
He will disclose no information concerning the business affairs or technical processes of clients or employers without their consent.

C14. (Part 1)

[See Codes 7. (Part 1), III.4. (Part 1) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer obtains confidential information concerning the business affairs or technical processes of a present client
Code is violated when:
Engineer discloses the confidential information
Engineer does not have prior consent to disclose the confidential information
Code is not violated when
Engineer does not disclose the confidential information
Engineer has prior consent to disclose the confidential information

C14. (Part 2)

[See Codes 7. (Part 3), III.4. (Part 3) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer obtains confidential information concerning the business affairs or technical processes of a present employer
Code is violated when:
Engineer discloses the confidential information
Engineer does not have prior consent to disclose the confidential information
Code is not violated when
Engineer does not disclose the confidential information
Engineer has prior consent to disclose the confidential information

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