Guided Tour
Lesson Plan Outline

  1. Introduction to the lessons

    1. The instructors
    2. The program

  2. Questionnaire

    1. Help us understand what you know already
    2. No grades, no wrong answers

  3. Introduction to the Internet

    1. Computers and telephone wires
    2. Information around the world
    3. Like a library, and unlike a library

  4. Example sites

    1. Interactive maps
    2. Clickable mummy
    3. Web radio
    4. Chihuahua Pharaohs

  5. Introduction to Web browsers (done while touring example sites)

    1. URLs
    2. Back and Forward buttons
    3. Scrollbars

  6. Overview of the lessons

    1. Learn more about what the Internet is (Internet Simulation)
    2. Learn about how computers find information (Computer Matching)
    3. Learn about how to find information (Scavenger Hunts, Searching)
    4. Learn about how to tell whether information is accurate and trustworthy (Scavenger Hunts)

Updated November 8, 1999.   © Copyright 1999, Carnegie Mellon University.