Bryan's Academic Life

Bryan's Academic Life

Currently, I am a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University working towards a Ph.D. in Computer Science, under the guidance of Manuela Veloso.

You can find my CV here.

You can also find information about my thesis.

I am working with the SPIRAL group to see how machine learning can be applied to optimizing signal processing code. For details on this work, see the following papers:

I have also investigated one particular method for taking advantage of solutions to previous problems to help solve new problems in reinforcement learning. For a brief overview of this method, see my AAAI-99 student abstract; for a longer version, see the technical report "Learning State Features From Policies to Bias Exploration in Reinforcement Learning"; and for some of my earlier work along these lines, see this paper.

I used to have a very out-of-date copy of my resume on-line, but it so out of date it isn't worth having it around.

In May of 1997, I graduated from Purdue University majoring in computer engineering with a minor in mathematics. While at Purdue, I had been very active in the Purdue Christian Campus House, in the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) student branch at Purdue, as well as the Purdue Mathematics Club.

During the summer of 1996, I was out at the University of Iowa for their REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) program in Computer Science. where I worked on Probabilistic Theory Revision with Alberto Segre.

Last Updated: July 3, 2001
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