Building a Mach Name Server

To make your life easier (ie: to deal with the sample Mach source code available at CMU and elsewhere) you may wish to make sure that you have yourself a netname server running. This basically lets you publish port names on your machine (much like Java RPC?) and makes it really easy to get at them across servers. For some reason, the MkLinux folks don't enable its building by default.

To do this with the MkLinux build, pull the following commands:

workon -sb osfmk
build -here mach_services/lib/libservice
build -here mach_services/lib/libnetname
build -here mach_services/servers/netname
cp ../obj/powermac/mach_services/servers/netname/name_server /mach_servers/

Alternatively, there are a set of similar lines in the build_world script that are commented out by default. You may uncomment them to have the netname server built every time you build_world...

Then, add the following line to /mach_servers/bootstrap.conf:

-w name_server /dev/boot_device/mach_servers/name_server

And then when you next reboot, the name_server will be automagically loaded and running for you to play with.

This page is copyrighted 1998 by David T. McWherter.