Scavenger Hunt
What should you do if you find a baby bird out of its nest?
- Answer: See if its parents are taking care of it. If not,
put it back in its nest.
- Site:
Baby Birds: Frequently Asked Questions
- Source: The Phoenix Zoo.
- Why would you trust this source? Zoos probably know about taking care of
- Further information: Books listed.
- Publication Date: 1996.
- Difficulty: On page, under heading, in text.
List 4 types of places where you could buy a Llama.
- 1: Off the farm.
- 2: Llama sales/auctions.
- 3: Llama shows.
- 4: Classified ads.
- 5: The Internet.
- 6: Other Llama events.
- 7: Llama brokers.
- 8: Exotic animal auctions.
- Site:
Llamapaedia: The Growing Source for Llama Information
- Author: Greta Stamberg, DVM.
- Author: Derek Wilson, DVM.
- Why would you trust this source? Vets probably know about taking care of
Llamas. These vets have worked with Llamas for years (requires an extra click
to find this).
- Publication Date: May 29, 1996.
- Difficulty: Two clicks, on page, under headings, in text.
What color is hippo sweat?
- Answer: Pink or red.
- Site:
Yahooligans! Science and Oddities:Living Things:Animals:Mammals:Hippopotamuses
- Source: Geobopological Survey. Published: 2/21/99.
- Source: The Birmingham Zoo. Published: Jan 7, 1997.
- Source: Not given. Published: Not given.
- Source: San Antonio Zoo. Published: Not given.
- Source: Sedgwick County Zoo. Published: 1998.
- NOTE: Yahoo! is not a source.
- Why would you trust this source? Varies.
- Difficulty: One click, on page, in text.
Name three things beekeepers can do to protect their hives from Black Bears.
- 1: Mow grass around hives.
- 2: Don't put hives near abandoned, overgrown, or wooded areas.
- 3: Don't feed the bears.
- 4: Electric fences.
- Site:
Co-Existing With Black Bears in Massachusetts
- Source: UMass Extension.
- Source: UMass Department Forestry and Wildlife Managment.
- Source: Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife .
- Source: Sandra A. Robinson.
- Source: James A. Parkhurst, Ph.D.
- Source: James E. Cardoza
- Why would you trust this source? Information is provided by a University
and the State of Massachusetts. These are usually reliable sources.
- Publication Date: Not available
- Difficulty: One click, on short page, in text.
What do beetles eat?
- Answer: Plants or dead plants..
- Answer: Dead animals.
- Answer: Fungi.
- Answer: Mold.
- Answer: Other insects.
- Answer: Vertebrate animals (as parasites).
- Site:
O. Orkin Insect Zoo: Student Resource Page
- Source: Mississippi State University
- Why would you trust this source? Universities are usually reliable.
- Publication Date: 1997.
- Difficulty: One click, on long page, under heading, in text.
What color or colors is an Eastern Ribbon snake?
- Answer: Reddish-brown background, with three yellow stripes. The
belly is yellow or pale green.
- Site:
An Interactive Guide to Massachusetts Snakes
- Source: The University of Massachusetts Extension.
- Why would you trust this source? Universities are usually reliable.
- Publication Date: August 29, 1996.
- Difficulty: One click, on medium-length page, in text.
Do milk snakes suck milk from cows?
- Answer: No. They eat mice and small rats.
- Site:
An Interactive Guide to Massachusetts Snakes
- Source: The University of Massachusetts Extension.
- Why would you trust this source? Universities are usually reliable.
- Publication Date: August 28, 1996.
- Difficulty: Two clicks, on medium-length page, in text.
Do dolphins like to play? If so, what games do they play?
- Answer: Yes.
- Answer: They like to play with toys, like rings, balls, etc.
- Answer: They play with rings of air they make in the water.
- Answer: They like to play with humans.
- Answer: They like to swim, and jump in the water.
- Answer: They like to play with other dolphins.
- Site:
Dolphins: The Oracles of the Sea
- Source: ThinkQuest '98.
- Why would you trust this source? The information was created by
students in an international contest. References are given.
- Publication Date: August 30, 1998.
- Difficulty: 2 clicks, under headlines, on a medium-length page, in text.
How much do Bobcats weigh at birth?
- Answer: Less than one pound.
- Site:
The Cyber Zoomobile
- Source: Cyberswat, a 1971 graduate of Arizona State University. References
to related books are provided, however it requires another click to find them.
- Why would you trust this source? No reason.
- Publication Date: None given.
- Difficulty: One click, on medium-length page, in text.
What area of China do Pandas live?
- Answer: Wildest areas of Far Western China.
- Site:
Panda -- National Treasure
- Source: Jian Mu (Graduate Student, UNM).
- Why would you trust this source? No reason.
- Publication Date: May 17, 1995, updated January 14, 1999.
- Difficulty: One click, on short page, in text and map.
What are four things Orangutans eat?
- 1: Primarily fruit.
- 2: Young leaves.
- 3: Bark.
- 4: Flowers.
- 5: Insects.
- 6: Birds eggs.
- Site:
Orangutan Facts
- Source: Orangutan Foundation International. (Requires another click to
find this).
- Why would you trust this source?
- Publication Date: None given.
- Difficulty: On long page, in text.
How long do Tasmanian Devils live?
Last updated April 27, 1999.
© Copyright 1999, University of Massachusetts
Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval.