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Overlap in Protein-Protein Interactions Datasets
Yeast-2-hybrid datasets:
from Deane et al 2002. All data are yeast-2-hybrid datasets.
EPR, corresponds to the fraction of the true positives in the experimental dataset. Example: The EPR is calculated as 31 ± 3% (Table II) for the GY2H data, suggesting that 70% of the reported pairs in this set are, in fact, false positives.
EPR index, EPR, calculated for several subsets of DIP-YEAST (see "Results" and "Experimental Procedures" for details) using INT and RND1 subsets as representative for the interacting and noninteracting protein populations, respectively, is shown. The values of 2 and N, the number of degrees of freedom, are given.
Mass Spec Datasets:
Gavin et al.:
7% overlap with yeast-2-hybrid datasets
56% overlap with YPD database (known complexes)
[yeast-2-hybrid has 10% overlap]
25% of all proteins are covered in Gavin study, while 95% of all proteins are covered in Yeast-2-hybrid system
Ho et al:
Table 1. in HoNature2002.pdf