Predicted Histogram of the Intensity of Pixels of Range Images vs the Intensity
of Pixels of Coregistered Optical Images
Based on Cross-Section of Lambertian Sphere
X-Axis is Range, Y-Axis is Optical
Corresponds loosely to First Eigenvector
Animation Corresponds to the Point Light Source Moving from 180 degrees
through zero to -180 degrees, and then looping back.
Predicted Histogram of the First Derivative of Intensity in Range Images
vs the First Derivative of Intensity of Coregistered Optical Images
Based on Cross-Section of Lambertian Sphere
X-Axis is Range, Y-Axis is Optical
Corresponds loosely to Second and Third Eigenvectors
Animation Corresponds to the Point Light Source Moving from 180 degrees
through zero to -180 degrees, and then looping back.