Autograder [Sun May 3 07:45:18 2020]: Received job Autograder [Sun May 3 07:45:50 2020]: Success: Autodriver returned normally Autograder [Sun May 3 07:45:50 2020]: Here is the output from the autograder: --- Autodriver: Job exited with status 0 mkdir -p handin tar xf handin.tar -C handin tar xf autograde.tar AUTOLAB=1 /usr/local/depot/anaconda3/bin/python3 autograde/ --module-path=./handin/ Your mean NLL for generated sequences: 2.0893313884735107 .Your mean NLL for predicting a single word: 5.105051040649414 . Run time: 14.791935920715332 {"scores": {"Generation": 50.0, "Prediction": 50.0}}