Peabody Publications
Peabody Brochure
L. Si and J. Callan.
statistical model for scientific readability."
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information
and Knowledge Management (CIKM) (pp. 574-576). 2001. ACM.
D. Raker and J. Callan,
"Internet tools for teaching electronic information literacy
Appeared in The Proceedings of the 2001 National Educational
Computing Conference,
June 25-27, 2001, Chicago.
D. Raker and J. Callan,
"Project K12-Search: Lessons and search interface for electronic
information literacy",
Appeared in The Proceedings of the 2000 National Educational
Computing Conference,
June 27, 2000, Atlanta, GA.
D. Raker and J. Callan,
"K12-Search: An Internet search engine interface for teachers and
Appeared in The Proceedings of the 1999 National Educational
Computing Conference,
June 22, 1999, Atlantic City, NJ.
D. Raker, J. Callan, and C. Hope.
"Project K12-Search: An Internet package including Internet lessons
and a search engine interface for teachers and students".
SIGTC Connections, volume 15, International Society for
Technology in Education (ISTE). 1999.
Last update was January 31, 2002
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