Foundations of Robotics
Seminar, August 31, 2006
and Place | Seminar Abstract | Speaker
Biography | Presentation Slides | Speaker
Modeling Dynamics and
Exploring Control of a Single-Wheeled Dynamically Stable Mobile Robot with Arms
Eric Schearer
Wean Hall 4625
Refreshments 2:45 pm
Talk 3:00 pm
This work focuses on simulations of a
dynamically stable mobile robot (Ballbot) with arms. The simulations are
of Ballbot lifting its arms in various directions. A PD arm controller
works independently of an LQR-designed balancing/station keeping controller.
The PD controller drives the arms to follow desired trajectories.
When the arms are raised, Ballbot assumes a leaning equilibrium (the
physical equilibrium) as opposed to the standing equilibrium (body stands
totally upright - a predefined desired equilibrium) that the LQR drives toward.
The conflict between these two equilibria causes the robot to lose its
balance when lifting heavy (10 kg) loads. A unified arm and station
keeping/balancing controller is also described. The unified controller
outperforms the independent controllers in some cases. Balancing only
using arms and driving body movement with arms are briefly explored.
Speaker Appointments |
For appointments, please contact Eric
Schearer (
The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.