Internet Scavenger Hunt
Question Set #2B
The Mayas were an Indian culture in Latin America.
When did their written history begin?
- Answer:
- Author or Source:
- Why would you trust or not trust this source?
- Publication Date:
Name three of the sacred designs found at the Mayan Chiapas
Highland site.
- 1:
- 2:
- 3:
- Author or Source:
- Why would you trust this source?
- Publication Date:
How many wolves live in the wild in Poland?
- Answer:
- Author or Source:
- Why would you trust this source?
- Publication Date:
Monarch butterflies migrate south in the fall. Name two towns where
they were spotted in 1999.
- One:
- Two:
- Author or Source:
- Why would you trust this source?
- Publication Date:
Name three features of a rain forest.
- One:
- Two:
- Three:
- Author or Source:
- Why would you trust this source?
- Publication Date:
Name three things about one wild animal that lives in South America.
- One:
- Two:
- Three:
- Author or Source:
- Why would you trust this source?
- Publication Date:
Updated January 6, 2000.
© Copyright 2000, Carnegie Mellon University.