This histogram should be invarient across all lambertian images.
Again, illumination direction rotates from 90 degrees to -90 degrees along the horizontal direction.
Let R be range image intensity. X-axis is dR/dx, Y-axis is dR/dy, Z axis is optical intensity.

Below are six movies. Each one depicts a single 3 dimensional histogram of three eigenvector coefficients under a specific lighting condition. The x and y axes correspond to the 2nd and 3rd eigenvectors of the sphere's range image. The z axis (which is sliced through) corresponds to the first eigenvector of the optical image. The slices are navigated from high intensity to low intensity, and then a pattern displays, and the anaimation repeats.
The first of the six movies corresponds to direct lighting. Each successive movie shows the histogram for lighting from an increasingly oblique angle. The last movie shows lighting from 90 degrees left.


A similar histogram taken of the Ruin Kollmitz.