Center for Biological Language Modeling

Video Conferences


Tuesdays 5-6:30 pm

All conferences can be dialed into from any phone (instructions see email). If you experience any problems dialing in, please call my mobile phone 412 512 6821.

At CMU, a speaker phone + LCD projector will be in Wean Hall 5320B and 



Date                            Type of conference            Link to Agenda

January 15, 2003        tele + video                        Agenda

January 29, 2003        tele                                     Agenda

February 3, 2003        normal meeting                   Agenda

February 18, 2003      tele                                     Agenda

March 11, 2003          tele + video                        Agenda

March 18, 2003          tele                                     Agenda

April 8, 2003             tele + video                        Agenda    NOTE: Change in Time: 9:30 am

April 15, 2003           tele                                     Agenda

April 22, 2003           tele                                     Agenda

April 29, 2003           tele + video                        Agenda

May 6, 2003              tele                                     Agenda

May 13+14, 2003     Workshop in Pittsburgh       Agenda

May 20, 2003            tele                                     Agenda

May 27, 2003            tele + video                        Agenda

June 3, 2003              tele                                     Agenda

June 10, 2003            tele                                     Agenda

June 17, 2003            tele                                     Agenda

June 24, 2003            tele + video                        Agenda







Last updated February 2003. For questions or comments please contact Judith Klein-Seetharaman by email: