Volume 37 , Issue 4 (April 1994), Pages: 21 - 27. PDF
6 Thu
Jan 29

How to design a good user study, continued

7 Tue
Feb 3

4. Usability Engineering Design Process

PowerPoint Slides for Topic 4

Required Readings:
  • Nielsen Text: Chapter 4
Recommended Readings:
  • John D. Gould and Clayton Lewis. "Designing for usability: key principles and what designers think," Communications of the ACM. Volume 28 , Issue 3 (March 1985), pp. 300 - 311. ACM DL PDF
8 Thu
Feb 5

Brad away: HCIC Conference

Guest lecture: David Bishop, Human Sciences Director/Senior Interaction Designer for Maya Design

PowerPoint Slides for Guest Lecture

HW 2 due.
HW 3 given out: Iteratively Design and User Test a Photocopier:
9 Tue
Feb 10

5. UI Design: UI Guidelines, Heuristic Analysis

PowerPoint Slides for Topic 5

Required Readings:
  • Nielsen Text: Chapter 5
Recommended Readings:
  • Nielsen Text: Chapter 8
10 Thu
Feb 12

Heuristic Analysis, cont.

HW 3 first user test and preliminary implementation due

11 Tue
Feb 17

Examples of Good and Bad User Interfaces

Each student needs to send 2 examples: one of a good UI feature and one bad:

12 Thu
Feb 19

In-class student presentations for HW 3

HW 3 final due
HW 4 handed out: Iteratively Design and User Test a Device

13 Tue
Feb 24

6. Overview of UI Software and Tools (Basic Organization of UI Software)

PowerPoint Slides for Topic 6

Required Readings:
  • Brad A. Myers. "User Interface Software Tools," ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. vol. 2, no. 1, March, 1995. pp. 64-103. ACM DL Reference
  • Brad A. Myers. "A Brief History of Human Computer Interaction Technology." ACM interactions. Vol. 5, no. 2, March, 1998. ACM DL Reference. (A previous version appeared as CS TR CMU-CS-96-163 and HCII TR CMU-HCII-96-103: html)

HW 4: Which device you are doing due

14 Thu
Feb 26

6. Overview of UI Software and Tools (Basic Organization of UI Software), cont.

Andy's Task Design slides, from February 26th, 2004, in PowerPoint and pdf

15 Tue
Mar 2

In-class midterm

16 Thu
Mar 4

7. UI Styles, Dimensions of UI Variability

PowerPoint Slides for Topic 7

Required Readings:
  • Nielsen Text: Chapter 3
Recommended Readings:
  • Nielsen Text: Chapter 10
Mar 9
SPRING BREAK -- No class
Mar 11
SPRING BREAK -- No class
17 Tue
Mar 16

UI Styles, cont.

HW 4: First part due (note: new due date)
HW5: Start Heuristic Analysis of each other's systems

18 Thu
Mar 18

8. Toolkits and Widgets (different kinds of widgets, how to choose, how to program)

PowerPoint Slides for Topic 8

19 Tue
Mar 23

9. Basic Computer Graphics for UIs (screen sizes, pixels, colors, anti-aliasing, object-oriented graphics vs. paint)

PowerPoint Slides for Topic 9

HW 5: Heuristic Analysis of each other's systems due

20 Thu
Mar 25

Overview of Flash MX

Given by the TAs (in the usual classroom)

21 Tue
Mar 30

In-class student presentations for HW 4 & 5

(will use NSH 1305 and NSH 1507)

HW 6: Flash warm-up handed out:
22 Thu
Apr 1

10. Programming animation and time and sound

PowerPoint Slides for Topic 10

HW 4: final report due

23 Tue
Apr 6

11. Design for International Audiences

PowerPoint Slides for Topic 11

Required Readings:
  • Nielsen Text: Chapter 9
HW 7: A Kiosk Implemented in Flash given out:
  Tues, 04/06 Wean 5202, Tuesday 04/06/2004, 16:30 - 17:30: Flash Tutorial in Wean 5202 cluster
24 Thu
Apr 8

12. Software Organization: MVC, Object-Oriented Programming for UIs

PowerPoint Slides for Topic 12

HW 6: Flash warm-up due
HW 7: Ideas due by email

25 Tue
Apr 13

13. Research topics in UI Software: Demonstrational Interface Builders

PowerPoint Slides for Topic 13

Recommended Readings:
  • Brad Myers, Richard McDaniel and David Wolber. "Intelligence in Demonstrational Interfaces," Communications of the ACM. March, 2000. vol. 43, no. 3. pp. 82-89. pdf
Apr 15

No class; day before carnival

26 Tue
Apr 20

14. Research topics in UI Software: Natural Programming

PowerPoint Slides for Topic 14
Andrew Ko's talk as a Quicktime movie (18 megabytes)

Recommended Readings:
  • Natural Programming project web site.
  • B. A. Myers, J. F. Pane and A. Ko. "Natural Programming Languages and Environments." To appear in Communications of the ACM. [pdf]
  • Ko, A. J. and Myers, B. A. (2004). "Designing the Whyline: A Debugging Interface for Asking Questions About Program Failures." To appear at CHI 2004 in Vienna, Austria. [pdf]
  • J.F. Pane, B.A. Myers, and L.B. Miller, Using HCI Techniques to Design a More Usable Programming System, Proceedings of IEEE 2002 Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC 2002), Arlington, VA, September 3-6, 2002, pp 198-206.
27 Thu
Apr 22

In-class student presentations for HW 7

(will use NSH 1305 and NSH 1507)

Apr 27

No class; during CHI'2004

Apr 29

No class; during CHI'2004

  Tuesday, May 4, 10:00am HW 7: final report due
  Thurs, May 6, 1:00pm-4:00pm


January 12, 2004: First day of classes
January 19: MLK day, no classes in afternoon
Feb 5: Brad Away
March 8: mid term grades due
March 8-12: Spring break
April 15 - No Class? (CMU calendar marked NO classes - assume reason is carnival)
April 16-17: Spring carnival, no classes
April 30: Last day of classes
Final Grades Due: May 13