Foundations of Robotics
Seminar, October 15, 2008
and Place | Seminar Abstract
Manipulator Path Planning on Constraint Manifolds
Dmitry Berenson
Speaking Qualifier
Carnegie Mellon University - Robotics Institute
NSH 1507
Talk 4:30 pm
This talk will present the Constrained Bi-directional
Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (CBiRRT) algorithm for planning paths in
configuration spaces with multiple constraints. This algorithm handles
a variety of constraints including torque limits, constraints on the
pose of an object held by a robot, and constraints for maintaining
contact with workspace surfaces. CBiRRT is an extension of the
Bi-directional RRT (BiRRT) algorithm that uses projection techniques
to explore the configuration space manifolds that correspond to
constraints and to find bridges between them. Our planner can solve
many problems that the BiRRT cannot, and only requires one additional
parameter; the allowable error for meeting a constraint. Our framework
for handling constraints allows CBiRRT to plan for manipulation tasks
that were previously unachievable in the general case. We demonstrate
the CBiRRT on a 7DOF WAM arm with a 4DOF Barrett hand on a mobile
base. The planner allows this robot to perform household tasks, solve
puzzles, and lift heavy objects.
The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.