Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
2025 Spring:
Convex Optimization (10725)
2024 Fall:
Convex Optimization (10725)
2024 Spring:
Convex Optimization (10725)
2023 Fall:
Convex Optimization (10725)
2023 Spring:
ML with Large Datasets (10405-10605)
(with Geoff Gordon)
2022 Fall:
Introduction to Machine Learning (10-315)
2022 Spring:
Scalability in Machine Learning (10-745)
2019 Fall:
Scalability in Machine Learning (10-745)
2019 Spring:
Machine Learning with Large Datasets (10-405, 10-605)
2018 Fall:
Machine Learning with Large Datasets (10-605, 10-805)
2018 Spring:
Art and Machine Learning (60411, 10-615)
(with Eunsu Kang)
2017 Fall:
Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning (10-715)
(with Ziv Bar-Joseph)
2017 Spring:
Introduction to Machine Learning (10-401)
2016 Fall:
Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning (10-715)
2016 Spring:
Introduction to Machine Learning (10-401)
(with Aarti Singh)
2015 Fall:
Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning (10-715)
(with Alex Smola)
2014 Fall:
Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning (10-715)
(with Eric Xing)
2014 Spring:
Introduction to Machine Learning (10-701)
(with Aarti Singh)
2013 Fall:
Convex Optimization (10-725/36-725)
(with Ryan Tibshirani)
2013 Spring:
Introduction to Machine Learning (10-701)
(with Alex Smola)
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Introduction to Machine Learning (CMPUT 466/551)
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks
Speech Processing
Image Processing
Artificial Intelligence and its Applications