Preparation and Set-Up
In this lesson, students take turns simulating information Seekers ("Seekers"), information sources ("Computers"), and the Internet itself ("Messengers"). The advance preparation consists of preparing materials for the Seekers and sources, and preparing paths for the messengers to follow.
This lesson is provided with sample materials, which a teacher may use, adapt, or replace. It is important, however, that materials be organized so that students can find information quickly, because the Internet Simulation is a fast-paced lesson.
Advance setup consists of five types of preparation.
Signs for Computers: Create signs that identify each Computer. Specific names (e.g., "The Smithsonian Museum") are best, but general content descriptions (e.g., "A Food Site") are acceptable.
Determine Question/Answer Reuse: Each question/answer pair is reused several times. The number of copies of each question/answer pair must be determined before other materials can be prepared.
For example, if there are 8 sites, with 5 facts each, then 8 x 5 = 40 question/answer pairs are available. If there are 24 students, and if each student asks 5 questions, then students will ask 24 x 5 = 120 questions. Each question will be used 120 / 40 = 3 times. It makes sense to add an extra copy (3 + 1 = 4) to allow for student mistakes.
Facts for Computers: Each Computer must have 5-10 facts on a particular subject, organized so that a student can scan them rapidly, find the answer to a question, and quickly tear it out to hand to a messenger. One way to keep things organized is for the teacher to print out a sheet of facts (see the example materials), cut them into slips of paper containing one fact per slip, and then staple the fact slips into a manilla folder. Students can easily see all of the facts, and can easily rip out the one that is needed to answer a question. The student should also have several slips saying "This site does not contain that information", in case a question is sent to the wrong site (which happens often).
Each site should have several copies of each fact, as discussed above.
Questions: The teacher must have questions for each Seeker, organized so that the teacher can hand them out quickly, and organized so that each site receives about the same number of questions. One way to keep things organized is for the teacher to print out a sheet of questions (see the example materials), cut them into slips containing one question per slip, and then staple the question slips into a manilla folder. The teacher can easily see all of the questions, and can select questions by ripping them out of the folder. This organization makes it easy to manage traffic as the simulation is running, for example, to direct additional questions to sites that are not sufficiently busy.
There should be several copies of each question, as discussed above.
Classroom Organization: The classroom is organized into a set of "sites" or "stations". There must be enough sites for 2/3 of the students. Sites can be grouped near each other (for example, at a large table), but there should be at least several groups, because the goal of the lesson is to show that the Internet is many places. For example, a class of 20 students might have 14 sites, distributed across 7 tables (2 sites per table).
Sites are connected to each other by lines on the floor that represent
telephone wires. The lines can be made with string, tape, or chalk.
There should be one or two "backbone" lines (like highways) that carry
most of the traffic, and smaller connections from the backbone(s) to
individual sites (like smaller roads that lead to highways). See the
diagram below for an example. The messengers will walk on these lines.
Introductory Activity
The teacher asks students if anyone remembers what the Internet is. The teacher describes in simple terms that the Internet is not a single location, rather it is made up of many computers located all around the word connected by telephone wire. The teacher explains that the class will be doing an Internet simulation to better understand what the Internet is and how it works.
Students are divided into three groups of equal sizes. Groups are assigned to one of three roles.
Seekers: Students to ask questions. The student decides which site to send each question to. If the answer that comes back looks correct, the student is done with that question, otherwise the student selects another site and tries again. Students record their work on worksheets (see example materials).
Computers: Students to answer questions. These students simulate computers on the Internet that have information on certain subjects. When a question arrives, the student scans the list of facts looking for an answer, finds the answer, rips it out, and sends back both the question and the answer. If a site does not have an answer for a question, it sends back a "This site does not have that information" slip.
Messengers: Students to carry questions between Seekers and Computers. These students simulate the Internet itself. They must walk along the lines, like messages flowing across telephone wires.
The teacher explains the roles of the people in each group. The teacher also explains that it does not matter which students are in which groups, because each student will have an opportunity to try each role.
The Seekers and Computers take their seats. The teacher gives each Computer a folder of facts, gives each Seeker a worksheet and 4 questions, and assigns each Messenger to one Seeker (or two, if the numbers are unbalanced). The teacher makes sure everyone understands their tasks.
The simulation begins. Seekers hand questions to Messengers and tell them which sites to go to. Messengers go where directed, following the lines on the floor. Computers receive questions, find answers, and send back both questions and answers.
The teacher circulates around the room, clearing up confusion where necessary. It may be desirable to distribute a few extra questions to students that are working quickly, so that Seekers and Computers remain busy.
When a Seeker has completed all of his/her questions, the Messenger disposes of the question/answer slips, turns in the Seeker's worksheet, and takes a seat. The simulation ends when everyone has completed their tasks, or when the teacher feels that sufficient time has elapsed. A single simulation, using 4-5 questions per Seeker, takes 7-10 minutes.
When the simulation is complete, the groups rotate. For example, at the end of the first simulation, Seekers become Messengers, Messengers become Computers, and Computers become Seekers. After the students have finished moving about, the teacher hands out new questions and worksheets to the Seekers, assigns Messengers to each Seeker, and a new simulation begins.
Three simulations enable each student to try each role, and takes about 30 minutes.
Students are given paper and pencil to draw the Internet. (Sometimes drawings are done on the back of the Seeker worksheets.) The teacher might mention that the drawings are to be done quickly, and that the goal is not to produce beautiful art, but to help the teacher understand how the students think the Internet is organized now that they have done the Internet Simulation. This activity should take about 5 minutes.
Adaptations for different learners
Students that are likely to have difficulty with a task can be paired with other students doing the same task. For example, two Computers might be placed at the same table, so that one student can help another, or so that one student has the opportunity to learn by watching another do a similar task.
Messengers can also be encouraged to help Seekers or Computers that are likely to have difficulty with a task. Messengers are in a unique position to be helpful, because they have the most complete view of the overall task, and because bottlenecks affect them directly (i.e., they find themselves waiting for someone to supply a question or an answer).
Extra time can be given to students having difficulty with their Internet drawings, if desired. However, the purpose of the drawing is to help the teacher assess the effectiveness of the lesson, so it is not necessary for every student to complete that task.
There are two primary goals for this lesson.
The primary goal for this lesson is to make it clear to students that the Internet is made up of many computers connected by telephone wires. Student understanding of this concept should be reflected in their drawing of the Internet. If most drawings contain multiple sites (three or more) and are connected by lines, then this goal is met.
A secondary goal is to make it clear that finding information on the Internet involves making choices about where to look. Student understanding of this concept is demonstrated in their ability to send questions to the appropriate computers. This goal is met if students are able to do address questions correctly on their first attempt at least 50% of the time. Second attempts should also reflect this same standard.