Table of contentsCollection Module for Information Retrieval Tasks Benjamin Han, Larry Huffman, Ray Wen
Presentation Outline
Part I. Motivation Benjamin Han
Motivation (cont'd)
Motivation (cont'd)
Motivation (cont'd)
Part II. Collection Definition Language (CDL) Benjamin Han
Collection Definition Language (CDL)
CDL: Anatomy of a Collection
CDL: Collection as a Container of Units
CDL: The Building Blocks - Units
CDL: The Building Blocks - Units (cont'd)
CDL: The Building Blocks - Units (cont'd)
CDL: The Building Blocks - Units (cont'd)
CDL: The Building Blocks - Units (cont'd)
CDL: The Building Blocks - Units (cont'd)
CDL: Execution Order
CDL: Execution Order (cont'd)
CDL: Execution Order (cont'd)
CDL: Execution Order (cont'd)
CDL: Code Reuse and Collection Cascading
CDL: Code Reuse and Collection Cascading (cont'd)
CDL: Code Reuse and Collection Cascading (cont'd)
CDL: Code Reuse and Collection Cascading (cont'd)
CDL: Code Reuse and Collection Cascading (cont'd)
CDL: Code Reuse and Collection Cascading (cont'd)
CDL: Code Reuse and Collection Cascading (cont'd)
CDL: Scope Resolution and Binding (SRB)
CDL: Implementation Strategy
Part III. Parser Implementation using ANTLR Larry Huffman
Slide 34
Tree Parser
Tree Parser with Actions
Write to Template
Write to Template (cont'd)
Write to Template (cont'd)
Part IV. Semantics Checking Ray Wen
Semantic Checker
Slide 44
Slide 45
Key/Rule/Unit not declared
Key/Rule/Unit not declared contd.
Declared more than once
Keys referenced before initialized
External data dependency
Checking number of registers
Ill-formatted URL pattern
Part V. Demonstration: a Collection Browser Benjamin Han
Demo: a Collection Browser
Demo: a Collection Browser (cont'd)
Demo: a Collection Browser (cont'd)
Author: Benjamin Han
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