Brian Murphy
formerly Project Scientist
Machine Learning Department, School of Computer Science, Carnegie
Mellon University
BEng Aeronautical Engineering (Queen's Belfast); M.Phil Speech &
Processing (Trinity Dublin); PhD Computational Linguistics (Trinity
In September 2014, I moved to take up a faculty position at Queen's University Belfast. Please visit my new homepage.
8004, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891
phone: +1 412 2683953; fax: +1 412 2683431
My interest is in understanding the fine grain of how language is
processed in the mind. Several recent
developments offer the promise of a comprehensive answer to these
questions derived from the "bottom-up": the easy availability of
enormous quantities of authentic
text over the web, and the more nuanced models that can be
derived from this; the application of machine learning and data-mining
techniques to decode cognitive states from recordings of neural data;
and the development of hybrid
models that combine corpus-based, psychologically-founded, and
neurally-grounded models of language.
Research Interests:
- Representation of Concepts in the Mind and Brain
- Sentence processing in the Mind and Brain
- Machine Learning approaches to Mining EEG, MEG and MRI data
- Corpus Based Approaches to Word Meaning
- Acceptability Judgements and Grammaticality
- Semantics and Pragmatics of Argument Structure Realisation
- Information Hiding in Plain Text
- Languages: English, German, Chinese (Standard/Mandarin), Spanish, Italian, Irish
- Workshop on Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging, NIPS, December 7th-8th 2012, Lake Tahoe (organiser)
- Workshop on Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging, NIPS, December 16th-17th 2011, Granada (organiser)
- Computational Session at CAOS Workhop on the neuroscience of concepts, May 20th 2010, Rovereto (organiser)
- First Workshop on Computational Neurolinguistics, NAACL-HLT, 6th June 2010, Los Angeles (organiser with Kaimin Chang of Carnegie Mellon, and Anna Korhonen of Cambridge University)
- Special Session on Neural Decoding of Higher Cognitive States, ICCS, 19th/20th August, Beijing (organiser with David Melcher)
- Tutorial on Computational Neurolinguistics, COLING, 22nd August, Beijing (instructor)
- Brian Murphy, Partha Talukdar and Tom Mitchell, 2012: Selecting Corpus-Semantic Models for Neurolinguistic Decoding. Proceedings of the First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), Montreal, Pages 114-123. [Paper]
- Georg Langs, Irina Rish, Mortiz Grosse-Wentrup and Brian Murphy (eds), 2012: Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7263, Springer Verlag. [Volume]
- Hiroyuki Akama, Brian Murphy, Li Na, Yumiko Shimizu, and Massimo Poesio, 2012: Decoding Semantics across fMRI sessions with with Different Stimulus Modalities - A practical MVPA Study. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 6:24. [Paper]
- David Melcher and Brian Murphy, 2011: The role of semantic interference in limiting memory for the details of visual scenes. Frontiers in Cognition 2:262. [Paper]
- Lisandro Kaunitz, Juan Kamienkowski, Emanuele Olivetti, Brian Murphy, Paolo Avesani and David Melcher, 2011: Intercepting the first pass: rapid categorization is suppressed for unseen stimuli. Frontiers in Perception Science 2:198. [Paper]
- Brian Murphy, Massimo Poesio, Francesca Bovolo, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Michele Dalponte, Heba Lakany, 2011: EEG decoding of semantic category reveals distributed representations for single concepts. Brain and Language, Volume 117, Pages 12-22. [Paper]
- Brian Murphy, Massimo Poesio, 2010: Detecting Semantic Category in Simultaneous EEG/MEG Recordings. Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Neurolinguistics, NAACL-HLT, Los Angeles. [Paper]
- Marco Baroni, Brian Murphy, Eduard Barbu, Massimo Poesio, 2010: Strudel: A Corpus-Based Semantic Model Based on Properties and Types. Cognitive Science, Volume 34 Issue 2, Pages 222-254. [Paper | Supplementary Materials]
- Brian Murphy, Marco Baroni, Massimo Poesio, 2009: EEG Responds to Conceptual Stimuli and Corpus Semantics. Proceedings of ACL/EMNLP 2009, Singapore. [Paper]
- Brian Murphy, Michele Dalponte, Massimo Poesio and Lorenzo Bruzzone, 2008: Distinguishing Concept Categories from Single-Trial Electrophysiological Activity. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Washington, July 2008. [Paper | Presentation]
- Brian Murphy and Carl Vogel, 2007: Statistically constrained shallow text marking: techniques, evaluation paradigm, and results. In Edward J. Delp III and Ping Wah Wong, (Eds.) Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents IX, 28 January-February 2007, San José. [Paper]
- Brian Murphy and Carl Vogel, 2007: The syntax of concealment: reliable methods for plain text information hiding. In Edward J. Delp III and Ping Wah Wong, (Eds.) Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents IX, 28 January-February 2007, San José. [Paper]
- Brian Murphy and Carl Vogel, 2005: A Comparative Evaluation of UNL Participant Relations using a Five-Language Parallel Corpus, in Cardeñosa et al (eds.), 2005, Universal Networking Language: Advances in Theory and Applications, Research in Computer Science Vol. 12, CIC, Mexico City. [Paper]
- Brian Murphy, 2003: Tuning Themes: Finding an Appropriate Model of Roles for Translation. Poster at the 14th Irish Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, Dublin, September 2003. [Paper]
Other Manuscripts and Presentations
- Brian Murphy and Carl Vogel, 2008: An Empirical Comparison of Measurement Scales for Judgements of Acceptability. Poster at International Conference on Linguistic Evidence 2008, University of Tübingen, February 2008. [Poster]
- Brian Murphy, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Michele Dalponte, Massimo Poesio and Heba Lakany, 2008: Predicting category specific effects in single-subject electrophysiological activity. Presentation to 26th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology 2008, Bressanone, January 2008. [Poster]
- Massimo Poesio, Marco Baroni, Brian Murphy, Eduard Barbu, Luigi Lombardi, Abdulrahman Almuhareb, David Vinson and Gabriella Vigliocco, 2007: Speaker-Generated and Corpus-Generated Features. Presentation to Concepts Types and Frames, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, August 2007. [Presentation]
- Brian Murphy, 2007: A Study of Notions of Participation and Discourse in Argument Structure Realisation. Doctoral Thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin. [Thesis]
- Lisandro Kaunitz, Brian Murphy, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Francesca Bolovo, Massimo Poesio and David Melcher, 2008: Predicting perceptual states from EEG single trial analysis. Poster at Rovereto Attention Workshop, CIMeC, University of Trento, October 2008. [Poster]
- Brian Murphy, Carl Vogel and Conny Opitz, 2005: Cross-linguistic Empirical Analysis of Constraints on Passive. Presentation to the Symposium on Interdisciplinary Themes in Cognitive Language Research, University of Helsinki, November 2005. [Extended Abstract | Presentation]
- Huang Chu-Ren, Elanna Tseng, Dylan Tsai and Brian Murphy, 2003: Cross-lingual Portability of Semantic relations: Bootstrapping Chinese WordNet with English WordNet Relations. Languages and Linguistics, Vol 4.3, pp509-532, Academica Sinica, Taipei. [Paper]
- Brian Murphy, 2001: Syntactic Information Hiding in Plain Text. Masters Thesis, CLCS, Trinity College Dublin. [Thesis]
Teaching experience:
- Undergraduate course in Linguistics and Computational Linguistics on Interfaces and Communication Technology programme (taught through Italian), University of Trento, 2009-2011 [Course Page]
- Summer school course on Grammaticality Judgements as Linguistic Evidence, at the ESSLLI, University of Bordeaux, July 2009 [Course Page]
- Undergraduate courses Introduction to Programming; Data Structures and Algorithms (taught through German); and Technical Translation (German) on programme in Computational Linguistics, Trinity College Dublin, 2003-2006.
- ADAM - Automated Diagnosis of Aphasia with Machine-Learning, €90,000 from Caritro Foundation, 2011-13 (proposer, co-PI in collaboration with CeRiN, CLIC, and BeijingNU)
- MEG Seed Fund: PI of project to fund exploratory audiobook experiments in computational neurosemantics using Magnetoencephalograpy. $10,000 over 1 year, awarded by University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre (Pennsylvania).
- Post-doctoral Researcher, CLIC group, Centre for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, 2006-2011
- Visiting Researcher (Chinese WordNet), Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, summer 2002
- Director of Software Development (realtime web delivery of news and markets information), Qingniao.net (a Reuters company), Beijing, 1999-2000
- Senior Developer (realtime intranet delivery of news and markets information), Reuters, Beijing, 1997-1999
- Webmaster (online magazine), Beijing Scene, Beijing, 1997
- Web Developer, MEX Multimedia, Munich, 1995-1997
- Research Assistent (scientific imaging and visualisation), Technical University of Munich, 1994