A Java symbol decoder

PGSS Computer Science Core

Inasmuch as it makes sense, these are in order of precedence. Page numbers refer to the relevant page of the course notes.

array index (p 21)
parentheses (p 21)
greater than or equal to (p 22)
less than or equal to (p 22)
greater than (p 22)
less than (p 22)
!logical not (to negate a condition) ==
equals (p 22)
not equals (p 22)
addition (p 21) / string concatenation
subtraction (p 21) / negation (p 21)
logical and (p 22)
logical or (p 22)
multiplication (p 21)
division (ignore remainder if both sides are integers) (p 21)
remainder of division (modulo) (p 21)
=assignment (p 20)
begin a comment ended by end of line (p 26)
statement termination (p 20)
statement block delimiters (p 21)


We separate the keywords of Java into the words we actually use in class and the words we do not. (The latter only matter in that they're invalid variable names.)

Words we use:

break(p 23) else(p 20) if(p 21) new(p 24) return(p 20) void(p 25)
char(p 23) for(p 20) int(p 20) public(p 22) static(p 22) while(p 24)
double(p 24)

Words we do not use:
