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Date Topic Location Presenter Slides
12/06/2004 Blizzard Challenge NSH 4513 Synthesis group


11/18/2004 Blizzard Challenge NSH 4513 Synthesis group


11/11/2004 Blizzard Challenge NSH 4513 Synthesis group


10/28/2004 James L. Flanagan and Kenzo Ishizaka, "Automatic Generation of Voiceless Excitation in a Vocal Cord-Vocal Tract Speech Synthesizer" in IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-24, No. 2, April 1976. NSH 4513 Kornel Laskowski


10/14/2004 Blizzard Challenge NSH 4513 Synthesis group


08/19/2004 "The Klatt formant synthesizer," Ch. 12 from J. Allen, S. Hunnicutt, and D. H. Klatt. From Text to Speech: The MITalk System. Cambridge University Press, 1987. NSH 4513 Alan W Black


07/22/2004 - E. Klabbers, J. van Santen, and J. Wouters, "Prosodic Factors for Predicting Local Pitch Shape", IEEE 2002 Workshop on Speech Synthesis, 2002.
- E. Klabbers and J. P. H. van Santen, "Clustering of foot-based pitch contours in expressive speech", SSW5, Pittsburgh, PA, 2004.
- E. Klabbers and J. P. H. van Santen, "Control and prediction of the impact of pitch modification on synthetic speech quality", Eurospeech 2003, Geneva, Switzerland, 2003.
NSH 4513 Arthur Toth


07/08/2004 - A. Mouchtaris, J.V.der Spiegel, P. Mueller, "Non-Parallel Training for Voice Conversion by Maximum Likelihood Constrained Adaptation", In Proceedings of ICASSP2004, Montreal, Canada, 2004. NSH 4632 Tomoki Toda


05/27/2004 - Black, A. and Lenzo, K., "Optimal Data Selection for Unit Selection Synthesis," 4th ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Perthshire, Scotland, 2001.  NSH 4513 John Kominek


04/29/2004 - Bernd Möbius, "Rare Events and Closed Domains: Two Delicate Concepts in Speech Synthesis", 4th ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Perthshire, Scotland, 2001. NSH 4632 Brian Langner


04/01/2004 - M. Hunt, D. Zwierzynski, R. Carr, "Issues in High Quality LPC Analysis and Synthesis", Eurospeech 89, vol. 2. pp. 348-351, Paris, 1989. NSH 4632 Arthur Toth


03/23/2004 - LPC Theory, general overview NSH 4513 Arthur Toth
02/26/2004 - Pfister, B. and Romsdorfer, H., "Mixed-lingual text analysis for Polyglot TTS Synthesis," Eurospeech 2003.
- Traber, C., Huber, K., Nedir, K., Pfister, B., Keller, E., and Zellner, B., "From multilingual to polyglot speech synthesis," Eurospeech 1999. (our focus is on the phonetic processing part)
- Black, A. and Lenzo, K., "Multilingual text-to-speech synthesis," to appear in ICASSP 2004.
NSH 4632 Brian Langner


02/12/2004 - Mirjam Killer, Sebastian Stüker, and Tanja Schultz, "Grapheme based Speech Recognition", Eurospeech 2003.
- Alan W Black and Ariadna Font Llitjos, "Unit selection without a phoneme set," IEEE TTS Workshop 2002.
NSH 4632 Kishore Prahallad


01/22/2004 - "Synthesis Players: A description of the synthesis groups and their history"  (Talk only; no reading for this week) NSH 4632 Alan W Black  
12/18/2003 - Browman C. P. & Goldstein, L.G. (1995) "Gestural syllable position effects in American English," In F. Bell-Berti & L.J. Raphael, Eds. Producing Speech: Contemporary Issues (for Kathering Safford Harris). Woodbury, NY: AIP Press, 19-33. NSH 4632 John Kominek


11/20/2003 - Juergen Schroeter and M. Mohan Sondhi, "Speech Coding Based on Physiological Models of Speech Production," In Sadaoki Furui and M. Mohan Sondhi (eds.), Advances in Speech Signal Processing, Marcel Dekker, 1992. NSH 4632 Christina Bennett


11/06/2003 - Richmond, K., King, S. and Taylor, P., "Modelling the Uncertainty in Recovering Articulation from Acoustics", Computer Speech and Language, 2002. ISL lab, NSH 2602 Tomoki Toda


For more information, contact Tina Bennett.