The Robotics Institute

RI | Centers | CFR | Seminar

Foundations of Robotics Seminar, February 7, 2007
Time and Place | Seminar Abstract | Speaker Biography | Presentation Slides | Speaker Appointments

Improved Motion Planning Speed and Safety using Regions of Inevitable Collision


Nicholas Chan

Matthew Zucker

James Kuffner


Time and Place

NSH 1507
Refreshments 4:15 pm
Talk 4:30 pm





Providing safety guarantees for autonomous robots operating in environments with moving obstacles is a difficult problem, particularly for underactuated systems or systems with drift due to momentum.  The conventional approach to replanning in dynamic environments typically computes partial plans within the allotted CPU time and validates explored states through robot-obstacle collision checks.  However, this approach cannot provide any safety guarantees for the robot beyond the finite planning horizon. 


In this talk, I will present some new exploratory work involving the approximate computation of "regions of inevitable collision" for state validation in a replanning framework for dynamic systems, and present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique in providing dramatically improved safety for partial plans in the domain of an underactuated dynamic vehicle.


This work was done as part of Nicholas Chan's MS thesis at CMU.



Speaker Appointments

For appointments, please contact James Kuffner.

The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.