Jeff Schreiber has contributed two games, after many months during which I
didn't get any contributions.  This column is for you, the readers, to submit
your games for me to annotate.  Send games to me directly (my address can be
found near the beginning of the newsletter), because if you send them to
the Editors, Bob Dudley and Ed Barr, the games will be printed "as is" without
benefit of my tender loving care.

Everyone learns the first 10 moves of the Ruy Lopez in Kindergarten, along
with some strange continuation from that point such as the Breyer defense,
the Chigorin, the Zaitsev, etc.  These lines could easily discourage you from
trying either side of the Ruy, if you are not already a Grandmaster.  But it's
really not all that bad.  Not for nothing is the Ruy Lopez classified as one
of the "Open Games".  In these two games Jeff demonstrates the fun side of
this opening.

White: Jeff Schreiber
Black: Vassil Prokhov
Abrams Memorial, June 10 1997, round 4

 1 e4     e5
 2 Nf3    Nc6
 3 Bb5    a6
 4 Ba4    Nf6
 5 O-O    Be7
 6 Re1    b5
 7 Bb3    d6
 8 a4

   White could instead play 8 c3 O-O 9 h3, carefully preparing 10 d4.

 8 ...    Bb7

   The alternative 8 ... Bg4 has the merit of preventing d4 for a long time to
   come.  Black can simply defend the threat by 8 ... Rb8, 8 ... b4, or
   8 ... Bd7, if he isn't too impatient to refute White's last move.

 9 c3     O-O
10 d4     exd4?!

   Black is starting to get flustered because he's out of book.  He should save
   this move until he can follow up with ... d5.  The sharpest defense is
   10 ... Na5!? 11 Bc2 c5.  Black leaves the e-pawn en prise, but White can't
   win it because his own back rank isn't covered:  12 dxe5 dxe5 13 Nxe5 Nxe4!
   Black can also defend solidly with 10 ... h6 (preparing 11 ... Re8) or
   10 ... Nd7.

11 cxd4   Nb8?!

   This move is ugly, but Black would not solve his problems by 11 ... Na5
   12 Bc2 d5 13 e5 Ne4 14 Nbd2, or 12 ... c5 13 d5.

12 Nc3?

   Overreacting.  Simply 12 d5 or 12 Nbd2 would be fine.

12 ...    b4
13 e5     bxc3?

   13 ... dxe5! 14 dxe5 bxc3 15 exf6 Bxf6 would have refuted White's 12th move.

14 exf6   cxb2

   Even now 14 ... Bxf6 15 bxc3 looks defensible.

15 fxe7!  bxa1=Q
16 exd8=Q Rxd8
17 Bxf7+!

   Having sacrificed the Exchange, White makes it a whole rook.

17 ...    Kh8

   17 ... Kxf7 18 Ng5+ Kg8 and now 19 Qh5? Be4! saves Black, but 19 Qb3+! d5
   20 Qd3 g6 21 Qh3 leads to mate.  In this variation, 19 ... Kh8 leads to the
   famous smothered mate:  20 Nf7+ Kg8 21 Nh6+ Kh8 22 Qg8+ Rxg8 23 Nf7 mate.
   Also 19 ... Kg6 20 Re6+ Kf5 21 g4 is mate.

18 Ng5    Qc3
19 Nxh7   Nc6
20 Ng5    g6
21 Bxg6   Kg7
22 Ne6+   Kxg6
23 Qg4+   Kf7
24 Qg7+   Resigns

   After 24 ... Ke8 25 Nxc7 would be mate.

White: Jeff Schreiber
Black: Henry Doktorski
Extra Chance Open, October 7 1997, round 5

 1 e4     e5
 2 Nf3    Nc6
 3 Bb5    a6
 4 Ba4    Nf6
 5 O-O    d6
 6 h3?!

   It's hard to believe that this is an improvement on 6 Re1.  Black would
   probably do well now to accept the challenge with 6 ... Nxe4; for instance,
   7 d4 Bd7 8 Bxc6 Bxc6 9 dxe5 d5 with at least equality.

 6 ...    Be7
 7 Re1    O-O
 8 c3     b5?

   If Black wanted to play this, he should have done it before White's last
   move.  Now White gains a whole tempo by retreating to c2 without stopping
   at b3.  Instead, 8 ... Bd7 transposes back to a well-known variation (the
   "Steinitz Defense Deferred").

 9 Bc2    Bb7
10 a4

   The immediate 10 d4 was also good, leaving White with an extra tempo
   compared with the main lines, as discussed in the last note.

10 ...    Qd7
11 Qe2    Na7?

   11 ... b4 looks more natural.

12 d4     exd4
13 cxd4   Rfe8
14 e5     Nd5
15 Nc3    Nxc3
16 bxc3

   White owns the center and kingside.  It's not easy to suggest anything
   constructive for Black to do.  His next two moves are plausible but allow
   a decisive combination.

16 ...    Bxf3
17 Qxf3   g6
18 Bb3    Bf8
19 e6!    fxe6
20 Bxe6+  Rxe6
21 Rxe6   Qxe6
22 Qxa8   Qe1+
23 Kh2    Qxc3
24 Bh6    Kf7
25 Qxf8+  Ke6
26 Rc1    Qxd4
27 Qe8+   Kd5
28 Qf7+   Resigns