He will engage, or advise his client or employer to engage, and he will
cooperate with, other experts and specialists whenever the client or employer's
interests are best served by such service.
C13. (Part 1)
[See Code 6. (Part 2) ]
Code is relevant when:
Engineer has a client
The client's interests are best served by experts or specialists other
than the Engineer
Code is violated when:
Engineer does not engage, or advise his client to engage, with the other
experts or specialists
Engineer does not cooperate with the other experts or specialists
Code is not violated when:
Engineer engages, or advise his client to engage, with the other experts
or specialists
Engineer cooperates with the other experts or specialists
C13. (Part 2)
[See Code 6. (Part 3) ]
Code is relevant when:
Engineer has an employer
The employer's interests are best served by experts or specialists
other than the Engineer
Code is violated when:
Engineer does not engage, or advise his employer to engage, with the other
experts or specialists
Engineer does not cooperate with the other experts or specialists
Code is not violated when:
Engineer engages, or advises his employer to engage, with the other experts
or specialists
Engineer cooperates with the other experts or specialists
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