Autograder [Wed Apr 29 19:33:14 2020]: Received job Autograder [Wed Apr 29 19:33:47 2020]: Success: Autodriver returned normally Autograder [Wed Apr 29 19:33:47 2020]: Here is the output from the autograder: --- Autodriver: Job exited with status 0 mkdir -p handin tar xf handin.tar -C handin tar xf autograde.tar AUTOLAB=1 /usr/local/depot/anaconda3/bin/python3 autograde/ --module-path=./handin/ Your mean NLL for generated sequences: 2.6442646980285645 .Your mean NLL for predicting a single word: 5.475114822387695 F =================================== FAILURES =================================== _______________________________ test_prediction ________________________________ def test_prediction(): fixture = np.load(fixture_path('prediction.npz')) inp = fixture['inp'] targ = fixture['out'] out = np.load(handin_path('predictions.npy')) assert out.shape[0] == targ.shape[0] vocab = np.load(fixture_path('vocab.npy')) assert out.shape[1] == vocab.shape[0] out = log_softmax(out, 1) nlls = out[np.arange(out.shape[0]), targ] nll = -np.mean(nlls) print("Your mean NLL for predicting a single word: {}".format(nll)) > assert nll < 5.4 E assert 5.4751148 < 5.4 autograde/tests/ AssertionError Run time: 15.70016598701477 {"scores": {"Prediction": 0.0, "Generation": 50.0}}