Randal E. Bryant
Google Scholar Citation Count. Downloaded 14-Feb-2024.
Foundational paper describing binary decision diagrams (BDDs) as data structure and algorithms for representing and manipulating Boolean functions in symbolic form. BDDs were described by Donald Knuth in a 2008 lecture as “one of the only really fundamental data structures that came out in the last twenty-five years.”
A tutorial and update on BDDs.
Describes a collection of refinements for implementing BDDs. Most BDD packages follow the implementation ideas described in this paper. At the 50th anniversary of the Design Automation Conference, this paper was listed as the one with the sixth highest citation count.
Shows how to automatically remove the obfuscations generated by polymorphic malware programs to reveal the underlying code.
A textbook based on a course created at CMU that covers the combination of hardware, networking, and software that comprises a computer system. This book has been translated into Chinese, Russian, Korean, and Macedonian, and is in use at over 325 institutions worldwide.
Describes a method for proving that a particular class of Boolean functions will have exponentially-sized BDD representations. Showed that this case holds for the functions representing integer multiplication. This paper has been the subject of many refinements and extensions.
Describes a variant on BDDs that can represent the word-level functionality of arithmetic circuits. Winner of best paper award in category “Verification, Simulation, and Test.” An early version of a general approach to verifying arithmetic circuits using polynomial representations.
Describes the algorithmic basis for MOSSIM II, a logic simulator that models transistors as simple switches. This simulator and its successors were widely used in industry and academia in the 1980s. Intel used it to simulate several generations of microprocessor circuits.
My masters thesis. Considered the first published work describing fully distributed, discrete-event simulation.
Describes symbolic trajectory evaluation, a method for formally verifying digital circuits via symbolic simulation. This approach was heavily used within Intel for many years.
An early whitepaper proclaiming the potential benefits of large-scale, data-intensive computing.