Scavenger Hunt

  1. What should you do if you find a baby bird out of its nest?
  2. List 4 types of places where you could buy a Llama.
  3. What color is hippo sweat?
  4. Name three things beekeepers can do to protect their hives from Black Bears.
  5. What do beetles eat?
  6. What color or colors is an Eastern Ribbon snake?
  7. Do milk snakes suck milk from cows?
  8. Do dolphins like to play? If so, what games do they play?
  9. How much do Bobcats weigh at birth?
  10. What area of China do Pandas live?
  11. What are four things Orangutans eat?
  12. How long do Tasmanian Devils live?

Last updated April 27, 1999.
© Copyright 1999, University of Massachusetts Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval.