o) "tale_of_two_cities.txt" -- the full text from Gutenberg o) "snippet" -- the snippet on the slide o) "wds_in_snippet" -- Lexicon of snippet, in uppercase o) "wds_in_snippet_with_count" -- Lexicon of snippet, in uppercase, with count o) "after_segment_originalcase.txt" -- Text in book *after* the snippet o) "after_segment_uppercase.txt" -- Text in book *after* the snippet, in upper case o) "after_segment_linear.txt" -- Text in book *after* the snippet, one word per line, in uppercase. o) "singletons_in_snippet" -- list of singleton words in snippet o) "doubletons_in_snippet" -- list of doubleton words in snippet o) "tripletons_in_snippet" -- list of tripleton words in snippet > head -100 after_segment_linear.txt | grep -w -f singletons_in_snippet | wc